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JOHN: …I will.

Dan gives Sandy a friendly kiss and walks off.

SANDY: So, John Oldman. What other pun names have you used?

Will is slowly exiting, inadvertently sneaking up on them.

JOHN: Lots. John Paley for John Paleolithic. John Savage— Got really crazy about 60 years ago, when I was teaching at Harvard, I was John Thomas Partee. John T. Partee— Boston tea party—

Will who is right behind them now takes a step back with a look of shock on his face.

SANDY: I get it.

JOHN: Yeah, I know.

WILL: Wait, wait, wait. B-Boston? 60 years ago? J-John Partee?

John puts a hand on his mouth.

WILL: (angrily) You did not teach chemistry! I do not believe you!

JOHN: (putting his arm on Will’s shoulder) Your mother’s name was Nola.

WILL: No. No! Yea— Yes, Nola. (crying) My mother! (angrily) I reject this! My— My— My dog’s name. We had him before I was born.

JOHN: (smiling and nodding) Woofie.

WILL: Woof— Woof— Woofie… (sobbing)

JOHN: Gruber. She remarried?

WILL: (sobbing angrily) She said you abandoned us.

JOHN: Sorry, I had to move on. You know that. I left enough. I left enough.

WILL: I–I’m cooold!

JOHN: (putting his arm around him and escorting him inside) Chilly Willy, always cold. Never could stand the cold.

WILL: (Sobs) Wait, you— you had a beard! (stroking his face)

JOHN: Yeah, you used to tug on it to see if it was real.

WILL: (sobbing) Agh! (clutching his chest in pain)

JOHN: Will! God. Call an ambulance, now!

(Will gasps, collapses with John holding him)

JOHN: Come on, Willy. Will. Come on, buddy.

(Siren blaring, fade out)
