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Noting to one side a sort of bench of rock, Montgomery guided the half-fainting girl to it, and in spite of her halfhearted protestations that surely Freda would return and catch them red-handed, he leaned the lustful girl upon it in a sort of half-sitting, half-lying position; then, presenting the enormous head of his cock to her hot sheath, with one fierce drive he pierced her to the utmost.

Caroline, now thoroughly aroused, gave herself up to her lust and, almost bereft of reason by the size and vigor of his manly weapon, twisted and squirmed as though to break off with her quim that hot stick which pierced her so delightfully.

The fear that the young girl might return and catch them thus caused both parties to work rapidly and increased the delights of their stolen sweets, so with a few violent moves, they culminated in a spasm of lust. Just as Montgomery withdrew his slimy organ from the girl's body, they heard footsteps and knew that Freda had returned to find them. Hastily arranging their clothing, they assumed an innocent attitude, gazing at the surrounding scenery and when Freda at length reached them, she suspected nothing of their little adventure.

“Where have you been, Freda?” queried Montgomery. “Really, you must stay closer to us; we were beginning to be a little worried; we called to you and received no answer; now, don't get so far ahead again. Here, you had better walk alongside of me so I can watch out for you.”

Thus, Montgomery and Freda in front, Caroline trailing along behind, they proceeded through the cavern, stopping occasionally to survey some particularly beautiful or interesting formation. Caroline's condition was hardly comfortable; her parts were covered with the slimy secretion placed there by Montgomery, so in a few minutes she dropped back behind the others, and permitting them to pass beyond a turn in the path, she stuck her candle upon a jutting rock and with her handkerchief quickly made what repairs she could to her damaged toilet.

Montgomery, noting that Caroline had dropped behind and guessing the reason, imperceptibly hastened his step and hurried the child along with him until, feeling sure that some distance separated himself and Freda from Caroline, he whispered to the child that he had something important to communicate to her.

“When we are ready to leave, I want you to drop behind-! not very far, but just inside the mouth of the cave; then when Caroline and I are outside, I will miss you and will return to hunt for you. Blow your candle out; you will be able to see me when I approach, but if Caroline should come along, you can say your candle went out and you got lost. I will return for you immediately, so don't be frightened by the darkness.”

“What do you want to tell me?” queried the ever-curious Freda.

“Well, you'll find out when the time comes; but I will say this: I am going to give you some loving and squeeze your little rump, you little rascal!” With that, he gave her plump little bottom a few caresses and his hand strayed over the front of her body, feeling her tight little slit through her panties.

At this time the wavering light of a candle approaching showed that Caroline was coming up, so the two fell into an animated discussion of the beauties of the cavern. Caroline had her own thoughts, but said nothing; she appreciated that Montgomery would restrain from nothing where women were concerned, but an accusation would only be met with scornful denial by both the salacious Freda and the libidinous Montgomery, so Caroline merely held her peace.

The three walked about in the cave for some time until, having thoroughly investigated its beauties, they started back for the outer world. Montgomery, walking with Caroline in the front of the little party, kept her interested in a running tide of conversation, so she paid no heed to the fact that Freda was following along far behind them. Arriving at the portal of the cave, she turned and noted that Freda was not in sight and immediately became alarmed.

Montgomery, however, quieted her, stating that he would return and find the missing child. Caroline was all for returning also, but was deterred by Montgomery, who advised that she remain on the outside. “You know, oftentimes these caves have passages that lead off for great distances; they are perfect labyrinths and it is quite easy to become lost therein. Our supply of candles is low; I will return to the cave and hunt for Freda; if she hasn't strayed too far, I will be back immediately; if, however, it happens that she has gotten lost, I may have some difficulty in finding her and if my candles run out, I would be just as badly lost as she is; therefore, do you remain outside and if we haven't returned by the end of an hour or so, you will secure help to search for us. I don't say this to alarm you and you needn't be worried, but I want to guard against any possibility of danger, so I will return to the cave and you remain outside. I am quite sure I will be back with Freda in a minute or two. She surely cannot have gotten very far in the short time since she was with us.” This speech by the wily Montgomery greatly perturbed Caroline, but there was nothing to do but contain herself and await the return of the two. Consequently, she seated herself on a stone at the entrance to the cave, while the man proceeded on his search for the missing Freda.

Shouting loudly, he proceeded down the main passageway, and soon his candle was blotted out as he passed one of the numerous angles of the crooked path. Caroline could hear his voice loudly calling for Freda to answer him; gradually the shouts grew dimmer and dimmer and finally she could hear nothing; composing herself to wait and endure as best she might the anxiety caused by the child's disappearance, she restlessly sat twisting her handkerchief nervously.

Montgomery, that clever rascal, upon entering the cave shouted Freda's name quite loudly. Although she was only a few feet back in the cave, the child held her peace. Soon Montgomery discovered her there, but continued to shout, gradually lessening the volume as though walking farther from the entrance, and finally ceased altogether. The two grinned at each other in appreciation of the way they were fooling Caroline with this playacting.

The man lost no time. Placing his candle on an outjutting point of rock, he seated himself oh a large piece of stalactite that had fallen from the roof and, drawing the child to him, rained his hot kisses on her face and neck. Freda, in view of the man's promise to love her when he returned, had worked herself into a frenzy of childish lasciviousness, and she now yielded herself to the man's caresses, returning the kisses, pressing her body close to him, and squeezing him as tightly as her childish strength would permit.

In spite of his amorous adventures of the morning, which would have sapped the strength of an ordinary man, the sensual Montgomery was highly excited by the contact with this fair child. His prick once more stood rigid and stiff, pushing up his clothing. His hands explored the person of the child, molding and squeezing her softly rounded little buttocks, her scarcely formed breasts and her maidenly quim; she responded to all his overtures, her tiny hand seeking his prick, which she squeezed in ecstasy. Unbuttoning his trousers, she yanked it forth and stood amazed, looking at its enormous size and vigor, her hand played with its gigantic staff as she stood quivering, her legs widely spread to permit the fingerings of the maddened Montgomery, her body quivering and burning with passion. The man unbuttoned the little panties at the waist and slid the garment down about her feet; the child stepped out of it and Montgomery, raising her skirts, gazed at that maiden slit and the white flesh of her thighs and belly. Inserting his finger into her cunt, he attempted to push it up into her, but was much surprised when he encountered an obstacle.