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"Taught me what?" he asked, puzzled now.

"What other way have I taught you to rid yourself of the evil?"

"Oh… by sticking my cock in your cunt and letting it fuck me off."

Again the lady reddened a little and breathed heavily. "There were other ways, too, weren't there, boy? Tell me what they were."

"Well… you sat on my prick and made me fuck you… that was the first time you spotted the evil in me."

"You are correct, boy. And now, boy, what did you do to me recently?"

"Fucked your cunt," he blurted.

She reddened again. "Before that, boy."

"I rammed my cock up your asshole, and… "

"That's enough, boy. Don't tell me anymore."

Danny was scared again. "Are you mad at me for saying that, ma'am?"

She smiled strangely. "No, boy, not mad. I never get mad at boys for being possessed by the evil." "You like evil in boys?"

Again she smiled strangely. "Let me put it this way, boy. The evil is there in you. I can see it right now, this very moment. It needs to be taken from you again. I think the best thing for me to do is to start all over again with you, put you through the course of teaching I have already put you through. Maybe the second time around you'll learn to combat the evil all by yourself."

"What are you going to do to me now, ma'am?" he asked, his pulse racing again.

"The same thing I did to you that first time. I'm going to draw the evil from that thing again, using my body above you. Of course, I have to see the evil in you first, don't I, boy?"

Danny knew what she meant. The evil rose in him immediately. She went above his body, settled herself down carefully, wrapping her cunt lips about his evil erection.

Chapter THREE

In the first two chapters we examined two different types of women, both of whom were extremely interested in fucking with young boys. In the first chapter we took a detailed look at Edna White, a somewhat prim schoolteacher whose primness disappeared considerably when a youngster was close at hand. In the second chapter we studied the hypocritical Mrs. Bush, who claimed she was interested only in removing the "evil" from boys.

We now examine still another type of female boy-lover. Her actions are clothed under various medical terminology – she is the female counterpart of the male molester. But in her case there is an exception – those whom she molested, generally boys in their early teens, seemed to enjoy the molestation greatly.

Her name was Jeri Brown. She was thirty-seven years old, had been divorced for several years and lived alone. She wore her blond hair short and many people took her at first appearance to be a Lesbian. This she was not. She simply did not like men. She liked boys, young boys. However, Jeri had difficulty in finding the males she so craved. She liked to drive about in her car and pick them up and take them either into the country and park, or take them home with her if she thought they were the type able to keep a tight lip. Jeri was editor of a small woman's magazine and as such, she had to be rather careful about her personal life – many of the women wouldn't buy her magazine if they thought she indulged in unusual sexual activities.

Jeri indulged in very unusual sexual activities from the point of view of the average person.

It was a Friday evening and she was driving about town looking for the right kind of boy to pick up. There seemed to be no boys out on the street this night. Sighing, she parked her car after a time and entered a bar and had a quick drink. She would have liked several drinks, it being Friday night, but she didn't want to spend a long time in the bar for fear of some man wanting to pick her up. This was not what Jeri was interested in – she wanted to do the picking, and it had to be a young boy. Definitely a boy!

She climbed back into her car, started the motor and drove down the street. After a few minutes she thought she might as well head for home and forget about boys for this evening. When she arrived near her home, she saw a youngster standing at the corner, lighting a cigarette. He looked to be about fourteen. Quickly she drove the car into her garage, climbed out and walked rapidly toward the corner, her heart beating faster as she approached the young man. The boy was quietly standing there. Good. She went right up to him.

"Hey," she said.

The boy turned around, looked her up and down, grinned, took a drag on his cigarette, grinned again, and proceeded to look her over again. She was an eyeful and she knew it. Then he smirked, took one more drag and tossed the cigarette away. "You a whore?" he asked softly.

She had been asked this same question before and knew how to handle it. "No," she said, going very close to him and speaking softly. "I don't charge for it and I don't give it to just anybody. I happen to like boys your age. Want to come inside with me and let me see what you have between your legs?"

His mouth went slack. "You kidding? I mean, do you live near here somewhere?"

"Yes. Come along with me. I promise to show you the time of your life."

"How do I know you ain't some pig, or something?"

"You mean a cop? Female cops don't go around picking up boys."

The boy scratched his head. "Yeah, guess you're right. All right, lead the way."

This was almost exactly the way she liked to have it happen – find a young boy who thought he was very wise about things (and who might very well be, to an extent) and who was immediately willing to go somewhere with her. Once she got his cock out of his pants… he would be ready to do anything she wanted him to do. It almost always turned out this way for she had found that it was very difficult for a young boy to resist a sexual experience. But she did have to be careful not to be too aggressive, for she had found this could very easily frighten off her young prey. A young boy was one big bundle of raw sex nerves, she knew, and was glad of it.

They walked quickly to her driveway and she motioned for him to follow her up to the rear door. It was better to enter by way of the rear door. Safer and far from inquisitive eyes of neighbors. There was no point in permitting others to see her entering in the company of a young boy. Once they were inside, she closed the door and put her arms about the youngster.

"How old are you?" she asked softly.

He laughed softly. "Old enough for what you want. Say, how about a little light in this place? It's kind of dark."

She removed her arms after kissing his face quickly and turned on a soft light. She turned and studied him. He looked to be about fifteen, had blond, quite long hair that was fairly well combed, and wore faded jeans with a faded shirt that was open in front. He was not wearing a T-shirt, and she saw he had very little hair on his chest. His flesh seemed to be well tanned.

"You always pick up guys and bring them home and fuck 'em?" he asked bluntly.

She was pleased with his talk. She liked blunt talk from young boys. "Only the ones who appeal to me. Tell me, have you got quite a long one?" She smiled at him nicely and permitted her tits to heave slightly, provocatively.

"It's pretty good. You sure you ain't no cop?"

"Don't be absurd. Come into the living room." She led the way and once in the living room, turned on another dim light and looked at him again. "Want to tell me your name?" she asked.

"Name's Joe."

"Got a last name?"

"You don't need that before we fuck, do you?"

She smiled at him as he stood just inside the doorway. "No, I don't need your last name."

"You just need a young cock. Right?"

Again Jeri smiled. "Correct. I need a good, young cock. Why don't you take off your pants, Joe? Let me see how much you got."

He gave his head a shake. "Say… are you some kind of nut?" "No. Not at all. I like young guys. I'm not married so why not?"

He nodded. "You live here alone, eh?"


"Ain't you scared I might knock you over the head, fuck you and steal everything you've got?"