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His hand rubbed at the numbness in the centre of his chest. Every day it became more difficult to remember how loving Eve felt. She’d been the only joy and comfort in his life and she still was, but he was hollow without the ability to love her back. Lust and admiration were there, but being “just friends” with her was killing him. It was killing her, too. She was closing herself off from everyone in the Marked system, avoiding building connections in the hope that she would find the leverage to shed the Mark. He’d once intended to help her, but now. .

“Now, you can’t walk away,” he whispered. She couldn’t turn her back on unsuspecting mortals being preyed upon by demons and she’d never be able to send her children to school with Infernals she couldn’t smell or identify. Reluctant as she was — and he didn’t blame her for that — she was too big-hearted to leave any underdog unprotected. No, she’d seen the darkness behind the veil and she could never un-see it.

Alec pushed to his feet. Be careful what you wish for. . He’d wanted to advance to archangel and helm his own firm, but he hadn’t considered what that goal would cost him.

His humanity was slipping from him every minute and if he didn’t get Eve back, he was afraid of what he would become without her.


Eve stood on the patio of her new resort condominium and watched two undercover Marks offload boxes of household goods that didn’t belong to her. Gadara had provided the furnishings from one of Arcadia Falls’ model homes for her use while undercover. The pieces were tropical in style — lots of wicker and floral patterns — which wouldn’t have been her choice but weren’t offensive either.

The condo was the middle unit of three adjacent properties. It was two-storeyed and sported the same red tile roof as all the other homes in the housing community. There were four available floor plans and a strict set of CC&Rs that ensured a uniform look over the entire property. The decorative lawns were all beautifully landscaped and maintained, and the streetlights resembled bamboo, which she thought was an interesting touch.

Grabbing a duffle bag out of the back of a Gadara Enterprises-owned Jeep Wrangler Limited, Eve wondered how the hell she was supposed to find a vampire who didn’t smell and wasn’t affected by sunlight. He or she could be anyone living in any of the 100 condos around her. She didn’t even know if she was looking for one vamp or a coven. She didn’t know how long she was expected to stay in Arcadia Falls or what she was supposed to do when she identified her quarry. And Reed wasn’t talking. He’d been notably silent in her mind all day. It wasn’t a great start to their front as a happily married couple.


Eve straightened from the back of the Jeep and caught sight of a petite blond approaching from the sidewalk. “Hi.”

“Welcome to Arcadia!” The woman extended a hand tipped with french-manicured acrylic nails. Dressed in khaki cargo pants and a white tank top, she showed off a great tan along with her youthful fashion sense. “I’m Terri Anderson, president of the homeowner’s association and your next door neighbour.”

“Hi, Terri.” Eve returned the handshake. “Eve Kline.”


Evangeline. Eve. Angel. It was a pet name only Alec ever used.

She turned to find him. He came from the direction of the house, his long legs eating up the distance between them with his familiar sultry stride.

“Hi,” he said, in the deep voice that could turn a reading of A Brief History of Time into an erotic experience. “Alec Kline.”

He gifted Terri with one of his easy, sexy smiles and she flushed as she introduced herself in return. It was a reaction Eve recalled all too well, even though the Mark now negated her physical reactions to most stimuli.

Alec Cain was prime grade eye candy. Deliciously defined biceps were showcased in a semi-fitted white tank, and long, muscular legs made his knee-length Dickies shorts look really damned good. His glossy black hair was slightly overlong, giving him a bad boy look that drew women like bees to honey.

What are you doing here? she asked.

You have to ask? You’re mine, angel. He winked, radiating confidence and predatory anticipation. The thrill of the hunt was in his blood, and his favourite prey lately was her.

She was in so much trouble.

Terri rocked back on her heels. “I’m having a barbeque tonight with some of our neighbours. We’d love to have you join us.”

How lucky are we? Alec asked.

We’re not. This isn’t going to work, she argued. You’re the poster boy for the Celestial team. Everyone knows who you are!

“Do you have children?” Terri asked.

Alec replied. “Not yet.”

Eve winced. One of the driving forces behind her desire to get her old life back was because she wanted a family. A husband, two and a half kids, a dog and a white picket fence. Considering the Mark’s side-effect of sterility, she had no chance of having children unless she found a way out of the Marked system.

“We don’t have any either, so we’ll have drinks, too.” Terri rubbed her hands together. “Six o’clock work for you?”

Alec nodded and tossed his arm over Eve’s shoulder. “Sounds perfect.”

Pretending to be married to him was going to be excruciating. Playing house with Reed didn’t have near the amount of baggage. All these years later, Alec’s affect on her was the same — she saw him and something inside her said “mine”. Something that couldn’t let go, even though it was best for both of them.

Terri pointed across their lawn. “There’s your other neighbour now.”

Eve turned her head as a late-model Camaro pulled into the driveway next door. A tall brunette male unfolded from the low front seat, then waved.

He reached them and extended his hand to Eve first. “Tim Cotler. Great to meet you.”

Alec growled. I can’t believe he looked at you like that when I’m standing right here.

It was nothing.

The two men introduced themselves, with Alec making a point of staking his claim.

He was so possessive, which was an impossible situation when she was so crazy about him. Her unrequited love left her too vulnerable, too hopeful. Not to mention all the trouble it caused Alec, who felt guilty and responsible for her, forcing him to concede, bargain and negotiate away his talents in order to protect her.

Terri waved over another set of neighbours and made the introductions. “These are the Mullanys — Pam and her daughter Jesse. They live in the next building over. You’ll want to know where that is, because Pam is our resident Avon cosmetics lady. And the guy helping your movers unload is Gary Reynolds. He lives on the other side of Pam.”

Alec went to say hi to Gary, while Eve extended her hand to Pam.

It didn’t escape Eve’s notice that everyone was exceptionally attractive. Gary was blond, tanned and notably strong and agile, as evidenced by his quick save of a heavy box tumbling from the back of the moving truck. Pam Mullany was a lovely redhead with brilliant emerald eyes and gorgeous skin. Eve couldn’t see a freckle on her, which was rare for natural redheads. Jesse Mullany was a girl of about sixteen, with dyed black hair and visible red roots. She had a pierced nose and red-stained lips, and when she returned Eve’s smile she displayed a perfect pair of pearly white fangs.

“Love the fangs,” Alec said, returning with a grin sure to disarm any female.