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In a few moments it grew quite stiff. A shiver of delight ran through the lovely girl, but she did not awake. With a finger of my other hand I penetrated into the coral passage and began to move it rapidly in and out, while with my other finger I titillated her vagina. Amy, still asleep, replied to my titillations by working her bottom up and down.

"Oh Herbert," she exclaimed, "it is too delightful! Faster darling, faster."

I moved my finger with such extreme rapidity I could feel her vagina beginning to contract on my finger; she wiggled herself to and fro.

"I am coming, darling, dear Herbert, I am com-com-"

She could utter no more, but pushing her bushy mount close up to my hand I felt my fingers endowed with the love potion I had distilled from her. At the moment of discharging she awoke, and opening her eyes gazed with astonishment on me.

"Is it you, dear Kate?" she exclaimed as soon as she could recover her breath. "I really thought it was-" she seemed suddenly to remember and hesitated to finish her sentence.

"You thought it was Herbert Clarence," I remarked.

The lovely girl blushed, but made no reply.

"I saw your proceedings with him yesterday in the arbor," I continued, "but do not be alarmed, dear Amy, for I am willing to confess he has done exactly the same thing to me."

"If that be the case, there need be no reserve between us," replied Amy, and raising from her reclining posture she seized me by the waist and throwing me on the bed she divested me of my chemise almost before I knew what she was about. When she saw my naked body she uttered an exclamation of pleasure and ran her hands rapidly over my charms. She first of all kissed and molded my bubbies, sucking the very nipples-from this she descended to my belly, smoothing it down with her soft hand-at last she attacked me in the very center of pleasure, running her fingers on the hair surmounting my Mons Veneris, opening the lips and gazing curiously in the ruby cavity. Then she seized on my clitoris, exciting it with her lascivious touches, and at last, as if unable to control herself longer, she forced a finger into the deepest recesses of my vagina and commenced to move it rapidly in and out.

"Amy, Amy!" I exclaimed, "you are killing me with pleasure."

"Have you not given me the most intense enjoyment this morning, and shall I not be equally kind to you? But stay, darling," she continued, "I have something that will give you even greater delight."

She suddenly desisted from her manipulations, and running through her trunk took from it an India-rubber dildo, shaped exactly like a man's instrument.

"This is what I amuse myself with when alone," said she, "and now I am going to give you a taste of it. Place yourself on your knees dear Kate, and recline your head on the pillow."

I placed myself in the position she indicated, by which means my buttocks were elevated high in the air.

"How glorious you look in this position, Kate," said Amy, pressing her hands over my bottom. "What a pretty object is your bijou between your swelling thighs, how closely the plump lips come together and how delicately they are shaded by the curling hair growing on that precious buttock! I must-I must kiss it."

So saying she stooped down and imprinted a long kiss on the object presented to her regard-nay, she did more, for I actually felt her tongue divide the mysterious portals of Venus and penetrate into the most secret recesses of my covered way of love, rendering me almost crazy with the delicious titillation. She was one of the most lascivious girls I ever met with, and evidently enjoyed one of her own sex almost as much as she did one of the male kind. She moved her tongue rapidly for a few moments and I verily believe, had she continued five seconds longer, I should have spent in her mouth. But she suddenly ceased.

"Now, darling, for something more substantial," she exclaimed.

And bringing the point of the dildo to the entrance of my vagina, she suddenly plunged it to the very hilt into my glowing sheath. She now commenced to move it in and out of me somewhat slowly, as if for the purpose of prolonging my exquisite feelings. Soon, however, she saw by the motion of my buttocks that I was on the eve of discharging, and placing her hand scientifically between my thighs, she titillated my clitoris and bottom at the same moment, while with the other hand she drove the dildo with lightning rapidity into my lustful cavity. I could hold out no longer.

"I must come, dearest Amy," I gasped. "There-there-th-"

And with a half murmured ejaculation of pleasure I poured down a flood of love's tide and sank motionless on my belly in the bed.

In a few minutes I recovered and we both lay side by side. Again and again we tasted bliss in each other's arms, I sought to repay her for the delights she had afforded me, and I may say, I succeeded. At last we were unable to do anything more and fell asleep in each other's arms. We were awakened by a tap at the door. Amy rose up and ran to open it and who should be there but Mr. Clarence. A few hurried whispers ensued between them, then Herbert stepped into the room.

"Dear Kate," said he, coming to me as I lay in bed. "Amy has informed me that you have come to a good understanding together, and I need not tell you how much gratified I am to hear it. God forbid that two such beautiful girls should be rivals. I love you both and I believe I can satisfy you both. My wife, tomorrow, goes to Philadelphia to spend a few days-there is no reason we should not enjoy pleasure all together. I propose that tomorrow evening shall be our initiation-we shall have the house entirely to ourselves. Do you consent, Kate?"

"Willingly," I replied. Jumping up from my bed, regardless of the exposure of my person, and throwing my arms around his neck, I kissed him on the lips.

"What do you say, Amy, do you consent?"

"I shall like it most of all things," replied his sister-in-law, following my example. As we both hung about his neck he pressed us to him, and the sight of our naked charms evidently affected him, and I thought he would there and then give us proof of his prowess, but he controlled himself and advised us to husband our strength for the following night as he intended to do. He then kissed us both and retired from the chamber.

Chapter IV


The next day at two o'clock Mrs. Clarence and her two children started for Philadelphia, leaving Amy, Mr. Herbert and myself the sole occupants of Riverside Lodge. We passed a delightful afternoon together, wandering about the grounds, reading amorous books, and filling up intervals with tender conversation. I found Amy to be a very intelligent girl who conversed on almost every subject. We stayed out in the open air until it began to grow dark, then we all reentered the house. We then sat down to a delicious repast followed by a bottle or two of champagne. The wine caused our eyes to sparkle and unloosened our tongues.