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  14. “If you are an arch-conservative” Shawcross, Murdoch, 208.

  15. In the spring of 1985 Reginald Stuart, “Murdoch, ABC Deals Approved,” New York Times, Nov. 15, 1985.

  16. But for the deal Shawcross, Murdoch, 212.

  17. NBC Entertainment president Bill Carter, “By One Key Monetary Measure, Fox Could Push Past Both CBS and ABC This Fall,” New York Times, March 31, 1997.

  18. A year before Turner and Burke, Call Me Ted, 244–45.

  19. In 1992 Deborah Hastings, “Van Gordon Sauter Named President of Fox News,” Associated Press, July 13, 1992.

  20. In 1994, Murdoch secured distribution Edmund L. Andrews, “Fox TV Deal Seems to Face Few Official Barriers,” New York Times, May 24, 1994.

  21. “The American press” Thomas Kiernan, Citizen Murdoch (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1986), 145.

  22. When he shipped off Shawcross, Murdoch, 38. On page 22 of Citizen Murdoch, Kiernan has the bust on a windowsill.

  23. When he was nineteen Michael Wolff, Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch: The Man Who Owns the News (New York: Random House, 2008), 21.

  24. John F. Kennedy Kiernan, Citizen Murdoch, 75.

  25. Murdoch, though modest John Menadue, Things You Learn Along the Way (Melbourne: David Lovell, 1999), 105, available at http://www.johnmenadue.com/book/Menadue.pdf.

  26. Cavan, his forty-thousand-acre estate Michael Wolff, “The Secrets of His Succession,” Vanity Fair, Dec. 2008. See also Menadue, Things You Learn Along the Way, 105.

  27. On the ski slopes Andrew Neil, “Murdoch and Me,” Vanity Fair, Dec. 1996.

  28. Murdoch’s brush with bankruptcy Shawcross, Murdoch, 350–70.

  29. “Murdoch loved” Menadue, Things You Learn Along the Way, 97.

  30. Murdoch, for one, loathed Neil, “Murdoch and Me.”

  31. “You can say what” Ibid.

  32. After Murdoch bought Ruth Ryon, “Hot Property: Rupert Murdoch Buying Stein House,” Los Angeles Times, June 15, 1986. See also Wolff, Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch, 297.

  33. “They wouldn’t recognize one” Andrew Neil, Full Disclosure: The Most Candid and Revealing Portrait of Rupert Murdoch Ever (London: Macmillan, 1996), 162.

  34. “We will be the insurgents” Federal News Service, National Press Club (transcript), Feb. 26, 1996.

  35. The most critical review Bill Carter, “Murdoch Joins a Cable-TV Rush into the Crowded All-News Field,” New York Times, Jan. 31, 1996.

  36. After reading the Times article Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 69.

  37. In March 1995 “Joseph F. Peyronnin Named President of Fox News,” Associated Press, March 28, 1995.

  38. Peyronnin hired Author interview with former Fox News staffers. See also “Fox News Picks Emily Rooney,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 6, 1995.

  39. In the fall of 1995 “Fox Hires Producer for Sunday Morning News Show,” Chicago Tribune, Nov. 23, 1995.

  40. Eventually, Peyronnin Scott Williams, “Fox News to Launch Sunday Show,” Associated Press, April 3, 1996.

  41. “Mitch Stern was the enemy” Author interview with Emily Rooney.

  42. Stern, whose performance Author interview with a former CNBC executive.

  43. In December, they presented Author interview with a former Fox News executive.

  44. “I’ve been trying” Auletta, “Vox Fox.”

  45. Some paid cash Bill Carter, “Networks’ New Cable Channels Get a Big Jump on the Competition,” New York Times, March 14, 1994.

  46. At America’s Talking Bill Carter, “NBC Selling Microsoft a Stake in Cable Channel,” New York Times, Dec. 14, 1995.

  47. Ailes took Peyronnin Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  48. Peyronnin went home Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  49. “We had no news gathering operation” Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 70.

  50. Ailes told Murdoch Chafets, Roger Ailes, 70.

  51. In the end Jessica Lee, “Two Experts Brought in to Polish Up the Speech,” USA Today, Jan. 29, 1992. See also Burt Solomon, “Speechwriters’ Soaring Rhetoric Flops with a Prosaic President,” National Journal, May 30, 1992.

  52. On April 3 “Sunday News Program Scheduled by Fox,” New York Times, April 4, 1996.

  53. On April 4 Joe Flint, “Fox Unveils ‘News Sunday,’ ” Daily Variety, April 4, 1996.

  54. Daily Variety reported Flint, “Fox Unveils ‘News Sunday.’ ”

  55. “Roger is acutely aware” Author interview with a former senior executive at Fox News.

  56. As Stern remembered it Author interview with former Fox Television Stations president Mitchell Stern.

  57. Though Tony Snow leaned Howard Kurtz, “Fox News’s Snow to Become White House Press Secretary,” Washington Post, April 26, 2006.

  58. Worried that other networks John Carmody, “The TV Column,” Washington Post, April 30, 1996.

  59. Only a quarter John Carmody, “The TV Column,” Washington Post, April 30, 1996.

  60. In a tough write-up Ibid.

  61. Two weeks before John Dempsey, “NBC Ups Zaslav to Distribution Prexy,” Daily Variety, April 12, 1996.