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“No-” stammered Grace. “But it seems so-so wrong.”

“Nothing is wrong in love,” said the sensual peer, “and I am sure that if I thought that it would give you satisfaction, I would willingly kiss you in the spot that it would do the most good.” And bending over her satiny body, he kissed her bare belly and allowed his tongue to graze over her luscious flesh.

Grace gave a wiggle at this and as his prong was now again in her hand, she bent over as if to return the caresses, but stopped.

“I hope that it will not be necessary to tie you or beat you to inculcate within you the fundamental principles in the art of love. But if you force me, I will have to do so.” Passing a hand behind her head, he pushed her down on his belly.

Grace found her eyes opposite his dart and, squeezing it in her fingers, looked into the tiny hole in the head as though she might tell what was contained inside. In answer to the insistent pushes of his lordship on the back of her head, she laid his pintle beside her velvety cheek and rolled the head over her lips.

“In, in,” panted his lordship, his prong already beginning to swell from this delicious contact.

“Kiss it, Grace. Take the head in your mouth I beg of you!”

Grace opened her lips and, thrusting forth her tongue, allowed it to graze the head of his tool, licking and kissing the purpled nut; then, opening her mouth wide to encompass the thick body of his prong, she opened a little wider and sucked it into her mouth, rolling her tongue about its head.

It was not so bad as she had thought and, settling down in the bed, she allowed the lord to roll over on her, his balls resting on her chin. Passing one hand along the length of the tool near his belly, she tongued it as best she could.

His lordship passed both his hands behind her head and, forcing his tool down her throat, began pushing and shoving and Grace felt the rod swell within her mouth.

She now lay passively, allowing him to do his will; and as his prick dashed in and out of her lips, she wondered why he did not stop and proceed with the natural act.

A sudden slowing up of his movements, accompanied by a shooting of his load of gelatinous foam down her throat, soon told her that she had allowed him to go too far. She struggled and coughed, but his lordship still held her down and she was forced to swallow most of the load. He finally released her as she sputtered on the bed.

He wiped himself and laughed heartily at her rage.

When she was able to talk she berated him soundly, but his lordship took her in his arms and, kissing away all traces of his spunk, soon had her in a lively state.

“Lucky for you,” he said, “that I am what is known as a repeater amongst the girls. Now that you have done so well, if you will roll over, I will give you a charge of dew in the proper place.”

“Why,” she said, her eyes wide open, “I thought that when you exploded, you were done. Are you still hard?” Searching out his tool, she found it was true as he said.

She lost no time in placing herself in the proper position and his lordship soon impaled her quim with his erect prick and they were both dancing about in a sensual swoon on the bed.

This violent charge of juices seemed to quiet her somewhat and as his lordship climbed off, she pillowed her head on her arm and fell into a dreamless sleep.

It is now time for us to turn our attention to Caroline's room in which both of the sisters had been interested spectators of the ravishment of the merchant's wife.

Perched on their chair, they had held their eyes glued to the hole and not a movement of the trio had escaped them. Unconsciously Caroline had slipped a hand beneath her dress and with gentle rubs massaged the badge of her sex. Freda, observing her action, had followed her sister's example.

Closely pressed together, their breaths intermingling, their eyes sparkling with lust, they rubbed like mad and allowed their tightly pressed thighs to become saturated by the emission of their sex.

“Oh, oh,” moaned Caroline. “Freda, I feel so queer.” Cautiously stepping from the chair, she staggered to the bed and threw herself upon it, her head in her arms.

Freda, in no better state than her sister, quickly followed and, gathering her sister in her arms, kissed her passionately.

“Oh, oh,” moaned Caroline again, drawing up her legs and pressing her sister to her. “I am so-so-excited, Freda. Go away I beg you please, Freda.”

But Freda, placing her hand boldly under her sister's dress, found, as she had expected, that Caroline was all wet. Rubbing the protruding clitoris brought on another profuse flow of mucus. Freda herself quickly brought on her own flow and the two girls, completely exhausted, fell asleep in each other's arms on the bed.

As you will remember, Lord Roxboro had looked through the house before submitting the beautiful Grace to a double rape, and although he found no one about, still there was an inmate on the lower floors.

It was Marie, the maid, who hid there.

Marie had watched the actions of Lord Roxboro and her husband Montgomery as they separated the newly married pair and surmised what was about to happen to Grace.

She suffered a twinge of jealousy at the thought of Grace's experiencing pleasure that she considered belonged to her and her alone.

Determined to even up the score, she crept to the room in which the complacent husband Harry Trant was confined, and turning the key in the door, unlocked it, entered slowly, and carefully relocked the door behind her.

Then, sitting herself on a low chair beside him, she whispered:

“Not a word, Mr. Trant. I am your friend and I am determined to help you. I have heard all that transpired and know that you are held here against your will, and if possible I am here to help you.”

“Oh, oh,” cried Mr. Trant, running his hands through his hair and rushing up and down the room. “Why, oh why, did I agree to this terrible thing? I wish I had never entered into this terrible agreement with your master. If I were free now, I would go and wrench from those degenerates the poor innocent girl whom I know from her screams and appeals is undergoing the tortures of hell at these miscreants' hands. Give me that key and allow me to go and I will grant you anything you wish.”

“I wish I could,” said Marie, rolling her eyes and sighing as though she were perfectly in accord with the young man's intentions. “But to be frank with you, Mr. Trant, the master is a terrible man and once he knew I was the means of assisting you in your freedom, I doubt if my life would long be mine.

“Much as I appreciate your feelings, I must consider myself first; and as far as your being remorseful over what is occurring, consider for a moment my own feelings. My lawfully wedded husband is there. Imagine that, my dear sir, if you can. My lawfully wedded husband is in there-in there with your wife-raping her, fucking her-the same as his lordship, whom you attach so much blame to. Does that not assuage your feelings a bit, my friend?”

“Two of them are-are-assaulting her?” said Trant somewhat stupidly. “I thought-thought-that-”

“What you think and what they do are two different things,” said the practical Marie.

“There is no use in your going there now as I am sure that all is over and your wife no longer possesses her maidenhead. It is now left for you to make the best of a bad bargain.”

As she finished, she crossed one leg over the other, nonchalantly exposing her well-shaped leg, faultlessly clad in sheer silk, and smiled up at the man in an ingenuous manner. It was in the maid's mind to make the most of the opportunity that was presented to her. She determined to even up the score with her husband by indulging in a little illicit pleasure with the handsome groom who had been deprived of his bride. She had been feeling randy all day, and this would be a pleasant change from what she was accustomed to, for under these circumstances he would never dare to say anything about it.

She saw Trant's eyes fall to her leg and, lying back in the chair, she closed her eyes languorously. Stretching her arms above her head as if tired, she caused her waist to tighten and outline the almost naked form of her matchless breasts.