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“I like to be naked,” she purred.

“Doesn’t anybody ever complain?”

She grinned at me as if I’d made a joke and finished the rest of the drink.

“You selling anything?”

“No, are you?”

“It’s sold,” she said. “You want Lenny, don’t you?”

“That’s right,” I lied.

“He isn’t here but you can come in and wait.”

She held the door open and closed it behind me. Now it was just what I had expected. Plush, Real plush. There was a room with books, a room with a bar, rooms with all the fineries of life and a special room with an oversized bed that was ready for use.

I looked at everything there was to see, but I had to quit sometime, and there she was, curled up in an overstuffed easy chair, naked as hell, watching me over the rim of a fresh drink. You don’t describe naked women when you walk right in and find them like that. They’re just naked, that’s all. They’re kind of white and soft and everything seems to be in motion all at once. Watch ’em for just a little while and all of a sudden you’re used to them and it’s over with. Then you can talk.

I said, “How long have you been around, Sis?”

“Oh, a long time. For years and years. Are you a cop?” Before I could answer she shook her head, making her hair ripple down her back. “No, you wouldn’t be a cop. A cop would never have come in. A friend?” Her head shook again. “That couldn’t be it either. A friend would know better than to come in. A reporter maybe? Nope, not a reporter or I should have been raped.” She giggled and sipped her drink, making a pretense of being serious. “You must be an enemy. That’s the answer.”

I lit a cigarette and waited until she put the drink down. She had to uncurl to reach the coffee table and did it with a lazy snaky motion. She leaned back in the chair and stretched, her breast taut, then pulled her stomach in and relaxed. “Do you know what Lenny’ll do to you if he finds you here?”

“No, tell me about it.”

Another insane giggle. “That would spoil the fun. No, I’ll wait. You can talk and look at me while we wait. All you want to.” She reached for the glass again, struggled to claw out an ice cube and held it while she sucked on it. “Now talk,” she said.

“Ever know a girl named Vera West?”

The ice cube dropped in her lap. She got it back after a frenzied search and frowned at me. “Lenny isn’t going to like you.”

“I don’t expect him to. What about it?”

“I heard of her.”

“Where is she?”

“Oh, she gone and I’m taking care of Lenny now. Who cares?”

“I care, Sis. Where is she?”

She tossed her head impatiently. “How would I know. She’s been gone so long nobody knows. One time she was here, then she was gone. Just like that. Besides, I don’t like her.”


“Lenny talks about her, that’s why. He gets drunk sometimes and calls me by her name and sometimes I hear him swearing at her in his sleep. As long as he’s swearing I don’t care, but I don’t like him calling me with her name.”

“What would happen if Lenny found her?”

“I know what would happen if I found her.”

She plopped the ice cube in her mouth, washed it around until it was melted then swallowed it. It must have made a cold track going down because she got gooseflesh all over. There was a lot of her to get gooseflesh. She shivered as if she liked it and reached out for another. This time she really stretched out for my benefit, making sure I didn’t miss anything. I think she was starting to get mad.

I said, “What would happen?”

Her tongue toyed with the ice cube. “I’d fix her so no man would ever want to look at her again. I’d fix her good. Someday I’ll find her. I think I know how, too.”

“You do? How?”

Something happened in her eyes. They started to match her hair. “What’ll you give me if I tell you?”

“What do you want?”

“That’s a silly question.”

There was no doubt about her eyes. They were simmering coals waiting to be blown into life. They were half shielded by her lids so they looked lazy, but they weren’t. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen eyes like hers either.

I said. “Lenny’s nuts about you, isn’t he?”

“Certainly.” She dragged the word out. “Lenny’s oversexed too.”

I pushed up out of the chair. “Excuse me. Be right back.” She didn’t say anything so I walked through the room. It only took a couple minutes to find out what I wanted to find out. On the dresser in the bedroom was a small fortune in diamonds and a slightly smaller fortune in pearls was strung over the tap in the bathroom sink. Her pocketbook was on the telephone stand and there were C notes stuffed in it with a few fins like poor relations guarding the roll.

No place in the house was there even so much as a pair of lace panties.

Lenny was so nuts about his little chipmunk that he wasn’t taking any chances on her leaving the nest. The only way he could keep his nymph at home was to garnishee her clothes and I couldn’t think of a better way if I tried.

When I went back inside she wasn’t in the chair. She was stretched out on the couch with a cigarette in each hand daring me to come over and have a smoke. I took the dare. I reached for the cigarette but I wasn’t watching close enough. She twisted it and touched the hot tip to my hand and laughed when my mouth went tight.

To her it was fun. A very nice little chipmunk. She and Lenny must have had some great times together.

“You mentioned something about finding Vera West,” I reminded her.

“Vera? Oh... I did, didn’t I.”

I said, “Maybe I better ask Lenny like I came here to. When will he be back?”

She twisted on the couch, doing things that were supposed to make me forget what I came for. “Oh, not for hours and hours,” she grinned.

Those kind of games I could play too. It was an awful waste, but she was too naked to be exciting. She should have used a curtain or something. Anything. I flipped the lit butt and it landed right on her belly. Her eyes popped open wide and she doubled up with a curse. It was funnier than with the ice cube.

I laughed once and started off to the door. I looked back in case she was getting ready to throw something. A dame like that can go off the handle pretty hard.

Hell, she wasn’t even mad. She was grinning and her eyes were brighter than her hair. “I have some mean things I’m going to do to you for that,” she said. The pause between her words slowed me down. “When you come back,” she added softly.

I pushed the button and waited for the elevator to come back up. My reflection was grinning at me in the black glass window of the door. Nice having a couple of red hots throw themselves at you in the same half hour. Some town, this Lyncastle.

The super had his apartment in the back of the building. He was short, bald and toothless, but the thousands of ash barrels he had hefted gave him arms like kegs. Before I said anything I held up a ten-spot and let him look at it.

He liked it.

He showed me his gums and picked it out of my fingers. “Come on in.”

When he picked a couple of dirty undershirts off the chairs in the living room he nodded for me to sit down. He squatted across the room from me still playing with the bill. “So you’re nosing for news. Who of? Servo? The whores on the top floor?”

“You catch on quick, don’t you?”

“Nah. Them’s the only two in the place anybody’d pay for news of.”

“Who else has been asking?”

“You a cop?”



“Nobody that counts. I just want information”

“Okay. The whores pay off to the cops. They send people around to ask how business is. It’s good, they pay steeper, you know?”