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  50. Giuliani called Author interview with Richard Aurelio. See also Clifford J. Levy, “Murdoch Gets Pataki Support in Cable Fight,” New York Times, Oct. 9, 1996.

  51. On Thursday, October 3 Letter from former Time Warner general counsel Peter Haje to Fran Reiter, Oct. 3, 1996, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  52. Norman Sinel Opinion of U.S. District Court Judge Denise Cote, Nov. 6, 1996, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  53. Reiter’s chief of staff Letter from David Klasfeld, former chief of staff for Deputy Mayor Fran Reiter, to former Time Warner president Richard Parsons, Oct. 4, 1996, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  54. “People who are out there” Jane Hall, “How Fox News Plans to Challenge Cable’s Giant,” Los Angeles Times, Oct. 3, 1996.

  55. “I see no value” Verne Gay, “The All-News Wars Heat Up,” Newsday (New York), Oct. 7, 1996.

  56. Andy Lack told Ed Bark, “Fox Joins the Hunt in TV News,” Dallas Morning News, Oct. 6, 1996.

  57. Shortly before 6:00 Frazier Moore, “Fox News Channel Signs On—to Take On CNN and MSNBC,” Associated Press, Oct. 7, 1996.

  58. In the control room Moore, “Fox News Channel Signs On—To Take On CNN and MSNBC.” See also Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 82–83.

  59. For the opening day Matt Roush, “Fox News Channeclass="underline" Not Craft Enough,” USA Today, Oct. 8, 1996. See also Erik Mink, “Fox News Channel’s off to a Dizzying Start,” New York Daily News, Oct. 8, 1996; Tom Shales, review, Washington Post, Oct. 12, 1996; Collins, Crazy Like a Fox, 138.

  60. In his second-floor office Roger Ailes, “Roy H. Park Lecture,” University of North Carolina, April 12, 2012, http://jomc.unc.edu/roger-ailes-park-lecture-april-12-2012-transcript.

  61. Unlike the executives Author interview with a former Fox News executive.

  62. “He knew there were” Author interview with Ed Rollins.

  63. Time Warner had previously agreed Testimony of former New York City corporation counsel Paul Crotty, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  64. “Good morning” Testimony of Roger Ailes, Joint Public Hearing of the New York City Franchise and Review Committee (transcript), Oct. 7, 1996.

  65. Conspicuously missing Matt Roush, “Fox News Channeclass="underline" Not Crafty Enough,” USA Today, Oct. 8, 1996.

  66. As evidence, Ailes Sallie Hofmeister, “He May Be Working for Someone Else, But He’s Still Ted Turner,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 24, 1996.

  67. He called Deputy Mayor Michael O. Allen and David L. Lewis, “Rudy: Is Ted Fit for Cable?,” New York Daily News, Oct. 20, 1996.

  68. On multiple occasions Author interview with Richard Aurelio.

  69. Soon after speaking Letter from Richard Parsons to David Klasfeld, Oct. 7, 1996, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  70. Parsons publicly severed ties David Firestone, “Time Warner Wins Order Keeping Fox off City Cable TV,” New York Times, Oct. 12, 1996.

  71. On October 9 Complaint, Fox News v. Time Warner, 96-cv-4963, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn).

  72. New York State attorney general Jay Mathews, “Murdoch’s News Channel Denied N.Y. Cable Outlet,” Washington Post, Oct. 15, 1996.

  73. At once, Manhattan borough president Letter from Ruth Messinger to former New York City Conflicts of Interest Board chairman Sheldon Oliensis, Oct. 8, 1996.

  74. The board would dismiss Clifford J. Levy, “City Ethics Panel Rules for Giuliani in Time Warner Cable Case,” New York Times, Oct. 22, 1996.

  75. “Disagree with me” Levy, “Lobbying at Murdoch Gala Ignited New York Cable Clash.”

  76. On October 9 Clifford J. Levy, “In Cable TV Fight, Mayor Plans to Put Fox Channel on a City Station,” New York Times, Oct. 10, 1996.

  77. After receiving a tip Masters and Burrough, “Cable Guys.” See also affidavit of Richard Aurelio, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  78. “We decided” Author interview with Richard Aurelio.

  79. A few minutes later Masters and Burrough, “Cable Guys.”

  80. One of many Amicus brief of Ruth Messinger, Mark Green, and Fernando Ferrer, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  81. Ailes suffered the first Firestone, “Time Warner Wins Order Keeping Fox off City Cable TV.”

  82. Reiter told the lawyers Affidavit of Fran Reiter, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  83. New York magazine speculated Beth Landman Keil and Deborah Mitchell, “Intelligencer” (column), New York, Nov. 11, 1996, http://www.books.google.com/books?id=NuECAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA15&dq=%22reiter%22+ailes+%22time+warner%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4-FbUtywH9PqkQf17IGgAg&ved=0CE0Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22reiter%22%20ailes%20%22time%20warner%22&f=false.

  84. Parsons was forced Author interview with Richard Aurelio.

  85. Meanwhile, during Testimony of Ted Turner, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York.

  86. On Monday, October 21 New York Post, Oct. 21, 1996.

  87. The immature taunts I. J. Rosenberg, “World Series; Braves vs. Yankees; Braves Notebook; Cox Plays Pendleton Hunch,” Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Oct. 22, 1996. See also Ellis Henican, “Ink-Stained; Tainted Coverage in Clash of Network Titans,” New York Newsday, Oct. 23, 1996; Turner and Burke, Call Me Ted, 337.

  88. “I thought about killing him” Masters and Burrough, “Cable Guys.” See also Turner and Burke, Call Me Ted, 338.

  89. The three-day preliminary injunction hearing Harry Berkowitz, “Media Blitz/Time Warner, Fox Battle for New York Returns to Court. Big Cable Clash Has Big Egos,” Newsday (New York), Oct. 28, 1996.

  90. The 106-page opinion Opinion of U.S. District Court Judge Denise Cote, Nov. 6, 1996, Time Warner Cable v. City of New York, http://www.nyls.edu/user_files/1/3/4/30/84/85/114/136/timewnyc.pdf.

  91. “I used to say” Author interview with Catherine Crier.

  92. Most Fox affiliates Author interview with a former Fox News executive.

  93. Mike Schneider and Crier bickered Author interview with a Fox News executive.

  94. “Chet Collier called us in” Author interview with Emily Rooney.



    1. On a summer afternoon Author interview with former Fox News correspondent David Shuster.

    2. McDougals’ recent trial R. H. Melton and Michael Haddigan, “Three Guilty in Arkansas Fraud Trial,” Washington Post, May 29, 1996.