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103. The pair traveled Author interview with Last Frontier writer and producer Tom Shachtman.

104. “I had a lot of laughs” Author interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

105. On April 25 Mel Gussow, “Theater—‘Ionescopade,’ ” New York Times, April 26, 1974.

106. After fourteen performances Dan Dietz, Off Broadway Musicals, 1910–2007: Casts, Credits, Songs, Critical Reception and Performance Data of More Than 1,800 Shows (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010), Entry 773.

107. In April Author interview with Stephen Rosenfield. Garrett’s appointment was announced in May. See Louis Calta, “News of the Stage” (“Kelly Garrett in ‘Mack & Mabel’ ”), New York Times, May 12, 1974.

108. David Merrick’s $850,000 production Ellen Stock, “Mack & Mabeclass="underline" Getting the Show off the Road,” New York, Oct. 7, 1974.

109. two female leads Ibid.

110. Garrett was performing Ibid.

111. Ailes pushed Garrett Author interview with Stephen Rosenfield.

112. “That one broke my heart” Stock, “Mack & Mabeclass="underline" Getting the Show off the Road.”

113. The embarrassing public setback Author interview with Stephen Rosenfield.

114. “As far as I’m concerned” Ellen Stock, “Mack & Mabeclass="underline" Getting the Show Off the Road.”

115. After he returned Richard Esposito, “Giuliani Adviser’s ’74 Gun Charge,” Newsday, Oct. 23, 1989. According to Esposito, the date of the arrest was November 10, 1974. See also Chafets, Roger Ailes, 31.

116. When news of the arrest surfaced Esposito, “Giuliani Adviser’s ’74 Gun Charge.” “My understanding is that Ailes was over in Africa doing a documentary with Bobby Kennedy Jr. and was carrying a gun over there for protection,” Giuliani’s deputy campaign manager Ken Caruso told Esposito. “He came back to the United States and had this gun in his film equipment, and went out in Central Park.” Esposito reported, “Caruso said Ailes took the equipment belt out and strapped it around his waist, unaware that the gun was still in it.” See also Todd Purdum, “Amid the Shouts, Dinkins Remains Calm,” New York Times, Oct. 26, 1989.

117. It felt like an excuse Author interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

118. Ailes pleaded guilty Esposito reported that after being charged with a felony, Ailes pled guilty to a misdemeanor and was given a conditional discharge.

119. Ailes called a young acquaintance Author interview with an acquaintance of Roger Ailes in the 1970s.

120. Violence never solves Grove, “The Image Shaker; Roger Ailes, the Bush Team’s Wily Media Man.”

121. It was advice Author interview with Robert Ailes Jr.

122. Ailes kept others at a distance Author interviews with friends of Roger Ailes in the 1970s.

123. her lapdog, Squeaker Jack O’Brian, “Gal from Santa Fe,” Spartanburg (South Carolina) Herald, July 26, 1974, http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1876&dat=19740726&id=yXosAAAAIBAJ&sjid=TcwEAAAAIBAJ&pg=4122,4508433.

124. McGinniss was in a similar situation Joe McGinniss, Heroes (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976), 152 and passim.

125. Joe and Nancy made their home Author interviews with Joe McGinniss and Nancy Doherty.

126. “Do I ever get nervous” O’Brien, “Gal from Santa Fe.”

127. “Roger and I didn’t talk” Author interview with Joe McGinniss.

128. “After a visit from Roger” Author interview with Nancy Doherty.

129. “He was eating” Author interview with Joe McGinniss.

130. “He took Watergate” Author interview with Stephen Rosenfield.

131. In the fall of 1974 Author interview with Stephen Rosenfield. Charles M. Madigan, “Governor Candidates Will Take to the Air,” United Press International (printed in The News-Dispatch, Jeannette, Pennsylvania), Aug. 12, 1974. See also John J. Kennedy, Pennsylvania Elections: Statewide Contests from 1950–2004 (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 2006), 100–101.

132. Lewis lost Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission website (biographical entry for Milton Shapp), http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/1951-present/4285/milton_j__shapp/471867.

133. After the defeat Author interview with Stephen Rosenfield.

134. “Whenever he can” Author interview with a senior Fox executive.

135. Creating the Fox News Author interview with a friend of Roger Ailes.


    1. In May 1974 Minutes of TVN board meeting of May 21, 1974.

    2. Harvard MBA Robert Reinhold Pauley résumé, recorded in Robert Reinhold Pauley papers.

    3. As the president Jeff Byrd, “Robert Pauley ’42 Remembers Radio Days,” Tryon Daily Bulletin, Sept. 10, 2004.

    4. Goldwater supporter and a John Bircher Author interview with a person close to the late Robert Pauley.

    5. a local plan Ibid. See also Drew Pearson, “Fluoridation Battle Dividing New Canaan; DAR Leading Foe,” Sunday Herald, April 2, 1948, http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2229&dat=19580420&id=h2MmAAAAIBAJ&sjid=KQAGAAAAIBAJ&pg=2395,2064825.

    6. After being pushed out Brian Stelter, “Robert Pauley, Former Head of ABC Radio, Dies at 85,” New York Times, May 13, 2009.

    7. United Press International “TVN Inc. to Weaken Networks’ Hold on Television News,” Gallagher Report, March 19, 1973.

    8. In 1972 Robert Pauley memo to John Shad, April 9, 1973. “I disclosed the existence of News, Inc., which company I founded in early 1968.… In January of 1972, Joseph Coors of Adolph Coors Company called me and said that he had learned of News, Inc. and its objectives,” Pauley wrote to Shad.

    9. “All three networks slant the news” Testimony of Joseph Coors, U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Commerce, hearings on nomination of Joseph Coors, 84th Congr., 1st session, 104.

  10. Coors certainly shared Russell Kirk’s lament Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 1953), 4.

  11. He committed Memo from Robert Pauley to John Shad, April 19, 1973.

  12. Coors was also funding Stephen Isaacs, “Coors Beer—and Politics—Move East,” Washington Post, May 4, 1975.

  13. “We were discussing” Author interview with Jack Wilson.

  14. Their goal was to launch John O. Gilbert, “The Story Behind Television News Inc.,” Backstage, March 23, 1973.

  15. The press release “New Television News Service for U.S. Broadcasters Announced,” Shaw Elliott Public Relations (press release), Jan. 22, 1975.