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  74. When Ailes got wind Boyer, “Fox Among the Chickens.”

  75. But by the time Author interview with Gordon Stewart.

  76. On Tuesday morning, July 6 Boyer, “Fox Among the Chickens.”

  77. The following day Author interview with Gordon Stewart.

  78. “There was no push” Author interview with a former senior executive at Fox News.

  79. Ailes decided to sit Author interview with Gordon Stewart.

  80. “They thought” Author interview with former Putnam County News & Recorder reporter Liz Schevtchuk Armstrong.

  81. Alison Rooney noticed Author interview with Gordon Stewart. Rooney declined to comment.

  82. “It was weird” Author interview with a former Putnam County News & Recorder employee.

  83. Tucked between the articles Putnam County News & Recorder, July 14, 2010, 10.

  84. T. J. Haley The details of Haley’s tenure at The Putnam County News & Recorder come from author interviews with acquaintances of Haley and people familiar with the matter. Haley declined to comment.

  85. The decor in the bathroom Author interview with a person who visited the Putnam County News & Recorder office.

  86. Like Haley, Panny See résumé of Carli-Rae Panny at www.carliraepanny.com/resume.html, 6accessed Nov. 13, 2013.

  87. “Anytime that anyone” Author interview with a Putnam County politician. Leibell declined to comment.

  88. “Vinnie thought it was great” Author interview with Putnam County legislator Sam Oliverio.

  89. They ran into each other Author interview with an acquaintance of Vincent Leibell.

  90. Ailes spent months Author interview with two Leibell family intimates.

  91. In the spring of 2010 Michael Brendan Dougherty, “Longtime Senator Has Staying Power,” Putnam County News & Recorder, April 28, 2010.

  92. Some weeks after Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

  93. For years, there had been talk Author interviews with Putnam County politicians.

  94. Sheriff Don Smith called Author interview with Putnam County sheriff Don Smith.

  95. In June 2010 “FBI Probes Putnam,” Putnam County Courier, June 3, 2010.

  96. “This was an ego fight” Author interview with Sam Oliverio.

  97. Although Uncle Vinnie Eric Gross, “Leibell Is New County Executive,” Putnam County News & Recorder, Nov. 3, 2010.

  98. Then, on Monday morning William K. Rashbaum and Nate Schweber, “Sidewalk Meeting for State Senator and Lawyer Leads to Guilty Plea,” New York Times, Dec. 6, 2010. See also Ashley Parker, “Ex-Senator Gets 21-Month Prison Term in Tax Evasion Case,” New York Times, May 13, 2011.

  99. Roger and Beth were trying Author interview with two people familiar with the matter.

100. Initially, the proximity Author interviews with three people in whom Joe Lindsley confided.

101. According to two Author interview with senior executives at Fox News.

102. “You going to talk” Author interview with Gordon Stewart.

103. But as Boyer Peter J. Boyer, Who Killed CBS? The Undoing of America’s Number One Network (New York: Random House, 1988).

104. When Boyer showed up Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

105. The New Yorker article Boyer, “Fox Among the Chickens.”

106. Ailes was pleased Author interview with Gordon Stewart. When asked to respond to criticism of his article by some residents of Philipstown, Boyer wrote in an emaiclass="underline" “It’s beginning to sound like you’ve decided on what you want to write, whatever the facts (you could, by the way, ask David Remnick what he thought of that piece, or Dwight Garner, book critic at the NYT who lives in Cold Spring) … C’mon, Gabe. Be a journalist. It’s an honorable calling.”

107. Lindsley finally decided to resign Author interviews with acquaintances of Joe Lindsley.

108. Roger and Beth did not Details of the former Putnam County News & Recorder reporters exit from the paper come from author interviews with people familiar with the matter.

109. “They made it clear” Author interview with Peter Boyer.

110. In April 2011 John Cook and Hamilton Nolan, “Roger Ailes Caught Spying on the Reporters at His Small-Town Newspaper,” Gawker, April 18, 2011, http://gawker.com/5793012/roger-ailes-caught-spying-on-the-reporters-at-his-small+town-newspaper.

111. “I hate everything” Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

112. When Ailes walked into Author interview with a former senior Fox producer.

113. In the spring Author interviews with people familiar with the former Putnam County News & Recorder reporters.

114. On January 31 Jeremy W. Peters, “Newsweek and Daily Beast Hire Two More,” “Media Decoder” (blog), New York Times, Jan. 31, 2011, mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/31/newsweek-daily-beast-hire-two-more/.

115. On October 18 Christine Haghney and David Carr, “At Newsweek, Ending Print and a Blend of Two Styles,” “Media Decoder” (blog), New York Times, Oct. 18, 2012.

116. Boyer found a new job Alexander C. Kaufman, “Fox News Hires Peter J. Boyer from Newsweek,” The Wrap, Oct. 18, 2012, http://www.thewrap.com/media/article/fox-news_names-prestigious_newsweek-writer-editor-61251. In an email, Boyer explained the details of his hiring at Fox News: “I hadn’t known the Aileses before I wrote that New Yorker story, and I spent most of my time with Beth up there at her paper. I interviewed Roger by telephone, as I recollect. A couple of months after the story was published, I met Roger socially, and we got along quite well, and over the next year or so we had a couple of lunches, and had some laughs. By this time, I’d taken the leap to Newsweek with Tina whom Roger knew pretty well. In the spring of 2012, Roger mentioned the prospect of coming to Fox, and by summer, he had me over to meet with his news executives about coming to the channel and working with the doc[umentary] unit (I’d done a bunch of Frontlines over the years). I said, Hell, yes, and haven’t looked back. It’s been great fun.”


    1. On Monday afternoon, March 28 Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.”

    2. “You’ve got to be crazy” Author interview with a person familiar with the meeting.

    3. “Let’s make a deal” Sherman, “The Elephant in the Green Room.”

    4. In early 2009 Author interview with a person familiar with the matter.

    5. Things took a turn Kate Zernike and Carl Hulse, “At the Lincoln Memorial, a Call for Religious Rebirth,” New York Times, Aug. 29, 2010.