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“Oh, oh,” moaned Grace, “release me, please, I beg of you, and I will do anything you want. I am dying and am mined forever. Release me, I beg of you!”

“I do not think you will die,” said Lord Roxboro. “A young girl of your build and sturdiness can easily stand the loss of that which you set so much store by. As far as being ruined, there is no truth in it.

“If I see fit to release you, are you sure that there will be no attempt on your part to cause trouble later on?”

“Oh, no, no, no,” said Grace. “My arms are almost dead and those straps cut into me so that I could almost scream from that alone! I will do as you say. Only please release me from this cruel position!”

“Very well,” said his lordship, unleashing the straps that confined her. “One false start on your part will bring those straps on again and perhaps with double strength.”

Grace, released from the confines of the straps, collapsed weakly on the floor and, pressing her thighs closely together, sobbed and cried, her face buried in her hands.

“Come, Montgomery,” said Lord Roxboro. “Get some covers from my bed and lay them here on the floor and together the three of us will make the best of the night with them.”

Grace said nothing to this and the valet, following his lordship's instructions, secured a number of quilts and pillows from the bed. Laying them on the floor, he lifted the unheeding girl and placed her upon them. Lying on one side of her, he watched his lordship lie down on the other, both men passing their arms about her naked form and allowing their hands to tun riot over all of her secret charms.

Grace by this time was past all resistance, and, crying softly, allowed both men to do their will.

His lordship opened her thighs and, slipping a finger into her cleft, found that she was still agreeably tight. Passing his finger over her diminutive knob, he soon had it as hard as an iron nut. Montgomery contented with hugging and kissing her. He also fondled her breasts and belly and between the two of them the girl was almost smothered.

Finally, through playing with the girl's slit, his lordship was again in a terribly erect state, rolling the girl flat on her back, he mounted her, guiding his pintle to her sheath.

He slipped in an inch into her and the tender flesh folds of her sex closed in nervous convulsions about the length of his throbbing tool.

“I wager you, Montgomery, that this is the sweetest sheath I have ever explored. Like a glove,” he murmured, “so tender and hot. Such clingings and grippings! What a tight little passage she has. I do not see, Montgomery, how you ever essayed such a tight and tortuous grove. Why, the very feel of it is enough to ruin an anchorite. There, there, there,” he said, giving quick little shoves with his swollen gorger within the fleshy lips of her sex. “I judge that will thrill you, my beautiful young friend.”

Grace made no further dissent and his lordship pounded away at her, his tool now fully encased within her.

“Entrancing,” he murmured. “Never have I enjoyed a whang like this. Why, her quim teases me as if it is eager to draw forth my sap. The smoothness grips my prong so tightly that I am sure that without even a move on my part it will draw the sperm from me.”

He continued to push sensuously, and suddenly his prick leaped within her, causing her to gasp for breath as he shot a generous libation of his sexual essence into her. He lay for a few minutes panting on her, his rod still spouting within her.

When the last drop had flowed, he rolled off and allowed Montgomery, who was now hard and eager to take his place, to do that which he so desired.

The valet was so affected by the closeness of his amorous combat that he sheathed his rod with one hard drive and the girl almost sprang up from the floor with the suddenness of his assault. He commenced a series of slow driving motions upon her and she, infected by his hot lust, twined under him like a worm on a skewer.

“Oh, horrors!” she gasped, while his lordship wiped his prong on a towel and laughingly patted her on the bare back, telling her to enjoy herself thoroughly.

She closed her eyes and with her lips on her ravisher was returning blow for blow.

Her loins rose and fell in perfect harmony in accordance with every thrust and lunge of his loins as they rushed and drew away from her in rapid succession.

Finally the crisis came and, burying her head on his bare shoulder, she gave a series of little ohs and ahs and ays in rosy confusion beneath him.

“Well, well,” cried Lord Roxboro. “I see that our little pupil is at least reverting to her senses, if it is possible for a woman to have any senses- I believe, Montgomery, that she has this time blown her vent. You, my dear friend and faithful servant, are the one that has done it.

“Am I not right, my dear Grace?” he asked, turning to Grace.

“Oh, oh,” she panted, not knowing for the moment whether she was on her head or her heels. “I–I-I-”

“I know,” said his lordship musingly. “You naturally would not know what has happened to you. But to be frank with you, you have shot your wad, or as the vulgar people say you have come. In other words you have discharged like Montgomery did, and so you have had your first taste of married bliss.”

Grace buried her flaming face against his shoulder and dared not lift her eyes. It was true that she had experienced pleasure in that last embrace. It seemed as if her whole soul had melted into her pelvis while that luscious threading had been going on. Her nerves still tingled with pleasure from the caresses imparted to her sensitive quim by the valet's monstrous tool. She squirmed about in bed and, pressing her thighs closely together, pressed closer to his lordship.

“Now, Grace,” said Lord Roxboro, “you have received four shots and for the present it is best that you compose yourself to sleep. I took the precaution to lock the door before we lay down and I assure you on my part that any attempt you make to escape will result in regret on your part.”

“Oh, I won't. If you wish to sleep, Lord Roxboro, you may go ahead and do so. As for me, I am too sore and excited to sleep but I will remain as you say and hope that you will allow me to depart soon, as I am-in a-wretched state.”

Lord Roxboro laughed at this and looking significantly at Montgomery, who was sitting up wiping the last vestiges of the battle from his now softened charger.

“Do not allow that to worry you, Grace; that slight wetness that you may be suffering”-and here he patted her on the inner bare thigh-“may be the means of starting a fine family for you and you must not forget that I on my part will not be niggardly as a godfather.”

“When I think of it,” said Grace, composing herself so as to rest as comfortably as possible, “when I think of that wretch I called my husband, that beast that bartered me off to you on our wedding day-I cannot see how I ever came to like or even tolerate him. Why, I disown him forever; an animal would not be capable of doing what he has done.”

“Here now,” warned Lord Roxboro. “Do not be too unkind with your dear Harry. For all you know, he may have been a victim of circumstances and I'll wager the time will come when you will enjoy the touch of his hard prong between your thighs where ours have been. But-no more of that. I desire a little rest, so compose yourself the best you may. Later on you may receive another taste of that terrible stick that you are now learning to relish.”

Turning his back to her, he closed his eyes and was instantly asleep.

Grace, now that she had tasted of the pleasures of a lusty plunger, pouted a bit over this sudden neglect on the part of his lordship, but Montgomery, turning his face to her, encircled her with his arms and, pressing his lips to her sweet mouth, allowed his softened truncheon to lie against the lips of her slit and she gave herself up to him.

The feel of this nude body, the body of this naked male beside her; the contact of the hair against her soft white globes; the strong white arms about her; the fleshy muscle between her thighs, caressing her quim; a hardened belly pressed to her own; her lips to his: she could do nothing but sigh with contentment.