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201. On the Sunday before Joe Klein, “Willie Ailes,” New York, Dec. 4, 1989.

202. Giuliani lost Kenneth Jackson, Lisa Keller, and Nancy Flood, eds., The Encyclopedia of New York City: Second Edition (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), 511.

203. Ailes’s candidate Peter Kerr, “The 1989 Elections: The Governor-Elect; Transition and Insurance Come First, Florio Says,” New York Times, Nov. 9, 1989.

204. In the fall of 1989 Fineman and McKillop, “Roger Ailes: I Have to Take the Heat.”

205. Lee Atwater’s sudden diagnosis Richard Benedetto, “Atwater Has a Benign Brain Tumor,” USA Today, March 7, 1990.

206. In May 1990 Charles R. Babcock, “Willie Horton Political Ads Become Issue in Ohio Race,” Washington Post, May 26, 1990.

207. the FEC was deadlocked Demick, “Bush Campaign Role in Ads Probed.”

208. “I’m not the candidate” Baer, “Roger Rabid.”

209. On Tuesday, October 9 Ed White, “Martin Media Adviser Calls Simon ‘Slimy,’ ‘Weenie,’ ” Associated Press, Oct. 9, 1990.

210. Martin lost U.S. Government Printing Office, “Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 6, 1990,” April 29, 1991, http://clerk.house.gov/member_info/electionInfo/1990election.pdf.

211. In 1988 Ailes and Kraushar, You Are the Message.

212. “When you control” Ibid., 111.

213. “You can learn” Ibid., 112.

214. In the summer of 1988 Californians Against Unfair Tax Increases, agreement with Ailes Communications Inc., July 1, 1988, http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/gri44a00, Bates no. 87699641.

215. last at least for five years Thomas Collamore, email conversation with Craig Fuller, June 29, 1994, http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/upq91a00/pdf, Bates. no. 2047915175A.

216. His first assignment “Tobacco Group on Hotseat for Failure to Honor Advertising Contract,” Business Wire, Sept. 6, 1988.

217. At the time, it represented David S. Wilson, “2 Ballot Issues Raise Question: Is Smoking Becoming Taboo?,” New York Times, Oct. 25, 1988.

218. In one memo, Ailes wrote Ailes Communications Inc., “Creative Strategy to Defeat the Tobacco Tax Initiative,” June 29, 1988, http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/jsy44b00/pdf, Bates no. TI02450986.

219. “We have no obligation” Ibid., Bates no. TI02450989.

220. One ad portrayed Ailes Communications Inc., “Medical School,” script, Aug. 30, 1988, available at http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/ljz54c00/pdf, Bates no. 87700232.

221. One commercial portrayed David S. Wilson, “2 Ballot Issues Raise Question: Is Smoking Becoming Taboo?,” New York Times, Oct. 25, 1988.

222. Prop 99 supporters’ Mark A. Stein, “Deception Seen in Anti-Cigarette Tax Ads,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 28, 1988.

223. His biggest role Ibid.

224. In November 1988 “Final Election Vote Returns,” Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1988.

225. “The antismoking zealots” Andy Plattner, “Big Tobacco’s Toughest Road: Invigorated Activists and Lawmakers Launch New Attacks on Smoking,” U.S. News & World Report, April 17, 1989.

226. In 1987, Reagan’s FCC Steve Rendall, “Rough Road to Liberal Talk Success: A Short History of Radio Bias,” Extra!, Jan./Feb. 2007.

227. More than seven million Catherine Hinman, “Rush to Judgment: Radio Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh Has Opinions on Just About Everything, Including a Big One of Himself,” Orlando Sentinel, June 15, 1991.

228. In 1991, after bumping into each other Chafets, Roger Ailes, 61–62.

229. The GOP paid him Baer, “Roger Rabid.”

230. In August 1990 Roger Ailes, letter to New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, Aug. 17, 1990, http://edge-cache.gawker.com/gawker/ailesfiles/ailes11.html, accessed Sept. 26, 2013.

231. “In the field” Rogers Ailes, letter to New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, Nov. 16, 1990, http://edge-cache.gawker.com/gawker/ailesfiles/ailes12.html, accessed Sept. 26, 2013.

232. Bushworld put out feelers Author interview with a member of the Bush campaign team.

233. “He was thinking about” Author interview with a source familiar with the conversation.

234. On December 6, 1991 “Financial News,” PR Newswire, Dec. 6, 1991.

235. consulting for Paramount Television See, generally, the Bradley Prizes, “2013 Recipients: Roger Ailes,” Bradleyprizes.org, http://bradleyprizes.org/recipients/roger-ailes, accessed Oct. 22, 2013.

236. At the 1992 Democratic convention Author interview with Bob LaPorta.

237. One writer who ran into Author interview with an associate of Roger Ailes.

238. In 1992, he lined up Thomas Hardy, “Election-Year Board Games Try to Capture the Real Thing,” Chicago Tribune, May 18, 1992.

239. In August, he traveled Harry Berkowitz, “GOP Pit Bull Roaming Convention; Adman Ailes Says He’s There for Fun,” Newsday, Aug. 20, 1992.

240. To advance around the board Golden Games, “Risky Strategy: The Game of Campaign Capers,” board game, Jim Bear Enterprises, Inc., 1991.

241. “Politics was a 20-year habit” Berkowitz, “GOP Pit Bull Roaming Convention.”

242. “By that time” Author interview with James Baker III.

243. On the night of June 2 Paul D. Colford, The Rush Limbaugh Story: The Unauthorized Biography (New York: St. Martin’s, 1993).

244. Bill Clinton’s campaign Michael Kelly, “The 1992 Campaign: The Democrats: Clinton’s Staff Sees Campaign as a Real War,” New York Times, Aug. 11, 1992.

245. During the 1988 GOP convention Author interview with former NBC News producer Joe Angotti.

246. In the spring of 1990 Naftali Bendavid, “GOP Campaign Adviser Tries Broadcasting,” Miami Herald, May 18, 1990.

247. “It was an oldies station” Author interview with radio personality Greg Wyatt.

248. Ailes came up with Ibid.

249. “It’s just a fun thing” Bendavid, “GOP Campaign Adviser Tries Broadcasting.”

250. “He wanted to do” Author interview with Sig Rogich.



    1. In early 1993 Author interview with former NBC chairman Robert Wright.

    2. he wanted to resign Geraldine Fabrikant, “Ex-Consultant to Bush Named to Head NBC,” New York Times, Aug. 31, 1993.

    3. After NBC launched Bill Carter, “The Media Business: Television; NBC Walks into a Cable Minefield,” New York Times, April 10, 1989. See also Geraldine Fabrikant, “Surprise Pact by G.E. Unit to Buy FNN,” New York Times, Feb. 27, 1991; PR Newswire, “Court Approves CNBC’s $154.3 Million Bid for FNN Media Business,” May 9, 1991.