`There's one thing your surgeon overlooked, General. There's a contusion at the base of the skull. It could have come either from a blow over the head, or — which is more likely — he got it by being tumbled down those stairs after the murderer stabbed him.'
The chief inspector peered about him slowly.
`Suppose he were standing at this rail, or near it, when the murderer struck. The rail is more than waist high, and Driscoll is quite small. It's unlikely that even such a terrific blow with that weapon would have knocked him over the rail. Undoubtedly the murderer pitched him over to put him out of sight.
`Still, we mustn't overlook the possibility that the bolt might have been fired instead of being used as a dagger. That's improbable; it's almost insane, on the face of it. If a crossbow is what I think it is, then it's highly unlikely that the murderer went wandering about the Tower of London carrying any such complicated apparatus.
`A knife, or the blow of a blackjack in the fog, would have done just as well. And because of the fog — as you say,
General — it's impossible that a marksman could have seen his target very far: certainly not to put a bolt so cleanly through the heart. Finally, there's the hat.' He took it from under his arm. `For whatever purpose, the murderer wanted to set his hat on the dead man's head. I think I may take it for granted that Mr Driscoll wasn't wearing it when he came to the Tower?'
`Naturally not. The Spur Guard and the warder at, the Middle Tower, who saw him come in, said he was wearing a cloth cap?
`Which isn't here now,' the chief inspector said, thoughtfully.. `But tell me, General. You said that so many people are always passing through here. - how did they happen to notice Driscoll?'
`Because they knew him. At least, that warder had a nodding acquaintance with him; the guard, of course, is always changing. He's quite a frequent visitor. Dalrye has got him out of so many scrapes in the past that Driscoll came to count on him that was why, he was here to-day!' I see. Now, before we go into this matter of the weapon, there's something, I want to know…. To begin with, we must admit this: whether he was shot or stabbed, he was killed very close to these steps. The murderer couldn't walk about here, with all the warders present, carrying a dead body; these steps were made to order for concealment, and they were used. So let's assume the most improbable course. Let's assume (a) that he was shot with a crossbow; (b) that the force of the shot — and it was a very powerful one knocked him over this rail, or that the murderer later pushed him over and; (c) that subsequently the killer decorated him with Sir William's hat. You see? Then from where could that bolt have been fired?'
General Mason massaged his imperial. They were peering at the wall across the way, at the gate of the Bloody Tower just opposite, and the bulk of a higher round tower just beside it.
`Well,' said the general, `it could have been fired from anywhere. From this lane, east or west, on either side of Traitors' Gate. From under the gate of the Bloody Tower; that's the most likely direction — a straight line. But it's tommyrot. You can't go marching about here with a crossbow, as though it were a rifle. It couldn't be done.'
Hadley nodded placidly.
`I know it couldn't: But, as you say, that's the most likely direction. So what about windows, or the top of a wall? Where could you stand and shoot a bolt from some such place? I shouldn't have asked, but I can't see anything beyond outlines in this fog.'
The general stared at him. Then he nodded curtly. There was a hard, jealous, angry parade-ground ring in his voice when he spoke; it made Rampole jump.
`I see. If you're suggesting, Mr Hadley, that any member of this garrison… ‘
'I didn't say that, my dear sir,' Hadley answered, mildly. `I asked you a perfectly ordinary question.'
The general jammed his hands deeper, in the pockets of his waterproof. After a moment he turned sharply and pointed to the opposite wall.
`Up there on your left,' he said, `in that block of buildings jutting up above the wall proper, you may, be able to make out some windows. They are the windows of the King's house. It is occupied by some of the Yeomen Warders and their families and by myself,' I might add…. Then the ramparts of the wall overlooking us run straight along to the Bloody Tower. That space is called Raleigh's Walk, and only a rather tall man can see over the rampart at all… Raleigh's Walk joins the Bloody Tower, in which there are some windows looking down at us, Next to the Bloody Tower, on the right, and joined to it, you see that large round tower? That's the Wakefield Tower, where the Crown jewels are kept. You will find some windows there. You will also — not unnaturally find two warders on guard. Does that answer your question, sir?'
`Thanks,' said the chief inspector; `I'll look into it when the mist clears a bit. If you're ready, gentlemen, I think we can return to the Warders' Hall.'
4. Inquisition
Gently General Mason touched Sir William's arm as they turned away. The latter had not spoken for a long time; he had remained holding to the rail and staring into the dimness of the area; and he did not speak now. He walked quietly at the general's side as they returned.
Still holding the hat under his arm, and propping flashlight against notebook, Hadley made several notations. His heavy, quiet face, with the expressionless dark eyes, was bent close over it in the torch-gleam.
He nodded, and shut the book.
`To continue, General. About that crossbow bolt. Does it belong here?'
`I have been wondering how long you would take to get to that,' the other answered, sharply. `I don't know. I am inquiring. There is a collection of crossbows and a few bolts here; it is in a glass case in the armoury on the second floor of the White Tower. But I am perfectly certain nothing has been stolen from there…. However, we have a workshop in the Brick Tower, on the other side of the parade-ground, which we use for cleaning and repairing the armour and weapons on display. I've sent for the warder in charge. He will be able to tell you.'
`But could one of your display crossbows have been used?' `Oh yes. They are kept in as careful repair as though we meant to use them as weapons ourselves.'
Hadley fell to whistling between his teeth. Then he turned to Dr Fell.
`For a, person who enjoys talking as much as you do, Doctor,' he said, `you have been incredibly silent. Have you any ideas?'
A long sniff rumbled in the doctor's nose. `Yes,' he returned, `yes, I have. But they don't concern windows or crossbows. They concern hats. Let me have that topper, will you?'
Hadley handed it over without a word.
`This,' General Mason explained, as they turned to the left at the Byward Tower, 'is the smaller Warders' Hall; we have our enforced guests in the other.' He pushed open a door under the arch, and motioned to them to pass.
It was not until Rampole entered the warmth of the room that he realized how chilled and stiff he was. A large coal fire crackled under a hooded fireplace. The room was circular and comfortable, with a groined roof from which hung a cluster of electric lights, and cross-slits of windows high up in the wall. Behind a large flat desk, his hands folded upon it, sat a straight-backed elderly man, regarding them from under tufted white eyebrows. He wore the costume of the Yeomen Warders, but his was much more elaborate than those Rampole had seen. Besides him a tall, thin young man with a stoop was making notes on a slip of paper.
`Sit down, gentlemen,' said General Mason. `This is Mr Radburn, the chief warder; and Mr Dalrye, my secretary.'
He waved his guests to chairs after he had performed the introductions, and produced a cigar-case. `What have you got now?'
The chief warder shook his head. He pushed out the chair in which he had been sitting for General Mason.