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It seemed to him that she was using the word quite a bit considering it was so evil, but he said nothing about this. He was still afraid she was going to be offended in some unknown manner and then she might refuse to fuck with him. Oh, God, how he liked having her take the evil from him. Any old way was fine with him. She could either… fuck out the evil or… suck it out. Both ways were wonderful.

"Boy, aren't you ever going to listen to me when I'm talking?"

Danny jerked himself out of his private thoughts and stared at her. She had removed her nightdress and was now entirely naked as she stood in the middle of the room.

"Come and kiss my tummy," she cried. "I have a very bad ache in my tummy."

"Shall I take off my pants first, ma'am?" he asked innocently.

Mrs. Bush seemed almost startled by his question. "Oh, yes, by all means. That is – er – take off all your clothing, boy. Take it all off."

There was something about the way she spoke those last four words that made him become immediately erect. Erect and very, very hard. As he pulled off his clothing, he was careful to keep his back turned to her so as to hide his cock from her as long as possible. When he finally turned around and faced her, her eyes bulged at the sight of his enormous prick. She caught her breath and even her face changed its expression. It was the first time he had ever noticed her to be openly excited and this fact did something wild to him. Danny wanted to do something entirely different than he had ever done. It might be considered by her to be the greatest evil of all, but he had to tell her.

"Ma'am," he said hesitantly. "Instead of kissing your tummy, can I shoot my tool up your asshole, please?"

It seemed as if a half hour passed by before she stopped frowning at him, had stopped looking at him in such a severe and angry manner. During this long interval of time he had alternately shivered, shuddered and worried.

"Come here, boy. Do you know you are most evil tonight… the most you have ever been?"

"Am I, ma'am?" he asked innocently, his cock quivering with eagerness.

"You are. Indeed you are. The devil himself is inside of you tonight."

"Is there some way you can get him out of me?" he asked, not quite so innocently.

"I think you're playing games with me, boy." She cleared her throat. "Are you playing fuck games with me, boy?"

"I thought you said not to use that word, ma'am," he said with spirit.

She had reddened slightly. "Hmm, the filthy word slipped past my lips, boy. It's the evil in you that does it to me."

"It does it to me, too, ma'am," he cried, pointing at his cock. She sighed and frowned at the same time.

"Ah, yes, we must do something about the very great evil you possess tonight. Now… "what was it you wanted to… do, boy?"

He took a deep breath, let the air out and told her bluntly. "I want to stick it up your pretty asshole."

The lady sighed again. "Oh, dear, you are lost, I'm afraid. I never saw so much evil in one so young."

"May I stick it up your ass and get rid of it, ma'am?" he persisted.

She walked to the bed, leaned over and rested her hands on a table. "I'm afraid you will have to in order to rid yourself of so very much evil, boy."

"You mean I can ram it up your asshole, ma'am?"

The lady bit her lips. "Please do not talk that way so much. It is a sign of an even greater evil. However… you must do as the devil in you suggests. It is the only way we can rid you of that terrible creature."

"All right. I won't say anything more about fucking you up the asshole, ma'am. I'll just ram it in and get rid of the devil."

She sighed and moved a bit, spreading her great legs in the process. "Precisely now, precisely."

Danny was not too sure of what that word meant, but he went to her, holding his cock in his left hand while he placed his right arm about her body. God, getting up close to her ass felt good. Her ass just seemed to fit the contour of the front of him. He used both hands in pulling apart the cheeks of her butt until he saw just where the tiny hole was located. Then, trying to remember it as he was forced to straighten up somewhat, he took his cock in hand and stabbed at the place where the hole should have been.

It wasn't the right place.

He stabbed again.

And again.

The lady solved the problem. She grasped his prick, stuffed it in her asshole, and holding him tightly to her behind, fell over onto the bed, with Danny already pumping his cock into her hole with as much speed and energy as he could muster, which was considerable.

"Slow it down, boy. Mustn't let the evil out too fast, you know."

He ignored her remark and said something that had little bearing on it. "Why do you let me do this to you, ma'am?"

"Because," she grunted, "I have a duty to extract the evil from as many – er – young boys as I possibly can."

Danny didn't bother with asking any more such questions. He simply pumped his cock in and out of her very tight asshole much in the manner of a male dog in back of a bitch. He had often seen male dogs topping bitches on the street, had noticed the fast, wild manner in which the male dog invariably worked. He had patterned his own fuck style on this.

It seemed to work for Danny.

The lady underneath appeared to be enjoying it very much… as much as she would permit enjoyment to enter into the evil process, of course, he reminded himself. He must not let his imagination go too far astray. After all, she had told him she was only interested in helping boys rid themselves of the "evil." He wondered, later, how many boys she had "helped."

Before he had time to prevent it, he blew his wad, shooting up into her asshole. She waited until the squirting stopped and then with something resembling a wild animal roar, she pushed him off her, only to turn over and lie flat on her back. He started to move away from her but she grabbed him and pulled him down on top of her, her great legs going about his body and fastening together like a human vise, holding him in position as she put his still hard cock into the wetness and the heat of her cunt.

Danny obediently fucked the evil out of himself again and this time deposited it in her cunt.

Then they lay quiet for a long time. When his cock finally became soft, she pushed him off gently and spoke to him, her lush lips close to his ear. "Now, you see, you are a good boy. The evil is gone from you. You must thank me for doing this great service to you."

"Oh, I do thank you, Mrs. Bush," he cried quickly. "I thank you very much."

"Ah, yes," she said, breathing deeply. "But those are merely words. There are other, better ways to thank me, boy."

"I'll thank you any way you want it done, Mrs. Bush," he cried passionately. "Hmm… let me think," she mused. "What way would I like best to be thanked?" "Could I maybe kiss it?" he asked bluntly.

She lifted her head from the bed and looked down at him. "Kiss my what, boy? What are you talking about?" There was a sudden return of her former severity of tone.

He hesitated out of sudden fear of her. "I guess I didn't mean that, ma'am," he mumbled.

"You didn't mean what, boy?" she barked at him, her great tits heaving wonderfully. "I didn't mean to say anything about kissing it," he mumbled. "And again I say, kiss what, boy?"

Danny took a deep breath and let it out quickly. "Kiss your cunt, ma'am."

She shook her head savagely. "There you go again… using vile language in my presence. Haven't I taught you anything at all yet?"

"Yes, ma'am," he answered quickly.

"Then what have I taught you, boy? Hurry now. Speak up."

"You… taught me to get rid of the evil."

"And… how did I teach you to get rid of the evil, boy?" she demanded, her face close to his, her dark eyes snapping.

"One way was by… sucking my cock, ma'am," he stammered.

She reddened slightly and he noticed her breathing was growing heavy again, as it often did when she talked about the evil in him. "And what other way have I taught you, boy?"