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Joining the air armada now came a flight of half a dozen helicopter gunships, presumably flying out of the Tauran-held Transitway Area, or perhaps even from something at sea.

Hmmm . . . more proof of Anglians.

The helicopter gunships didn't carry anything like the airplanes' firepower. They made up for that lack, however, in the attention to detail they could apply to a mission. By the glow of the burning buildings, Carrera could make out the gunships' track as they shot down legionaries attempting to flee from them.

Holding a fist in front of his chest, Carrera spoke out loud to himself. "Now" he commanded to no one who could hear. "Now! Report that the area is clear enough to jump."

Carrera's order, or prayer, or wish, was quickly rewarded. Under the bright moonlight, he saw the outlines of the first of twenty-four medium and fourteen large cargo transports and troop carriers, approaching the Lago Sombrero airfield. Coming in low, Carrera thought maybe just over one hundred and twenty meters, these planes began disgorging their loads—over fifteen hundred Paras of the Royal Anglian Airborne Regiment. At that altitude the Paras didn't even bother with reserve chutes. If their main parachutes failed there wouldn't be time to open the reserves anyway.

I wonder what friends I have up there, jumping to their deaths.

The first of the medium transports made its pass over the airfield and surrounding cleared area in about forty seconds. Then, duty discharged, it turned to head for home. Others, in a long double trail behind it, were still dropping troops. Hundreds of these were already on the ground struggling to free themselves from their parachutes and harnesses. When Carrera was sure that enough had landed to guarantee the others would also land despite any danger he shouted down to Soult, "Jamey, radio silence off. Get on the horn to fire the caltrops. Tell Rogachev to roll."

The boys must have felt the shuddering bombs even deep down in their concrete hides. Carrera heard song, boyish voices supplemented by older ones, coming from the now opening vault doors:

"A young tribe stands up, ready to fight.

Raise the eagles higher, mis compadres.

We feel inside the time is right,

La época de los soldados jóvenes.

High, from His Heaven, the God of battles calls us.

Ahead, in ranks, march the ghosts of our slain.

And in our hearts no fear of falling.

Legion, Patria, through the steel rain!"

Carrera looked skyward, past the incoming transports, and whispered, "Enjoy the show, Marguerite."

Appendix A: Glossary


Aide de Camp, an assistant to a senior officer

Ala Pluraclass="underline" Alae.

Latin: Wing, as in wing of cavalry. Air Wing in the Legion. Similar to Tercio, qv.


Arabic: Brigadier General

Antania Pluraclass="underline" Antaniae

Septic mouthed winged reptilians, possibly genengineered by the Noahs, AKA Moonbats


Barco de la Legion, Ship of the Legion


Moon of Terra Nova


A fruit bearing vine, believed to have been genengineered by the Noahs. The fruit is intensely poisonous to intelligent life.


Spanish: Hunter. Similar to Chasseur, Jaeger and Ranger. Light Infantry, especially selected and trained. Also a combat leader selection course within the Legion del Cid


A grain of Terra Nova, apparently not native to Old Earth.


Latin: Fleet or Naval Squadron


Battalion, though in the Legion these are large battalions.


Metal shipping container, generally 8' x 8' x 20' or 40'


When capitalized, the governing council of Old Earth, formerly the United Nations Security Council.

Corona Civilis

Latin. Civic Crown. One of approximately thirty-seven awards available in the Legion for specific and noteworthy events. The Civic Crown is given for saving the life of a soldier on the battlefield at risk of one's own.


Medical evacuation, typically by air


Moon of Terra Nova


Sp. Shotgun.

Estado Major

Sp. General Staff and, by extension, the building which houses it.

Federated States Drachma.

Unit of money equivalent in value to 4.2 grams of silver


Moon of Terra Nova


Shrine or temple


A plant of Terra Nova from which an alkaloid substance is refined


Roman number one. Chief Operations Officer, his office, and his staff section


Operations officer dealing mostly with fire and maneuver, his office and his section, S- or G-3


Logistics Officer, his office and his section, S- or G-4


Intelligence Officer, his office and his section, S- or G-2


Adjutant, Personnel Officer, his office and his section, S- or G-1


Arabic: Brotherhood


Volgan built tank in legionary service

Jaguar II

Improved Jaguar


Special tax levied against non-Moslems living in Moslem lands.


Underground aqueduct system


Folded cloth Arab headdress


Kilometer. Note: Democracy ends where the metric system begins.


Cosmopolitan Progressive. Similar to Tranzi on Old Earth


Arabic: Major General


Lightweight silk and liquid metal torso armor used by the Legion


Landing Zone, a place where helicopters drop off troops and equipment



Makkah al Jedidah

Arabic: New Mecca

Mañana sera mejor

Balboan politico-military song. Tomorrow will be better.


Multiple Rocket Launcher
