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116. “I remember” Author interview with a former CNBC producer.

117. Others marveled Author interview with a former CNBC producer.

118. Glenn Meehan also noticed Author interview with Glenn Meehan.

119. Nancy Hass Nancy Hass, “Embracing the Enemy: Roger Ailes,” New York Times Magazine, Jan. 8, 1995.

120. At first Ailes resisted Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

121. Hass interviewed Welch Ibid.

122. “It was taken internally” Author interview with a former America’s Talking staffer.

123. “Roger sees everyone” Hass, “Embracing the Enemy.”


    1. Five days The following account is based on Ted Turner and Bill Burke, Call Me Ted (New York: Hachette Digital, 2008), 309–10. See also Skip Wollenberg, “Turner Broadcasting Breaks Off Talks with NBC,” Associated Press, Jan. 16, 1995.

    2. The network’s operating income Charles Haddad, “Ready for a Rivalry,” Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Dec. 24, 1995.

    3. One afternoon Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

    4. Shortly afterward, Wright and Scanlon Letter from Andy Friendly to Robert Wright and Ed Scanlon, March 13, 1995.

    5. CNBC’s prime-time chief Andy Friendly confided Ibid.

    6. Executives dubbed her Author interview with a former CNBC staffer.

    7. On Monday, March 13 Letter from Andy Friendly to Robert Wright and Ed Scanlon, March 13, 1995.

    8. “When you get” Author interview with Robert Wright.

    9. He took a job King World, “CNBC’s Andy Friendly Joins King World as Executive VP of Programming and Production” (press release), Oct. 2, 1995.

  10. In June 1995 Bill Carter, “CNN Officials to Propose a Business News Cable Service,” New York Times, June 9, 1995.

  11. Ailes had tried J. Max Robins, “The ABC’s of Michael Jackson,” Variety, June 26–July 9, 1995.

  12. He contemplated running attack ads Joe Flint, “Brand Name Good for Biz,” Variety, Dec. 11–Dec. 17, 1995.

  13. “At this point” Robins, “The ABC’s of Michael Jackson.”

  14. Ailes told the press Carter, “CNN Officials to Propose a Business News Cable Service.”

  15. The negotiating window Peter Johnson and Alan Bash, “Roger Ailes Ponders His Future with CNBC,” USA Today, June 21, 1995.

  16. Nine days Johnson and Bash, “Roger Ailes Ponders His Future with CNBC.”

  17. On June 30, 1995 Letter from Robert Wright to Roger Ailes, June 30, 1995.

  18. “This is where” Author interview with Robert Wright.

  19. In May 1995 Evan Ramstad, “Business News,” Associated Press, May 16, 1995. See also Bradley Johnson, “Microsoft-NBC: A ‘Virtual Corporation’; Details May Be Fuzzy but Packaging Is Loud as Companies Converge,” Advertising Age, May 22, 1995.

  20. Tom Rogers started Author interview with Robert Wright.

  21. Ailes was initially unaware Swint, Dark Genius, 124–26. See also Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 15, 18.

  22. “The reality” Author interview with Robert Wright.

  23. “meltdown mode” Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 22.

  24. Norma had filed Divorce case 309767-1994, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Justice Phyllis Gangel-Jacob.

  25. “The bubble broke” Author interview with Robert Wright.

  26. At a company dinner Brock, “Roger Ailes Is Mad as Hell.”

  27. “a little fucking Jew prick” Handwritten notes of Edward Scanlon following the alleged incident.

  28. On Saturday, September 30 Ibid.

  29. That night, Scanlon briefed Ibid. Much of the following paragraph is based on Scanlon’s notes.

  30. “Howard Ganz” Author interview with Robert Wright.

  31. NBC gave Ganz Typed notes of Proskauer partner Howard Ganz. Much of the account of Ganz’s investigation detailed in subsequent paragraphs is based on these notes.

  32. A week into Ganz’s inquiry Letter from Jim Greiner to Roger Ailes, Oct. 10, 1995, forwarded to Edward Scanlon, Oct. 10, 1995.

  33. “Roger is really working” Letter from Edward Scanlon to Howard Ganz, Oct. 10, 1995.

  34. Bob Wright later said Author interview with Robert Wright.

  35. Friday, October 13 Letter from David Zaslav to Howard Ganz, Oct. 17, 1995.

  36. On October 17 Typed notes of Howard Ganz prior to meeting with Hon. Milton Mollen.

  37. When later asked Author interview with Milton Mollen. In an author interview, Howard Ganz confirmed that he was brought in by NBC to handle the dispute between Ailes and Zaslav. In a follow-up email, Ganz said: “I did, however, review what remains of my files regarding the matter involving Roger Ailes and they do not add anything more to the recollection I had when I spoke with you.” When I asked Tom Rogers about the events, he denied both being involved and that any incident ever occurred. “I am denying having gone to Scanlon,” he said. A day after I spoke with Tom Rogers, David Zaslav returned my call, having previously declined to speak with me for the book. “Tom Rogers called me and told me what you’re gonna lay out,” Zaslav said. As I began to detail my reporting, Zaslav cut the conversation off. “I don’t mean to be rude. I don’t care about the context,” he said. “It’s your book. You are going to write the narrative you are going to write. I’m saying to you that Roger and I had a screaming match and we had it out with each other. The anti-Semitic remark: If you write it, it’s false.” Zaslav continued: “Roger and I had many arguments. If there were an HR investigation, it was because we were telling each other to go to hell. Gabe, I wish you luck with your book.” He hung up the phone. After the conversation, I called his spokesperson and requested a follow-up conversation. Zaslav never responded to my request. Ed Scanlon and Richard Cotton declined to comment.

  38. NBC drafted Internal NBC memo, Oct. 19, 1995.

  39. On October 20 Letter from Roger Ailes to Robert Wright, Oct. 20, 1995.

  40. But Ailes was getting reports Memo from Brian Lewis to Roger Ailes, Oct. 18, 1995.

  41. Wednesday, October 25 Letter from David Zaslav to Edward Scanlon, Oct. 25, 1995.

  42. “It was a he-said” Author interview with Robert Wright.

  43. At a staff meeting Internal NBC memo, Oct. 30, 1995.

  44. On November 10 Employment agreements regarding Roger Ailes and David Zaslav, Nov. 10, 1995.

  45. “There was no apology” Author interview with Milton Mollen.

  46. On November 21 “Communications Personals,” Communications Daily, Nov. 21, 1995.

  47. One Ailes loyalist Author interview with a former CNBC colleague of Ailes.