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“You are right, master,” heartily acquiesced the servant. “She is all that you say and I am sure that when this petticoat is removed, her charms will be shown off to much greater advantage.”

“By all means,” said Lord Roxboro, untying the string of this garment and allowing it to fall to her feet.

“There, Montgomery. You may now see all to the full.” The lower portion of the girl was revealed naked with the exception of her tight short drawers and stockings.

Grace was covered with blushes and twisted and squirmed at her bonds. At the last uncovering of her secretness, she threw herself on the floor and rolled about on the carpet as if she wished to deprive the two lustful-eyed men of the sight of her nakedness.

Montgomery, however, dragged her roughly to her feet and, holding her in his arms with her face to him, pressed his knee to the center of her body, causing her to arch out her lower trunk toward the sensual nobleman, who pinched and patted it with great delight.

“To think that the daughters of common people should have such delightful parts,” mused his lordship. “Some nobleman like myself must have got to her mother before her nominal father did and planted the seed that developed into this beautiful flower. I'll bet a barrel of my best wine. It is so soft and yet so firm,” he mused, seizing a fold of the tender flesh in his sensuous hand and tweaking it to the girl's consternation.

“I do believe,” he said, turning to Montgomery, “that this girl, exposed as she is and startled at this sudden unveilment of her maidenly charms, is about to prove herself a true woman by swooning away on us.”

And so it seemed. She grew lax in Montgomery's hold and her legs weakened beneath her, and but for the valet's firm hold upon her she would have slipped to the floor.

She lay with her eyes closed, her bosom still heaving convulsively from the stress of excitement she had undergone, and Lord Roxboro took in the beautiful picture to the full.

“God, Montgomery!” he cried, his eyes glistening with lust as he looked over her person. “What a ravishing creature she is! Our friend Trant cannot be blamed at all for taking this fair girl to his heart as his wife. I believe she far surpasses anything I have seen in all my days of playing with the ladies. She is divinely beautiful, is she not, my good Montgomery?”

Montgomery was in perfect accord with his lustful master and seized one of Grace's limbs and passing his huge hand roughly about the bare thigh, pulled it roughly to one side so that the sensual pair could look through the slit in her drawers and see the crinkly thatch of golden hair that adorned her quim.

“There, my lord,” he said, lifting the leg still higher, “there is what you are after. Why not now while she is still asleep ravish her of the jewel that she has treasured so much all her life? There is no time like the present.”

“No, Montgomery,” said Lord Roxboro, raising an admonishing hand. “I do not concur with your idea there. It is best that we allow the little lady to return to her senses before we proceed, and I assure you, my kind assistant, that when she is able to see, feel, and hear, the pleasure will be increased for us a hundredfold.

“I am surprised at you, a man of the world, to think of perpetrating a rape on a creature that is totally lost to all the finer feelings that such an assault must convey to one of her tender and refined nature.

“Why, it would be like possessing a piece of meat. But for the present it is best that you pass a strap about her ankles so that she will be amenable to us upon awakening and then I shall decide how and where I will deal with this charming maiden.”

Montgomery quickly did as he was bid, turning the girl over roughly as he did so and venturing many a stray pat and pinch on many parts of her tender exposed flesh. When she was well trussed, he turned to his master for further orders.

“Go and see if the servants have left as I bade them and see that the house is securely fastened against intrusion,” said Lord Roxboro shortly.

Montgomery quickly sped away and, seeing that all was well in the house, quickly returned to the room.

He found Lord Roxboro sitting on the bed, holding the trussed up fingers of the fainted girl in his arms, pressing hot sensual kisses on Grace.

Upon seeing Montgomery enter the room, he laid her back on the bed and looked expectantly at the valet.

“Everything is all right,” said Montgomery. “All have left; that is with the exception of Caroline and Freda-suppose they-”»

“They are all right,” said Lord Roxboro shortly, knowing that the two girls must be peering through the peekhole in the wall of Caroline's room. “You need not worry about them, Montgomery, but, I see our fair beauty is again showing signs of life.”

And so she was; Grace uttered a faint moan and rolled about on the bed, opened her eyes and glanced wistfully about.

“Oh, oh!” she screamed. “Oh, what a horrible place I am in with you two brutes! Help! Help!” Grace screamed, straining wildly at the bonds. “Release me, you beasts! Harry, Harry, where are you? Save me, save me!”.

“I fear you will hurt yourself most seriously,” said Lord Roxboro mockingly. “As for your Harry, he is in no position to come to your rescue at the present moment, seeing that he has been so kind as to entrust your maidenhead to my tender care.”

“Oh, oh!” screamed Grace. “Despicable loathsome men! Release me at once from these bonds and allow me to go free from here! You shall regret this act to the last day you live, you base ravisher! I shall inform against you and you shall be severely punished! Help! Help!”

“Quite dramatic, I must say,” scoffed the sensual peer.

“I believe, Montgomery, that our pretty young charge here is to be complimented for her histrionic ability and I can assure you that she covers with her sweet little voice a range that would turn any vocal artist green with envy.

“But this is not the point. I intend, young lady, in accordance with the agreement I made with your new husband to ravish you and in the pleasant process of your seduction I assure you from the bottom of my heart that I will experience as much pleasure as I judge you will pain.

“Remember and treasure every word that I say, for each is pregnant with meaning:

“I intend-in the next few minutes-to rend you-tear away entirely until not a shred remains-of the muscular curtain that is in your quim and of which I understand you set great store by.”

“Oh, oh,” sobbed Grace. “Is there no pity in your heart? Have you no compassion in you for a girl who has never been wronged in her whole life? Have you no regard for my family, my husband, my own feelings? Surely this one short act of ravishment will be but a passing pleasure to you and after it is over you will turn to another sport. To me it means more than death, more than you as a man could ever imagine. I beg of you to reconsider what you are about to do and release me from a position that can bring nothing but harm to both of us.”

“Never mind that,” said Lord Roxboro, determinedly tearing open the fly of his trousers and allowing his swollen charger to leap out and almost strike the girl in the face.

“After that pitiful appeal, my dear girl, there is no power on earth that can save you. Why, your words have had such a stimulating effect on my penis that it feels as if it were about to burst from pure desire,” and here he wagged its purple head in her sobbing countenance.

Grace sobbed as if her heart would break and Montgomery, obeying the instructions of his sensual master, pulled a hassock to the center of the floor and, lifting the girl in his arms, helpless as she was to resist him, laid her down, her back on the floor, her buttocks resting firmly on the hassock.

“Now, Montgomery,” directed his lordship, “pull up that chiffonier and unlash her arms; tie a strap around each wrist and lash them firmly to the legs of the chiffonier.”

Montgomery, despite the girl's wriggles and twists to free herself, did as he was told and soon the girl was lashed firmly, her arms stretched over her head.