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Olivia Chalmers

The many ways of sex between women and boys

"I always feel like their teacher – like I was really contributing something to them – and that's probably why I come so great with them."

"These affairs were once traditional among some cultures, and still are to a large degree. The reason? Well, there are many, some peculiar to the individuals involved which limits any generalizations, but I would say there are some basic reasons that are involved in some manner in most of these cases:

"For the women – they feel effective with the young, even 'powerful' with some elements of maternalism expressed through this manifestation.

"And for the boys; consciously, the mature woman is a 'safe' yet desirable partner, while on the unconscious level they are serving Oedipal leanings."

The sixteen-year-old son of an elementary school teacher.

"Because they're the easiest to make – nothing's involved except being ready when she is. And not getting caught!"

The thirty-eight-year old adulteress wife of a busy fundamentalist preacher.

"They're so young… so innocent… they are going to be so hurt by the world that they need my love now."

We do not know the psychological validity of these personal statements. They could be a put-on, but we rather doubt this, for, as publisher-observers of the contemporary socio-sexual scene, we come in contact with evidence of an enormous number of branding iron-hot affairs which are currently being executed between women and boys. And, as publishers we have the responsibility to communicate the lucid details of these affairs by way of the Cameo Sex Reality Series format of hardhitting personalized case histories.

We've done just that.

We hope that you, the sophisticated readers of twenty-one years or more, will accept the responsibility to read this work through to the very last page. There are insights to be gained; a little more knowledge of the sexual world around us to be considered.

The Publisher

North Hollywood, California

September, 1971


The lucid details of the case histories in this report preclude the true identity of the individuals involved, therefore, all names have been changed.

Chapter ONE

Her name was Edna White. She was thirty-five years old, unmarried, a junior high school teacher of considerable ability, pretty in an unpretentious way, totally uninterested sexually in men her age, but inordinately fond of young boys. Because of her job, she had to take great pains to protect herself. It would be totally unthinkable to let it get around that she had an almost compulsive need to be fucked by fourteen-year-old boys. Fifteen-year-olds and sixteen-years-olds were acceptable to her, even the seventeen-year-olds on occasion, but she most definitely preferred the younger cocks. There was something about a fourteen-year-old boy, no matter what he looked like, that turned on Miss Edna White to the point where she was ready and eager to do anything sexual to and with him. Of course this had to be done discreetly, preferably after dark, at her home or some other such place where no one would be apt to discover them as she fucked and sucked the boy half out of his mind.

School was out. It was the latter part of the month of June… and Edna White had a throbbing pussy.

She stood on the porch of her small home on the outskirts of town and stared at the cars passing by, her mind working hard on a solution to her present problem – how to entice a young boy into her home before the day came to an end. She had no idea of how long she stood there – time had a way of marching swiftly by when Edna was caught up in the grip of cock fever. Finally, however, she turned to enter the house and at the same time she heard a car pull into her driveway. Turning around, she stared at the car as it came to a halt and a young boy climbed out of it. Her tongue ran across her full lips as she looked him up and down. The boy was a stranger to her – she was sure she had never seen him at school, and this was excellent for she preferred boys from schools other than her own. He was blond, about five feet ten inches tall and of medium build. As he strode toward the porch, Edna White sucked in air quickly. He had a decided sexy look about him that was quickly apparent to her experienced eyes.

He stopped just short of the first step of the porch, looked up at her and smiled warmly. He was, she thought, a very handsome youngster.

"Hello," he said. "I'm looking for a summer job. Have you any lawn work… or anything… I could do?" His eyes were very blue and his gaze direct.

Edna smiled down at him in just the right manner; friendly without being too friendly immediately; prettily without seeming too flirtatious; sensuously without permitting it to be brazen. "Come inside," she invited, taking care to sound quite proper. "Let's talk about it. As a matter of fact, I've been looking for someone to do lawn work, shrubbery trimming, that sort of thing." She opened the door and stepped inside the house, while he caught the door and held it for himself as he entered. She had the air conditioning on and was glad of it – it gave her a reason to close the front door and lock it, which she did without the boy noticing it.

"Sit down, please," she said to him, indicating a chair that rested directly in front of the sofa, which she went to quickly and sank down on the plump cushions, taking care that her skirt crept up considerably on her shapely thighs so that he might view her body better. She took note of the quick movement of his eyes as his glance was directed toward her thighs, saw him avert his eyes as he flushed ever so slightly, saw him breathe deeply and attempt to regain control over himself. She was pleased that he did so almost immediately.

"Did you want someone to work one day a week, or what?" he asked, apparently making a strong attempt to look her directly in the eyes and not permit himself to dart another glance at her revealed legs.

"I would think that three or four days a week for a while would be more suitable. I have… many things for you to do, you see." Edna kept her voice pitched low, but did not attempt any sexual innuendoes just yet. She had to find out a few things about him first, had to study him as well.

He was nodding his head as he leaned forward resting his tanned young arms on his widely spread legs. "I'd be glad to work as much and as often as you want me to, ma'am." He coughed slightly. "I'll do anything to you, ma'am… excuse me, I didn't say it right. I meant I'll do anything for you."

Edna leaned forward on purpose, turned slightly on the sofa and then sank back again swiftly. It was a move she had practiced often, for she knew it would cause her skirt to creep even higher on her thighs. It worked. Her skirt was now about as high as it would go, and since she was wearing only pantyhose and nothing else beneath the skirt, she knew the boy could see the outline of her puffy cunt.

From the expression on' his face, he had not only seen the outline of her cunt, but was quite excited about having seen it.

She teased him a little. "Is there something wrong?" Her eyes were riveted on his.

He returned her look. "No, ma'am. Nothing is wrong. By the way, my name is Rick Howard." He looked hopefully at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm Miss White. Miss Edna White. I – er – live here alone." Somehow it seemed important that she get this fact across to him in a hurry.

He smiled quickly, revealing his white teeth again. "I'll do a good job on you… I mean on your lawn, Miss White."

She pondered these two apparent slips of the tongue. Was he sharper than she was giving him credit for being? Was he, too, playing a little game… with her. She decided to make an overt statement, one that she could draw back from if necessary. "Rick," she said, "I'm sure you will do a good job… on me." She glanced down at the carpet on purpose, but only for an instant, just long enough for him to register a reaction to her words, but not too long for her to glance back up at him quickly and catch his response.