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thief—leader of a criminal group

watcher—posted to observe something or someone





aga moths—pests that eat clothing

anyi—sea mammals with short spines

ceryni—small rodent

enka—horned domestic animal, bred for meat

eyoma—sea leeches

faren—general term for arachnids

gorin—large domestic animal used for food and to haul boats and wagons

harrel— small domestic animal bred for meat

limek—wild predatory dog

mullook—wild nocturnal bird

rassook—domestic bird used for meat and feathers

ravi—rodent, larger than ceryni

reber—domestic animal, bred for wool and meat

sapfly— woodland insect

sevli—poisonous lizard

squimp—squirrel-like creature that steals food

zill—small, intelligent mammal sometimes kept as a pet


anivope vines—plant sensitive to mental projection

bol—(also means “river scum”) strong liquor made from tugors

brasi—green leafy vegetable with small buds

chebol sauce—rich meat sauce made from bol

crots—large, purple beans

curem— smooth, nutty spice

curren—coarse grain with robust flavor

dull—long fruit with tart orange, seedy flesh

gan-gan—flowering bush from Lan

iker—stimulating drug, reputed to have aphrodisiac properties

jerras— long yellow beans

kreppa—foul-smelling medicinal herb

marin—red citrus fruit


myk—mind-affecting drug

nalar—pungent root

pachi—crisp, sweet fruit

papea—pepper-like spice

piorres—small, bell-shaped fruit

raka/suka—stimulating drink made from roasted beans, originally from Sachaka

sumi—bitter drink

telk—seed from which an oil is extracted

term—grain that can be cooked as is, broken into small pieces, or ground to make a flour

tugor—parsnip-like root

vare—berries from which most wine is produced

Clothing and Weaponry

incal—square symbol, not unlike a family shield, sewn onto sleeve or cuff

kebin—iron bar with hook for catching attacker’s knife, carried by guards

longcoat—ankle-length coat

Public Houses

bathhouse—establishment selling bathing facilities and other grooming services

bolhouse—establishment selling bol and short-term accommodation

brewhouse—bol manufacturer

stayhouse—rented building, a family to a room

Peoples of the Allied Lands

Elyne—closest to Kyralia in position and culture, enjoys a milder climate

Kyralia—home of the Guild

Lan—a mountainous land peopled by warrior tribes

Lonmar—a desert land home to the strict Mahga religion

Vin—an island nation known for its seamanship

Other Terms

cap—coins threaded on a stick to the value of the next highest denomination



simba mats—mats woven from reeds

About the Author

TRUDI CANAVAN lives in a little house on a hillside, near a forest, in the Melbourne suburb of Ferntree Gully in Australia. She has been making up stories about things that don’t exist for as long as she can remember and was amazed when her first published story received an Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Short Story in 1999. A freelance illustrator and designer, she also works as the designer and Art Director of Aurealis, a magazine of Australian fantasy and science fiction. You can e-mail her at trudi@spin.net.au or find out more about Kyralia and the Magicians’ Guild at www.spin.net.au/~trudi.


An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

10 East 53rd Street

New York, New York 10022-5299

Copyright © 2001 by Trudi Canavan

ISBN: 0-06-057528-X


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address Eos, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

First published by Voyager, an imprint of HarperCollins Australia

First Eos paperback printing: February 2004

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