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“The moist aperture you see there is the center; it is the channel that delivers the magic cream. I want you to stick out the tip of your tongue and salute that glorious hole, not once, but several times; come now, do so at once.” Caroline, with a little cry of dissension, nevertheless pressed her lips to the head of his prick and, advancing her tongue, allowed it to quiver a few times against the point; then, springing to her feet, she threw her arms about her uncle's neck and burst into violent sobs.

“Oh, uncle, uncle dear, what makes you command me to do such things? You surely cannot like me or you would not do so. Won't you let me go?”

“Foolishness, Caroline,” said her uncle. “I like you more than I ever did now; you are the sweetest girl in all the world. Come kiss your uncle.”

She pressed her burning lips to his and felt her bubbies again in his grasp; his hand crept under her skirt and titillated her cleft; she pressed close to him and returned his passionate kisses.

“Come, dearie, slip out of that dress!”

She feverishly undid her garment, which she allowed to slip to the floor. Clad only in her skintight undergarments, she stood exposing all of her most secret charms. He again drew her to him and kissed her repeatedly. She grasped his flaming organ and gently wagged its head to and fro.

“Come, Caroline, straddle that arm chair.”

“Why, uncle, don't be silly. I'll fall off.”

“Come, enough of this comedy; I'll hold you,” he said, and with his assistance he soon had her astride the chair, this position bringing her pussy stretched and opened to its widest extent, directly above his charger. He clasped her about the waist and gently lowered her upon it; she felt the head dilate, and it gently slipped in. She threw her arms about her uncle's neck in a frenzy of passion and settled back full upon it.

It slipped up its full length within her; her uncle allowed his hands to fall below and he grasped her about the buttocks and drew the cheeks of her arse wide apart. Shivering and shaking in the wildest abandon, and feeling as though her arse were splitting, she wriggled about with the abandon of a flea, as she sat speared upon that monstrous shaft, a prey to the most delightful and passionate sensations that mortal ever felt.

Her arms were tight around her uncle, her lips glued to his; she felt one of his fingers explore and slip into her amber hole; this stimulated her to renewed efforts, and with a heavy sigh she settled down on his prick, quivering and shaking with passionate convulsions.

It is a well-known fact that in both man and woman the rectal orifice is a seat of intense sensation during such passionate moments. The French, masters in the gentle art of love, favor this method as inducing the ejaculation at the very height of excitement. It is as successful in the male as in the female and induces complete ejaculation.

Caroline, feeling the entrance of her uncle's probing finger, wriggled and twisted in intense excitement and soon was at the height of passion and sending down a flood of juice. He in turn, deluged her with the balmy essence of his vigorous tool, knocking and banging at her tender womb in his frenzy. Her deft finger had also found his orifice and with a mixture of moans, groans, and sighs, they collapsed in the climax of love.

The two lovers sank back in the chair, his cock still buried deep within her, while waiting for Nature to render the moment auspicious with which to withdraw.

“Ah, such pleasure.” She kissed and caressed his lips; the pleasure was divine. Finally he gently pushed her from him; the contents of her superb crevice bedewing him generously, he led her to an adjacent couch. The juice still trickled from her cleft and flowed down on her drawers.

“My child, you are improving; you are beginning to really relish the bout! Are you tired, Caroline, my dear?”

“No, uncle,” she replied, kissing him tenderly. “I felt as though I would die. Oh! But it was so good!”

“I see that you are bleeding a little.”

She blushed in confusion and sought to draw her panties over what she thought must now be a gaping hole. His lordship laughed lightly at this movement and assisted her from the room; she went immediately to her room and threw herself upon the bed, from which she did not arise until late in the evening.

She was surprised to find that she was now free of any annoying soreness, so she bathed, dressed, and descended to the drawing room, where she found Roxboro engaged in a conversation with Freda.

Dinner was evidently over with and the lord, turning to greet her, said, “Well, Miss Sleepyhead, we delayed dinner for you, but you did not appear. Freda looked in on you in your room and informed me that you were sound asleep, so we went on with the meal without you. If you are hungry, doubtless Marie can find something for you in the kitchen. I will ring for her.”

“Oh, never mind, uncle. I am not hungry at all, do not bother Marie. I will make up for it at breakfast.”

“All right, Caroline,” said Roxboro, seating himself. “Your sister Freda and I were talking of her life in the convent; she is a charming conversationalist and has interested me greatly.”

Caroline seated herself and noticed that her sister was enviously appraising the new gown she had on, also the new silk stockings and slippers. Affecting not to notice the scrutiny, she seated herself beside her uncle and joined in the conversation.

Freda, with a comical air, recounted some of the convent experiences and Lord Roxboro laughed heartily. Caroline watched her uncle's eyes and saw them light up at the sight of Freda's well-shaped legs as she swung them to and fro under her dress, giving her uncle an almost clear view up to her knees; she watched her sensual uncle's gaze riveted upon the two delicious little globes upon her bosom. At the same time, an inkling came to her that Freda was also aware of this scrutiny, for she cast a mischievous glance at Caroline and, twisting one leg up under her as she sat, she displayed a more open view of her delicate legs for Lord Roxboro's glittering gaze.

Caroline cast a reproachful glance at Freda, only to have her give her a naughty wink, and then solemnly regain her maidenly composure.

The uncle, tearing his gaze away from this all-too-interesting sight, engaged in small talk and turned to Caroline. Freda, finding that she was not now the center of attention, sulked for a moment, then, rising to her feet, excused herself and left the room. Caroline watched her go with conflicting emotions and as the door closed turned to Roxboro.

“Uncle,” she said, looking into his eyes as if to search the ideas that were passing in his brain, “I do not like the way that Freda is acting in front of you.”

“Why, Caroline dear,” said he, arising and walking in back of her and passing his arm around her neck and turning her face upward to implant a kiss upon the pouting lips. “My dear, I really believe that you are trying to be jealous of the little puss! My stars, are you that silly?”

“Why, the very idea!” she laughed. “I am certainly not jealous of her, yet I do not approve of the abandoned manner in which she endeavors to attract your attention in such an indelicate fashion, the little minx; she knows quite well what she is doing and it is only to excite you.”

The conversation was interrupted by the entrance of Freda; she again seated herself and commenced twisting her shapely legs about, legs that would have tempted a saint to implant a kiss upon their plump and perfect contours.

She looked archly at Caroline and coyly at her lascivious uncle, occasionally directing a glance at the well-filled front section of his pants, then glanced at Caroline and said, “That is a pretty dress you have on, sister; you didn't have it when we came here. Where did you get it?”

“No,” said Caroline, a twinge of malice pervading her voice. “Uncle bought it for me today, as a recompense for some little service I was fortunate enough to be able to do for him.”