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Our country’s footbinding has become a type of backward practice in world history. Nowhere was woman confined more severely than through this. It should naturally be annihilated and become an unheard of phenomenon. But I did not mind using my energy and words to write this in order to indicate something of the utilities of the lotus and its holy mysteries, which survived a millennium. I have discussed it boldly, without regard for my own person, and spoken of things men dare not speak of and consider trifling, in order to bequeath a true record of the history of the lotus and indicate its true manifestations.

Chapter Seven

Reckless and Cruel Treatment of the Drunken Lotus

This allegedly true story concerns the sexual aberrations of a widely traveled and well-to-do lotus enthusiast. His sadistic treatment of concubines and infliction of pain on the tiny feet are recorded in convincing detail.

This is about a friend whom I shall refer to by the assumed named of Green Crane, since he is still living. He lost both parents in his youth and was reared by his grandmother. He was attractive-looking, discerning in intellect, and well-versed in poetry, history, classics, and philosophy. He grew up to be an extreme lotus addict, one who naturally inclined towards sexual indulgence. He was first engaged to marry a beautiful maternal cousin; however, her feet had already been let out because of educational influences. Green Crane felt this defect keenly and was spiritually overwhelmed everytime he saw the tiny and superlative hooks of his fiancee’s cousins Moon Resplendent and Moon Beauty. He finally made this proposal to his fiancee: “If the two Moons became your reinforcements, your virtue in allowing this would far exceed that of Emperor Yao’s daughter in antiquity, who had no objection when a sister joined her in wedding Shun.” When Green Crane’s wife-to-be revealed his intent to her uncle on the day of their marriage, the uncle was vehement in his opposition: “Green Crane, enjoying his present good fortune, now wishes to take away the other daughters of my household! If this is his real sentiment, he is wasting his time in speaking about it.” The two Moons were forbidden to see him again, causing him almost to perish from sorrow. A few days later, he left his bride with these parting words: “There are many beautiful women under the Heavens, and I vow to get them all.” He ranged north and south and one after another visited the provinces of Hopei, Shantung, Honan, Shansi, Shensi, Kansu, Chekiang, and Szechwan. He immersed himself in lotus and wine and upon satisfying his pleasures moved on. He returned after two years, during which time he had possessed more than a hundred women. There were eight virgins among them, two each from Suchow and Shensi, one each from Che­kiang, Honan, Kansu, and Shansi. They were all satisfying tiny-footed beauties.

Green Crane took in the virgins as concubines, bought three more Suchow maids, and returned home. His imposing family domain included a large house and spacious, well-landscaped gardens and pavilions. A hall named Concealed Spring had utterly luxurious embroidered curtains and innumerable paint­ings of love. He and his concubines were depicted in every one of them, in a variety of appealing poses. The women might disclose their tightly confined breasts, have their lotuses raised, be wearing sleeping shoes or silk stockings, or have unraveled their bindings. The man might be smilingly grasping the lotuses while the woman looks at him sensually as she lies either under or on top of him. Green Crane probably had these paintings made in Peking from actual photographs.

Green Crane practiced Taoist breathing exercises and was addicted to manifold sensual pleasures. His tool was superla­tively imposing, and he could only be satisfied by having inter­course with several women nightly. He treated his women very strictly and cruelly. He said that a man should behave towards women as a great general might towards his favorite horses.

And every day a general had his horses cleaned meticulously and readied for combat. His theory was that because men were generally too lenient in controlling women, they found it diffi­cult to secure meritorious feminine valor in front line battle. He also said that a horse’s might could not be displayed unless it were subjected to pain and that this was why spurs were pressed against its belly. Women likewise had no way to display their beauty except through suffering pain. The use of aphrodysiacs and lewd instruments made women pliable, and the acme of pleasure for both partners was to be sought in the tiny foot. Every one of his concubines and maids walked with the elegant lotus step. When he had intercourse, he always grasped the lotuses tightly and bit them, not desisting until he had caused extreme pain. The bound foot was of first significance, for through it was effected a compliant and elegant feminine attitude.

Green Crane also said that the bashfulness of a virgin could cause a man to lose his soul. At the moment of defloration, he tightly grasped the twin hooks in order to make her suffer a two­fold pain. She cried and begged in a persuasive tone, her eye­brows knitted, her tears flowed, her lotuses kicked about in vain, and her willow waist twisted as she tried to escape. This certainly excelled having intercourse with a non-virgin, who could be aroused merely by lightly scratching the plantar with bindings removed and who might giggle and become dissipated. But since the pleasure from a virgin lasted only briefly, he advised that one concentrate on this amusement and not let the pleasure go by without gaining from it.

It was Green Crane’s conviction that only through bound feet could one get a virgin-like pleasure from a non-virgin. Order the woman to adorn herself, he said, have her bathe in perfumed water, and have her feet washed. Then have another woman bind her feet most tightly, ignoring her frowning or even sob­bing. After this binding, her feet will feel as if they are on fire and will gradually become numb. Then order her to wear soft-soled red embroidered shoes, and tell her to have two used binding cloths ready for use. Now she will know that suffering is near but will have no way to escape. She will become timidly fearful, like a child about to have its feet bound or a virgin about to be deflorated. At this time the man sprawls naked on the bed, with male member exposed, intimidating her with his fierce laughter. She tremblingly offers her bound feet, while he orders her to remove her clothing and await his pleasure. But when she has only removed her skirt, he unbuttons her blouse so that two chicken heads can be seen from within. They are so slippery that they elude one’s grasp, hampered by a dazzling red-embroidered brassiere placed between her golden armor. He then takes the used binding cloths and ties her ankles and shins to the curtains so that they are suspended in mid-air and pene­trates her slightly-opened vagina. The blood flows upwards towards her thighs and accumulates in her private parts, which become extremely full and tight. During intercourse, he grasps her golden lotuses, lightly kisses her fragrant breasts, embraces her tiny waist, and holds her fragrant tongue in his mouth. Everything is exactly according to his wishes. Even though it is hard to insert his member through such a tight obstruction, he receives the overall sensation of slippery smoothness and a com­fort like that of a babe nursing at its mother’s breast. His swollen member resembles a frozen snake boring into a hole, the center of which is sealed off tightly. The beauty of this experience is unparalleled, and it is not like that of the virgin’s single attrac­tion, namely a tight obstruction. After the woman had inter­course as described, she had to rest for three days before she could resume relations. This was one of the strange punishments used for subduing women.