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198. Query, bu-mo, daughter or young woman. (Tib.). – EDS.

199. Hume –– C-ED.

200. For K.H.'s replies to these queries see post [Letter 93B (ML-23B)]. –– ED.

201. Considered of course in connection with distance as guessed by parallax.

202. K.H.'s Replies to the Queries in [Letter 93A (ML-23A)] II. – ED.

203. See The Theosophist, November, 1882. – EDS.

204. The letter in answer to yours, I believe, where you question me about C.C.M., S.M. and Mrs. K.

205. It would seem this should be 'thousand'. – EDS.

206. Dr. Phipson in 1867 and Cowper Ranyard in 1879 both urged the theory but it was rejected then.

207. Tributary offering. – EDS.

208. Edison, who was an Hon. F.T.S. – EDS.

209. The prophecy has been realized in the discovery of quasars. – C-ED.

210. Good gracious! Had I forgotten in my hurry to add the last five words, would not I have caught it as a charge of flat contradiction!

211. Should be Clemens Arretinus. – EDS.

212. Theosophists of Allahabad, who kept pestering the Mahatmas to correspond with them – C-ED.

213. Fern was at Bombay and he dreaded the just denial of even a "rascal."

214. This is in connection with procuring funds to finance the Phoenix project. – C-ED.

215. An occult novel by F. Marion Crawford, one-time editor of the Indian Herald, and a nephew of Sam Ward, an American businessman whom we shall meet in subsequent letters. – C-ED.

216. The spirit control of the medium, Mrs. Hollis-Billings. – C-ED.

217. An English poet. Author of "Behind the Veil" and other poems. –– C-ED.

218. See Isis, Vol. 2, pp. 368 and 369 –– the word Soul standing there for "Spiritual" Soul, of course, which, whenever it leaves a person "Soul-less" becomes the cause of the fifth principle (Animal Soul) sliding down into the eighth sphere.

219. This Appendix will be found in the The Theosophist, March, 1883, p. 137. –– EDS.

220. One of the chelas who "failed." He was President of the Bareilly Branch of the Theosophical Society. — C-ED.

221. Hume. C-ED

222. Hume. C-ED.

223. As you please. — EDS.

224. British Theosophical Society — EDS.

225. At this point in the original there is a rough drawing of the interlaced triangles inscribed in a circle. — ED.

226. The original letter had after the word "gunas." — C-ED.

227. The Royal Society. — EDS.

228. See reference at p. 318 to meteoric dust. — EDS.

229. Landowners. — EDS.

230. Facsimile edition has "could not recompense." — C-ED.

231. Thus in MS. Presumably an official's phonetic rendering of Homi. — EDS.

232. These passages are printed in italics. — ED.

233. William H. Terry, an Australian spiritualist and founder and editor of the magazine Harbinger of Light published in Melbourne. Correspondence with him was in part responsible for the series of articles "Fragments of Occult Truth." — C-ED.

234. Until the new order. — C-ED.

235. Letter No. 120 (ML-85). — C-ED.

236. Letter No. 122 (ML-87). — C-ED.

237. Blessings. - EDS.

238. The words "From Bhola Deva Sarma" are written on the envelope of this letter which was posted at Adyar, 16th January,1884, and received in London, February 7th, 1884. The postscripts only is in K.H.'s writing. — ED.

239. A chela of the Mahatma K.H. — C-ED.

240. This might be 'days,' or it may be 'pays,' French for country or land. — EDS.

241. An American widow and clairvoyant who came to England and worked for a time with Sinnett and Mohini. She later became a chela of the Mahatma K.H. See Letter No. 131 (ML-66). — C-ED.

242. The envelope is addressed in K.H's writing to "A.P. Sinnett, Esq., c/ of L.C.H." — ED.

243. The Occult World. — EDS.

244. Laura C. Holloway — C-ED.

245. Hübbe-Schleiden was the first President of the Germania Theosophical Society, and Frank Gebhard was a member of the Gebhard family in Elberfeld. — C-ED.

246. See Letter No. 66 (ML-14). C-ED.

247. Query, 'when' should be 'in'. — EDS.

248. See Note to [Letter 141 (ML-139), p. 460] — EDS.

249. It would seem that this Letter is a reply to Mr. Sinnett's reply to [Letter No. 140 (ML-141)]. At the end of that Letter Mr. Sinnett is asked to rouse his intuitions. At the beginning of [Letter No. 141 (ML-139)] H.P.B. refers to this. — EDS.

250. This refers to the farewell conversazione in honor of the Founders as they were leaving England. — C-ED.

251. This refers to Mohini and Babaji, both of whom later returned to India. Mohini resigned from the Theosophical Society in 1887 and went back to his former home in Calcutta, where he resumed his practice of law. Of Babaji the Mahatma wrote: "The little man has failed." — C-ED

252. The last nine lines of this paragraph were omitted in The Occult World.

253. The last eleven lines of this paragraph were omitted in The Occult World.

254. In The Occult World, the letter ends here.

255. Rhys Davids.

256. Old Lady, i.e., H.P.B.

257. The passages printed in bold type are K.H.'s comments, while those [underlined] have been underlined by K. H. — ED.

258. Marginal comments in M's handwriting are printed in bold type. [Underlined] passages have been underlined by M. The numbers in brackets in bold type refer to M.'s-comments at the end of the letter. — ED.

259. This passage is scored through in red ink in the original by M. — ED.

260. This letter is apparently written by Anna Kingsford. Passages printed in bold types are comments in K.H.'s handwriting; those [underlined] have been underlined by K.H. — ED.

261. Copy of Extract. — "Another sensation will doubtless ere long be provided, and even at this moment there is we believe in London a "Theosophical Society" which is desirous of constructing a religious creed on the basis of the alleged feats of Indian magicians. So true it is that as Dr. Donkin says some of those who have abandoned their former creeds seem striving to content themselves with base and grotesque images in the place of the Gods they no longer truly worship.

262. The original is damaged so that several words are either missing or undecipherable. — ED.

263. This is in A.O. Hume's writing. — ED.

264. This note is in K.H.'s writing. — ED.