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Among the group, Sergeant Riker spent the least amount of time in debriefing. He knew what the experts would want and gave concise statements.

Afterward, he headed to Geneva and a waiting Captain Maddox. There was no rest for the damned of the Star Watch Intelligence Service.

* * *

Doctor Rich never went to an official debriefing. She remained in the Oort Cloud, taking up residence on the SWS Battleship Antietam. She received notification of a pardon regarding her crimes against the Social Syndicate of Rigel. As of that moment, she wouldn’t have to worry about returning to Loki Prime.

She accepted the honorary rank of colonel in the Star Watch Marines. Then she headed the A-team that worked aboard the alien starship. No one knew as much as she did about it, and Star Watch Command wanted these new technologies as soon as possible.

War was coming against the New Men. Humanity was going to need every advantage it could squeeze in.

* * *

Meta spent six long weeks in debriefing in the underground Leif Erickson Center in Iceland. She also received a pardon. A major offered her the chance to join Star Watch. She turned him down.

Finally, they released her. Meta flew to New York City. She planned to leave Earth for good. Before she boarded a shuttle to a waiting star liner, Captain Maddox intercepted her.

They spoke for a time. Finally, Maddox bent near as if to whisper in her ear. He kissed her lingeringly. Afterward, he asked her if she’d like to dine with him that evening.

Meta accepted his offer, and remained on Earth for a time, spending the majority of her stay with Captain Maddox. They were among the happiest weeks of her life.

The End

Thanks Reader! I hope you enjoyed The Lost Starship. If you liked the book and would like to see it become a series, please put up some stars and a review to support it. Let new readers know what’s in store for them.

—Vaughn Heppner


Copyright © 2014 by the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.