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"Is something wrong?" she asked thickly, her face still covered by her dark hair. "Nothing is wrong."

Immediately he felt the warm wetness of her lips about his cock again. "Oh… " he moaned.

She moved and the move took her titties out of reach of his lips. He looked about for something else to kiss… and found it quickly. Her belly. He ran his tongue into her navel and heard her squeal and pat him on the butt. He wasn't sure if she were angry or not, but taking his courage in hand, he continued to run his tongue about in her navel. She squealed again and he felt her hand forcing his head down on her body. She brought his head near her cunt and he offered no resistance to this placement. He saw her great cunt open up, the lips spreading apart as if to welcome him. And then he felt another pressure at the back of his head. Knowing what she wanted from him, he bent his head forward and kissed the pubic hair. My, her hair was coarse and stiff – it felt like a brush of some kind. He stuck out his tongue and let it hunt through the expanse of hair for the exciting hole he knew was concealed somewhere beneath her furry mound. After some probing, he found the upper part of the hole, plunged his tongue in and was astonished at the wetness of the spot. The wetness and the warmth. He pulled back to look at the spot but could not see it, the hair having closed over it again. He felt the pressure of her hand against the back of his head again and this time she was urging him to continue, as he noted she had ceased sucking his cock.

"Don't stop," he begged. "You almost got the evil out of me, ma'am."

She grunted and again he felt wetness, the wetness of her lips about his throbbing prick.

"Oh… that feels good," he almost sobbed.

She slapped the rear of his head this time, which he knew meant stop talking and resume kissing. He sighed a little and dug his tongue into the deep hair again, found the wet spot and ran his tongue about experimentally. Her right leg lifted and came down over his head, her body turned on its side and he found himself locked in the most delightful position imaginable. Her cunt seemed to have opened up considerably and was actually reaching out to caress his lips and nose and chin. At least, it seemed to be doing this. He wondered if she could actually use her cunt like a person might use his fingers. Danny didn't know, but it did seem to him that her cunt was stroking his lips.

He kissed her cunt passionately. Apparently, Mrs. Bush liked this sort of evil very much, for she let out a groan that could have been heard halfway across the street had the doors and windows been open. Her belly seemed to pull in and then to protrude toward his head, in and out, in and out. He watched very carefully, trying to understand if there was something else she wanted him to do, and then it hit him.

She wanted him to fuck her, evil or no evil.

"But I can't fuck," he mumbled. "You have my cock in your mouth."

"Use your tongue, you fool," she barked severely. "And hurry on with it, boy."

Scared, he darted his tongue into her wet hole and felt the hole close on it and actually hold it briefly. His tongue then slid out and he eagerly thrust it into the opening again as he heard her groan and felt her body shiver. She likes this, he thought. She ain't kiddin' me none. She likes the evil in me, and the evil in her, too.

"Keep on with it, boy," she barked from somewhere higher up on the bed. He could not see her head at all now, for his eyes were too close to her crotch region. "Get the evil devil out of me." She pronounced "devil" to rhyme with "evil."

"Oh… yes… ma'am. I promise to suck out the evil devil."

"Then get sucking, boy." She slapped him on the back of his head with a hard whack.

Immediately Danny plunged his face into her cunt and felt her body shuddering as she opened up her great thighs momentarily and shifted over on her back with him on top of her. Her right leg was still about his neck, holding him firmly but not choking him. He found this to be very pleasurable and exciting because now he could make fucking movements with his loins while she sucked his cock and he kissed and tongued her wet cunt.

"I like to suck your cunt, ma'am," he heard himself say.

"Good boy," she said. "But hurry on with it. Mrs. Bush has much evil to be rid of today."

"Suck my evil out, too. Suck it real hard, ma'am."

He darted his tongue back into her cunt and was agreeably surprised when she held his head there with one hand and began a wild fucking movement against his face and tongue. At the same time, he began to fuck her mouth savagely and soon the inevitable happened. First, she shuddered and stiffened repeatedly and then he felt as if his head was coming off. In fact, he was certain his head was coming off until he exploded his come into her mouth, shooting it between her parted lips with great force, down over her fast-working tongue and permitting her to greedily swallow it and then to suck still more of it from him. At the same time his tongue was working her cunt at a very fast rate of speed. Both her hands held him against her cunt fiercely, her body convulsing several times before she could lay still, breathing in gasps.

Danny continued to lightly kiss the flesh around her cunt, the cunt itself, the hair, her belly, all of her lower body.

She pushed him away. "The evil has gone for now, boy. Get dressed. Go home. Come back in two hours."

He sighed in a disappointed manner but there was nothing to do but to yield to her authority. He climbed off the bed, put on his pants quickly and without looking at her, left by way of the side door. He ran all the way home and when he got there, flopped down on the sofa and began to relive in his mind every little move she had made. He must have dropped off to sleep, for the next thing he knew, the room was dark and he was stumbling about trying to find the light switch.

The lights on, he sank down on the sofa, surprised that his pants were unzipped. He must have done this in his sleep, for he was certain he had zipped his fly at the lady's house.

Oh, well… what about it? What did it matter?

There was something that mattered, however. She had told him to return to her in two hours. Had two hours gone by… or had more time elapsed? Danny didn't know. The only way to find out was to run promptly back to her door, knock on it, and ask, which he did.

She was dressed in night clothing and looked sleepy. Stretching her arms high above her head, she looked at him through half-closed lids. "Thought you weren't coming back, boy," she said severely. "I had gone to bed. Know what time it is?"

Danny shook his head nervously. He had goofed again, hadn't he? Damn it anyway! Why was he so stupid?

"It's after midnight, boy. You'd better go home. Your folks will be wondering where you are."

He grinned. "No they won't, ma'am. I told you. At least, I think I told you. They went away for the whole weekend. I'm alone at home. I can stay… here and let you… fuck the evil out of me for… three whole days, ma'am."

"I do wish you wouldn't use that degrading word, boy," she said, blinking her eyes at him but looking at him in that very odd way she sometimes did when she seemed more concerned than usual about the evil that needed to be taken from him.

"What's degrading, ma'am?"

"I was talking about your use of the word… fuck… I'd rather you not talk about fucking in my presence. Fucking is a very evil thing to talk about."