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Montgomery, however, had by no means given up the game and as he pressed and molded the soft form to him, allowing his hands to run over her, he found a strange sweetness in her kisses and, taking her tiny hand in his, guided it down to his member and pressed the tender fingers about its massiveness. He was soon rewarded by feeling her frig and pull his giant charger, rubbing it against her quim. He was soon again in a state of very violent erectness.

Drawing her away from his lordship so as not to awaken him, he rolled her on her back and, mounting her willing form, guided the head of his prong to her slit, slowly allowing its swollen length to slip fully within her. He subjected the girl to sensations that to her were the most thrilling that she had ever experienced.

She cooed and murmured beneath him and, passing her arms about his broad shoulders, closed her eyes and moved in unison with his tender connection.

Montgomery, sated as he was from his previous bouts, was content to play a little.

Drawing the length of his weapon nearly out of the gripping sheath, he allowed the swollen head to titillate her mouth and then with a teasing drive would allow it slowly to be absorbed within her steaming entrails.

Long before he thought of venting, she had poured down on him in a nervous shower the dew of her sexual life.

This torrent of balm, soothing and lubricating the walls of her cleft, gave the valet more room to probe and now, with the whole of his engine within her, he hugged her tight to him and settled down for a regular joust.

His full length was drawn in and out of her and as she felt the top nearing the outer lips, she would push herself up and he, on his part taking advantage of this sweet surrender, would with one sweet drive ensheath himself in her up to the balls.

She was soon in a delightful state and again showered and spent upon this swollen stranger to her parts.

By this time Montgomery had the cheeks of her buttocks spread.

“Oh, no, ah, no,” she cried, wiggling about, not liking this strange contact of a man's digit in her most secret part. “Ah, not there!”

Montgomery, however, paid no attention and, driving way, soon had her again in a foment. Driving his rod into her very hair, he poured into her a load of his manly balm that showered and sprayed within her till she thought she would float.

She in her turn beshowered him, and lax and helpless from the fury of their contact, they lay gasping for breath in each other's arms.

“I love you,” she breathed, kissing him on the lips and giving a little flutter of her quim about his still-spouting rod.

Montgomery laughed and, despite her protest, drew forth his rod and, gently returning her to the side of the snoring Lord Roxboro, dried himself and prepared to nap.

He was soon asleep and Grace, a prey to the newly awakened emotions, lay between the two naked men, sleep being the farthest thing from her mind.

What sensations that rod of Lord Roxboro and of Montgomery had inspired within her! What a wonderful one each one of these sensuous men had! She closed her eyes and shuddered as she thought of it. She pressed her thighs together and wiggled about as though to relive those ecstatic moments that the valet's rod had engendered within her. It barely seemed possible that a man's tool could inspire such pleasure within the body of a girl. And how it had hurt before. It was true that she still ached and pained from the assault of the pair, but the pleasure that Montgomery had given her far outbalanced all the pain that she had suffered.

She listened to the regular breathing of the pair and now no longer modest and mild she snuggled up close to the valet. Passing a hand quietly around his form, she took into her hand the shriveled remains of his rod and rubbed it lovingly between her fingers.

Montgomery, as though from intuition, gently took her hand in his and drew it away from his sexual badge. Grace, offended at this lack of interest in a heretofore ardent advocate of pleas, flounced her back to him and, turning to her other bed partner, cautiously sought to find out if he was as tired as the valet.

She found to her pleasure that his lordship, instead of making any signs of dissent, rolled over on his back, and taming down the clothes, she enjoyed a full sight of that instrument that had given her so much pain and pleasure. She pulled and frigged it about, handling the bag of balls and rubbing the soft nuts.

His lordship opened his eyes with a start.

“Ah, ha!” he whispered roguishly. “I see that you have changed your mind. I see that you no longer fear the terrible tune that my instrument plays. I judge that by now you have fully recovered from your fear and look upon that pin as a pin of pleasure instead of a pin of pain.”

Grace blushed rosily under this frank summary of her sentiments but still held the soft rod in her fingers, rubbing it up and down.

“I suppose you would like a punch of it now,” said Lord Roxboro waggishly. “I suppose,” he said, patting her breast, which was very plump and enticing, “that by now you are willing and eager to entertain a stranger in that little moss grove between your legs. Would you like it now, Grace? Come, little girl, tell me,” he added, nudging her roguishly.

Grace laughed merrily and, tweaking it up and down, slapped it gently against the peer's belly and said:

“I'll not say that I would like it as you put it, my lord, but even if I did-mind you, I'm hot saying I do-even if I did, it would not be much good in this shape.”

“True,” agreed his lordship. “You are right there, my dear, but there are more ways than one to skin a cat, and if you intend to be a proper married woman, one of the first tricks that you must learn is that of making a soft prick metamorphose itself into a standing member. That is what a woman's work is, and, Grace, how would it be if you really desired and your husband was in the same state that I am?”

“I do not know,” confessed the naked girl, blushing furiously. “I am sure, my lord, that I know nothing of such things. You should know that, my lord, especially after-after you have-”

“Have fucked you,” the lewd man finished for her. “But let's not be timid about this or backward either, dear. The mere fact that you have not the necessary knowledge of stiffening a rod is no fault of yours, and I absolve you from all the blame in that respect. But there are ways to be learned.” Drawing her to him, he passed his arms about her and kissed her warmly on the lips.

Grace submitted eagerly to this embrace and hoped that the contact of her lips on his would bring to life the thing she desired.

But alas, it still hung soft and lax against her thighs.

“Now,” said Lord Roxboro, pushing her away a bit. “Seeing that you are curious, I deem it quite proper that you as a newly married woman should be conversant with all the accepted modes of stimulating a lazy friend to action. I will explain to you the method of making this fellow”-here he lifted his prong-“come to life as hard as ever. The method, my dear, lies between your sweet rosy lips. The friction of your tongue and the warmth of your tender mouth imparted to the head and body of my prong will serve in a very short while to stimulate it to a size that I am sure will be perfectly satisfactory to all concerned.”

“Oh, no,” said Grace, making a face of disgust. “Surely, my lord, you do not mean that I am to take that thing in my mouth. Why-why-”

“Yes,” echoed his lordship, “why should there be a reason in the world that you should not? It is part of my body, the same as my face or my lips and to kiss it is the most tender act that a woman can show. Surely, Grace, you can see no evil in a wonderful action like that.”