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  22. On September 18 Ibid., 97.

  23. “He never forgot I was writing” Author interview with Joe McGinniss.

  24. “We’re doing all right” McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 97.

  25. “Nixon gets bored” Ibid., 98–103.

  26. The Philadelphia taping Ibid., 103–5; “Nixon in Pennsylvania” (DVD of Philadelphia campaign broadcast), Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum.

  27. He questioned McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 106–11.

  28. After the taping Kenworthy, “ ‘The Richard Nixon Show’ on TV Lets Candidate Answer Panel’s Questions.”

  29. “Mr. Nixon came off” Memo from Roger Ailes to Leonard Garment and Frank Shakespeare, Sept. 27, 1968.

  30. “Boy, is he going” McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 111.

  31. On September 30 R. W. Apple Jr., “Humphrey Vows Halt in Bombing if Hanoi Reacts; a ‘Risk for Peace,’ ” New York Times, Oct. 1, 1968.

  32. Shakespeare McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 134.

  33. “My honest opinion was” “Nixon’s Roger Ailes,” Washington Post.

  34. Ailes gave a candid interview Robert Windeler, “Nixon’s Television Aide Says Candidate ‘Is Not a Child of TV,’ ” New York Times, Oct. 9, 1968.

  35. Ten days later Crocker Snow Jr., “Nixon in Boston Tonight,” Boston Globe, Oct. 17, 1968. See also McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 129.

  36. On October 25 McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 133.

  37. Kevin Phillips Kevin P. Phillips, “The Emerging Republican Majority” (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1969).

  38. On Sunday, Nixon reversed McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 136–37.

  39. To blow off steam Ibid., 148. See also Garment, Crazy Rhythm, 135.

  40. “It’s going to be a dull” McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 149.

  41. The Humphrey telethon White, The Making of the President 1968, 456, McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 136–37.

  42. “That’s crazy” McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 156.

  43. Rick Rosner Author interview with former Mike Douglas producer Rick Rosner.

  44. Throughout the evening Arlen J. Large, “Mr. Nixon on TV: ‘Man in the Arena,’ ” Wall Street Journal, Oct. 1, 1969.

  45. After breakfast McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 160–61; author interview with Joe McGinniss.

  46. Ailes had arranged for Marje McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 162.

  47. A slew of White, The Making of the President 1968, 456, 458.

  48. Then, triumph Ibid., 459–61.

  49. Ailes watched McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 164.

  50. “I saw many signs” Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, Nixon in the White House: The Frustration of Power (New York: Random House, 1971), 33–34.

  51. “I remember my dad” E. G. Marshall, “Television & the Presidency,” Part 13, 1984, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky30KChtz_Y.

  52. “This is it” McGinniss, The Selling of the President, 162.

  53. “may have made that up” William Safire, “The Way Forward,” New York Times Magazine, Sept. 2, 2007. In November 1968, a New York Times reporter tracked down a Deshler girl with such a sign and the paper ran a story about her, accompanied by an Associated Press photo of her holding the sign. See Anthony Ripley, “Ohio Girl, 13, Recalls ‘Bring Us Together’ Placard,” New York Times, Nov. 7, 1968. Safire later wrote, “When I asked Dick Moore years later if he had really spotted that girl or whether he had imagined the sign that day, his eyes took on a faraway look.” William Safire, Safire’s Political Dictionary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 83.

  54. “I decided that after the campaign” Harris, Mike Douglas, 122.

  55. Ailes and McGinniss Author interview with Joe McGinniss.

  56. Even before the campaign was over Author interview with Philadelphia lawyer Ronald Kidd.

  57. He called it REA Productions Articles of Incorporation filed with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of State, Corporation Bureau, Oct. 28, 1968.

  58. At a Pennsylvania Society dinner Author interview with Howard Butcher IV.

  59. In Philadelphia Junod, “Roger Ailes on Roger Ailes: The Interview Transcripts, Part 2.”

  60. “Roger was very determined” Author interview with Howard Butcher IV.


    1. In November 1968 Memo from Roger Ailes to unnamed Nixon advisers, Nov. 1968.

    2. In the winter of 1969 Roger Ailes letterhead from the time. Ailes told Chafets that he drove up to New York in a snowstorm. Chafets, Roger Ailes, 37.

    3. “Roger was going” Author interview with Joe McGinniss.

    4. “At night” Author interview with Robert Ailes Jr.

    5. One of his first assignments Roger Ailes letter to Jack Rourke, Jan. 8, 1969.

    6. Jack Rourke “Passings: Jack Rourke, 86; Producer of Sam Yorty’s Show,” Los Angeles Times, Oct. 21, 2004.

    7. On January 8 Letter from Roger Ailes to Jack Rourke, Jan. 8, 1969.

    8. “I saw RN” Letter from Jack Rourke to Roger Ailes, Dec. 30, 1968.

    9. Spiro Agnew Letter from Roger Ailes to Jack Rourke, Jan. 8, 1969.

  10. In late January Letter from Roger Ailes to Jack Rourke, Jan. 29, 1969.

  11. Lucy Winchester Biographical note on Nixon social secretary Lucy Winchester, Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, http://www.nixonlibrary.gov/forresearchers/find/textual/central/smof/winchester.php.

  12. “I’m glad” Letter from Jack Rourke to Roger Ailes, Aug. 1, 1969.

  13. “I regret to report” Author interview with Lucy Winchester.

  14. In early March Letter from Dwight Chapin to Roger Ailes, March 10, 1969; letter from Dwight Chapin to Nixon secretary Rose Mary Woods, March 10, 1969.

  15. On March 14 President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary, March 14, 1969. They met from 12:55 to 1:05 p.m.

  16. A few days later Letter from H. R. Haldeman to Roger Ailes, March 27, 1969. “This is just a note to acknowledge your March 18 letter,” Haldeman wrote Ailes. “I have contacted Rogers Morton and informed him of your interest in being of assistance to any Congressmen or Senators seeking guidance on arrangements for television appearances.”

  17. To that end Letter from H. R. Haldeman to Rogers Morton, March 26, 1969. On April 3, 1969, Haldeman wrote Ailes, “I have received word from the Honorable Rogers Morton the other day that he had discussed your participation in future events with Herb Klein and Harry Treleaven. Congressman Morton requests that you be in contact with Harry Treleaven at the Republican National Committee after April 15 to try and develop fully your future relationship with the RNC.”