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IX. Encircling Twin Lotuses

In one corner of a beauty’s red chamber, which is elegantly decorated, stands a Western-style dresser. It has a long mirror in the center and individual chests on either side. She sits on one of the chests, smiling radiantly, while he stands by the mirror, facing her. She tightly clasps him around the back, with her legs encircling his waist, and her tiny hooks press his back and signal him to move as she desires. She wears either red-embroidered soft shoes or white silk stockings; her tiny feet resemble twin spring bamboo shoots when parallel and twin lotuses when crossed. He clasps his right hand around her neck and kisses her, while with his left hand he plays endlessly with her feet from behind his back. They look into the mirror and see both lotuses and lovers paired. The paradise they enter is as indescribable as the pleasures they enjoy.

X. Bright Flower, Concealed Willow

Preparing for sleep, she has just removed make-up and clothes. He sprawls on the bed, half reclined on the pillow, facing inwards. One foot is stretched out; the other hangs beside the bed. She sits, resting her thighs on his stomach, and turns her head to look into his eyes. Her left thigh traverses his knee, with the tiny shoe curled upwards. It is shaped like a new moon, but dazzlingly bright. Her right thigh crosses her left, with her knee drawn up to place the bare lotus in his left palm. He grasps the beautiful hook and gets the sensations of its being pointed, slender, soft, and tiny. Twin lotuses, twin delight; the bright one for visual pleasure, the bared one for playful palm manipulation. Intercourse in this position leads to a continual increase of excite­ment, verifying the saying about bowed shoes being a soul destroyer.

XI. Lovebird on One Foot

It is a cool mid-autumn night, with a soothing moon shining overhead. He sits on a stone stool; she stands enticingly before him, bending her head towards his. Clasping his neck with her right arm, she balances herself on the right foot only. Her left foot, enclosed like its partner in embroidered red bowed shoes, is drawn upwards. She takes off her left shoe and places the revealed lotus in his left palm. He enfolds her tiny waist with his right arm and raises his head to kiss her as she leans forward. They bite each other’s tongue. Their souls are assured a sublimity beyond Heaven, with tongues caressing, one lotus touching earth, looking like a red pepper, and the other in his hand like a spring bamboo shoot.

XII. Heavenly Hooks in Palms

She is nude in a room illumined by electric light. She lies in bed on her side, thighs drawn up towards her chest and spread apart. She lies across the bed and he lies at the edge of it, length­wise. With buttocks joined together, their bodies in union look like the letter “T.” He holds her lotuses tightly, and rhythmical movements are easily regulated. Sometimes she kneels on the bed, on her knees, with body bending downward but ankles inclined upward. He stands to the rear of her and has intercourse from behind while holding the twin lotuses. This reverses the first technique mentioned. Whether the lotuses are stockinged or bared, desires are aroused with a single touch. The feeling of soft­ness and smoothness is beyond description; pleasure is increased by holding them tightly and fiercely.

XIII. Embracing Soft Jade

On a snowy night, they talk intimately by the stove. They feel desire rising and go to bed hand in hand, facing one another under the lovebird coverlets. He lies on his side, while she bends her left arm to support her cheek with the palm. Her legs are drawn up towards the chest, with ankles crossed. She puts her bare lotuses in his embrace, and he presses them to his bosom. Their love is tender, the lotuses soft and fine, and her twin rising peaks rich and full. Fragrant, warm, smooth, and soft; spring is everywhere.

XIV. Twinfold Joy of Bamboo Shoots

Two nudes lie down, inside hibiscus curtains. She removes the bindings to please him with the bare lotuses. He lies on his side, half reclining on a pillow, and presses his chest tightly against her back. His right hand reaches under her right armpit to caress her breast. His legs clasp her right thigh as well as one bare lotus. She draws up her left thigh in order to place the bared left lotus in his left palm. The jade-like bamboo shoots are pointed and fine, glossy and flawless. In his palms, they feel warm and as soft as silk, with the skin as slippery as grease. Twinfold pleasure is created from either playing with the plantar or from squeezing the entire lotus. How can you describe the delight of lotuses which overflow with fragrance?

XV. A Head Inserted in Lotus Petals

Inside a silk curtain filled with the ardor of youth, she lies on her back, head pillowed on forearm and thighs spread apart. He supports himself on his arms as he crouches over her, with head raised and knees bent. She lifts up her bare lotuses and places them on his shoulders in such a way that they tightly press against his cheeks. They play with his face and touch his nostrils; their fragrance overflows his lips and teeth. And this jade bamboo shoot contemplation so satisfies the five senses that all other flavors of life are obliterated.

XVI. Jade Claws Touching The Cave

They sleep on floor mats on a hot summer’s night. The cool midnight air awakens in him a superabundance of desire. He relaxes limbs and lies on his back, legs bent in such a way that the plantars join one another. She crouches over him, supported by her arms, with her legs stretched out so that the tips of the bare lotuses touch his plantars. He fondles her breasts with his hands; pleasure is felt in every limb, with hands on breasts and feet touching lotuses. As the jade claws move up and down, the plantar is scratched in its most ticklish spot. The satisfaction and thrill are indescribable.

XVII. Two Dragons Playing With A Pearl

The moon shines through a window; it is in the depths of the night. Waiting for his return, she has fallen asleep from fatigue, and the red tips of tiny shoes emerge slightly from the corner of the bedcovers. He returns and is delighted by the sight. Drawing down the curtains, he eagerly grasps and plays with the phoenix tips. He is still not satisfied, so she removes embroidered shoes and bindings. Her white lotuses are pointed and fine, beautiful as polished jade or a mound of powder. She lifts twin hooks and caresses his sex by rubbing them up and down against it, and they bull it about like two dragons playing with a pearl. It finally becomes as soft as if a mere breeze could blow it down; the intense delight is such as he has never before enjoyed. This marvel is still another special benefit accruing from the lotus.

XVIII. Upside Down Lovers

It is an old scholarly platitude that lovers make love side by side, but that to turn upside down is unusual. On a splendid spring night, pillows separate accuser and defendant. He lies on his back in a reclining chair, legs stretched out and pillows under the waist. She kneels and sits on his stomach, facing in the same direction. Her ankles are lifted upwards but the lotuses recline downwards to fit into his palms. He can play with them any way he likes. There are three stages in the playing process. First he plays with the tiny three-inch embroidered shoes she has on, which are red, pointed, thin, and narrow like a water chestnut. They are brightly colored and cleverly designed, with beautiful needlework, rivaling nature in artistry. Then the shoes are removed, revealing silk stockings shaped like a new moon. Her feet have pointed tips and slender heels. They are beautifully curved and are unmarred in contour from instep to plantar.