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  52. Lingering over a scotch Author interview with a former CNBC employee.

  53. Paul Rittenberg Richard Linnett, “Media Mavens: Paul Rittenberg,” Advertising Age, Sept. 29, 2003.

  54. David Zaslav Biography of David Zaslav at Businessweek.com, http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=612978&ticker=DISCA.

  55. Brian Lewis Biography of Brian Lewis at http://view.fdu.edu/?id=1963.

  56. In the fall of 1993 Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  57. Jeanine Pirro Jacques Steinberg, “Rancor in District Attorney’s Race; Cherkasky-Pirro Campaign Pits Newcomer Against Veteran,” New York Times, Oct. 19, 1993. In 2006, Ailes hired Pirro at Fox News, http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/personalities/jeanine-pirro/bio/#s=m-q.

  58. On his first day Author interview with a former CNBC staffer.

  59. “She lived and breathed CNBC” Author interview with a former CNBC producer.

  60. One weekend, Ailes came into Author interview with a former CNBC staffer.

  61. “Roger demanded loyalty” Author interview with a former CNBC producer.

  62. Her boss, Peter Sturtevant See Broadcasting & Cable, Oct. 24, 1994, 63.

  63. In December, he made her “Tilson’s Talking,” Broadcasting & Cable, Dec. 13, 1993.

  64. Producers would often see her Author interview with a former CNBC producer.

  65. “I used to have lunch” Author interview with a former CNBC producer.

  66. “As someone” Jane Hall, “CNBC Chief No Stranger to the Tube,” Los Angeles Times, Oct. 18, 1993.

  67. “I figure there are” Frazier Moore, “Trying to Cure What Ailes You,” Associated Press, Aug. 6, 1995.

  68. “His idea was” Author interview with Robert Wright.

  69. “The first day” Author interview with former A-T executive producer Renata Joy.

  70. The lineup Joe Flint, Daily Variety, May 5, 1994.

  71. In late June 1994 NBC contract with Belmont Street Broadcasting, June 20, 1994.

  72. “He very much believed” Author interview with former A-T producer Dennis Sullivan.

  73. “When you work with Roger” Author interview with a former A-T assistant producer.

  74. “He’s very good” Author interview with Dennis Sullivan.

  75. “They were like a pep rally” Author interview with a former A-T producer.

  76. At around 4:30 “Fire Knocks Out CNBC,” Boston Globe, May 11, 1994.

  77. “Roger went back” Author interview with a former CNBC staffer.

  78. In one early session Author interview with a former CNBC staffer.

  79. “He called it” Author interview with a former CNBC producer.

  80. “We’d get newspapers” Author interview with Glenn Meehan.

  81. The network signed a deal “America’s Talking is nation’s first interactive live television network—exclusive deal with Prodigy; Prodigy simultaneously begins chat for television interactivity,” Business Wire, June 15, 1994.

  82. “They were struggling” Author interview with former A-T producer Tony Morelli.

  83. During his first year Hass, “Embracing the Enemy.”

  84. he drew a $5,000-a-month Email from former Philip Morris executive Thomas Collamore to Craig Fuller, http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/upq91a00/pdf.

  85. The goal, according to Philip Morris internal document, http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/wnc97g00/pdf.

  86. He went after Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 19, citing Kurt Andersen as the source. Andersen’s story, “Big Mouths,” appeared in the Nov. 1, 1993, issue of Time.

  87. One day Peter Sturtevant got Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

  88. Ailes called in to Don Imus’s Lois Romano, “The Reliable Source” (column), Washington Post, March 11, 1994.

  89. one was under investigation David Johnston, “Clinton Associate Quits Justice Post as Pressure Rises,” New York Times, March 15, 1994. Bernard Nussbaum was forced to resign in early March 1994. Webster Hubbell, who was under investigation at the time, resigned a week later.

  90. Like all the networks Peter Johnson, “Ailes’ Whitewater Jokes Don’t Amuse White House,” USA Today, March 15, 1994.

  91. Lewis launched Mary Alma Welch, “Cable Exec’s ‘Joke’ Bombs at White House; Remarks by Ailes ‘Inappropriate,’ ” Washington Post, March 12, 1994.

  92. “Ailes wasn’t joking” Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

  93. “He had no right” Author interview with former CNBC host Jane Wallace.

  94. Wallace quit Joe Flint, “FX Talker Taps Wallace,” Daily Variety, April 6, 1994.

  95. After the weekend Peter Johnson, “Ailes’ Whitewater Jokes Don’t Amuse White House.”

  96. “Tom’s had a little trouble” Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 18, citing an interview Ailes gave to Multichannel News in May 1994.

  97. Rogers was furious Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

  98. “Roger has a very large ego” Author interview with Robert Wright.

  99. “Who are you loyal to?” Author interview with a former senior executive at NBC.

100. “I’m going to rip” Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

101. One day, the executive noticed Ibid.

102. “Ailes didn’t trust David” Author interview with a former staffer at America’s Talking.

103. Ailes asked Scott Ehrlich Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

104. Rogers approached Peter Sturtevant Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

105. “Sturtevant, I don’t want” Ibid.

106. She had cut off Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

107. Sturtevant finally was transferred J. Max Robins, “NBC Cable Ups Sturtevant, Reilly,” Daily Variety, Oct. 4, 1994.

108. While Ailes seemed happy Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

109. Ailes openly criticized David Brock, “Roger Ailes Is Mad as Hell,” New York, Nov. 17, 1997.

110. In late 1994 Author interview with a former A-T producer. See also Alan Bash, “Vignettes Give Cable Networks Identity,” USA Today, March 14, 1994.

111. Modeled after “The Fastest Soaps, Bar None,” Washington Post, Feb. 5, 1995.

112. “Roger ran his life” Author interview with Glenn Meehan.

113. “America is talking, but” Author interview with a former senior NBC executive.

114. Dennis Sullivan Author interview with Dennis Sullivan.

115. She grew up Elizabeth Ailes’s commencement speech for the Mount Saint Mary College class of 2012, YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoTlCx7Kzx0.