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The strange part came when I thought about the future. Uncle Press had been my guide. Though I wasn’t freaking out twenty-four-seven anymore, I still didn’t know much more about being a Traveler than when I started. Up until now, if I was confused about something, I could turn to Uncle Press. He wouldn’t always give me the answer, but I always felt as if he was pointing us in the right direction.

Now I was on my own. The biggest question now was, what next? I seriously thought about getting back to Second Earth and hiding under your bed, Mark. You could feed me leftover mac and cheese, nobody would know where I was, and I’d never have to think about anyone named Saint or Dane again.

But that wasn’t going to happen. The real question was, should I chase Saint Dane to Veelox? That’s the last territory he flumed to. I wasn’t sure if it was the right step or not, but if it was, I didn’t want to go alone. Loor was gone. After spending a few days on GralUon, she returned to Zadaa. Tensions there were growing worse, and she feared that something nasty could happen anytime. She wanted to be there and I didn’t blame her.

That left Spader. He would be a great partner. We had become friends before things went south and now that things were calm again, we rekindled our friendship. I knew he would go with me, but I was still nervous about how he would handle Saint Dane. I didn’t want him getting all out-of-control crazy again. I figured the best way to deal with my worries was to put them on the table. So one evening after dinner, Spader and I took a walk through the farm.

“I have to leave,” I said. “Cloral is past the turning point. There’s no reason to stay here.”

“Even for the great fishing?” asked Spader with a laugh. He was kidding. I knew it. He then said, “Where will you go?”

“Veelox, I guess,” was my answer. “That’s where Saint Dane went.” Of course, I’d rather go someplace where Saint Danewasn’t, but that’s not how it works.

“Ever been there?” he asked.

“Nope. Don’t have a clue about the place. Uncle Press was always my tour guide but now, well…” I didn’t have to finish my sentence. We walked along in silence for a while. I wasn’t sure how to ask him if he wanted to go with me. More important, I didn’t know how to ask him if he was going to be a loose cannon and get us both killed.

“I want to go with you,” Spader said. That took care of that problem. “I’m a Traveler, right? That’s what Travelers do. If Cloral is safe now, there’s no reason for me to be here either.”

“Spader, I — “

“You don’t have to worry about me, Pendragon,” he said sincerely. “I’m with the program. I meant what I said before. It’s not about getting revenge on Saint Dane. It’s about stopping him from hurting the territories. Look, mate, it was a rough time. I was out of my head. But I’m back now, and I want to go with you.”

That pretty much covered all the points I didn’t know how to bring up with him. That was easy. The question was, did I believe him?

“You need me, Pendragon,” Spader added.

That brings me to where I am right now, sitting in my quarters on Grallion, writing this journal. Tomorrow, Spader and I are going to leave. Our destination: Veelox. Whateverthatis.

Writing this all down was hard, but believe it or not, it’s made me feel a little better. Looking back on the events that led to the salvation of Cloral made me realize how important our mission is. Uncle Press always told me this, but it took seeing it for myself, again, to understand. I have no idea what we’ll find on Veelox, or how we should begin hunting for Saint Dane. I guarantee he won’t be walking around with a sign saying: hi, bobby, hereiam! I’m sure he’ll take on some disguise and be working his evil magic just as he did with Denduron and Cloral. The biggest difference will be that I won’t have As I finish writing this journal, I have to say how Uncle Press’s last words are really helping keep my head together. He said, no, he promisedthat we would be together again. I’m not sure how that’s possible, besides meeting up in heaven or something. But I don’t think that’s what he meant. The more I think about it, the more I realize he was talking about actually being together again. For real. In this lifetime.

Of course, that raises the biggest question of all. Where exactly is here? For that matter, when is now? That all depends on what territory you happen to be on. For the first time I’m beginning to see some amazing possibilities. I wonder how many territories there are? Are they all like the ones we’ve been on so far, or is it possible to flume into a whole ‘nother plane of existence? The potential is incredibly exciting, and makes my head hurt.

This is where I will end it, guys. I’ll send this off to you and then get some sleep. Please know that I miss you both. I hope I can get back there soon. Thank you again for reading my journals and keeping them safe. You are the light of reality in my otherwise dark and confused new life.




Mark and Courtney rodein the back of a black-and-white police cruiser on their way to the Stony Brook Police Station. They had been picked up at Mark’s house by a nice cop named Officer Wilson. When he showed up at the door, Mark half expected him to say: “You’re under arrest, slimeball!” and slap the cuffs on him. But that didn’t happen. He was all friendly and as they rode along he even offered to put the siren on for them. Mark had to fight back the urge to say: “Yeah, go for it!” The kid in him thought it would be cool, but this was serious business, not time for fun. It also didn’t help that Courtney gave him a sharp look that said: “If you say yes to the siren, I’ll clock you.” They rode in silence.

Both were a little bit stunned. They had finished reading Bobby’s last journal and had just learned that Press was dead. They had met Press a few times and gotten to know him better through Bobby’s journals. Hearing about his tragic death was a shock. Of course it helped that Bobby and company had kicked some serious butt on Cloral. It took some of the sting away. They were already anticipating what they would hear from the territory of Veelox. But riding above these thoughts was the reality they faced in their own world, here and now.

Mark had a pretty good idea why Captain Hirsch had called them. It was about the journals Andy Mitchell had stolen. He was sure that Mitchell had turned them in to the police to get the reward. Why else would Captain Hirsch want them to come in?

Mark and Courtney had met the captain months before. They were the first ones to alert the police that Bobby and his family were missing. But since that meeting, they learned the truth about what had happened to Bobby through his journals. Though they didn’t have any idea where the Pendragons had gone, they knew nowwhythey had disappeared. They were here to raise Bobby to become a Traveler, and their job was complete. That’s why they left to go… somewhere.

Mark and Courtney never told the police what they knew. It was just too unbelievable. They were afraid they would be locked up in some hospital for the mentally deranged, or become suspects in the investigation they started themselves. Worse, they were afraid if people found out about the truth, it would make it harder for the Travelers to complete their mission — especially when it brought them here to Second Earth. So after lots of discussion and thought, Mark and Courtney decided to keep the truth a secret.

But now, with Andy Mitchell bringing the journals to the police, it was possible this whole thing could blow up in their faces.

Those were the worries going through Mark’s mind as Officer Wilson pulled into the parking lot of the Stony Brook Police Station. Both he and Courtney tried to act all casual, as if nothing were wrong. They had to be very careful about what they said to the police, or they could find themselves in deep trouble.