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He did it. He blew off in her suddenly, hotly, violently, the thick stream striking her inner body in such quantities that it caused her to have a second orgasm which was even better than the first. She kept on trembling with orgasmic ecstasy all during the time he emptied his cock juice into her cunt.

Then he stopped moving in her and just lay quietly on top of her, his breathing hectic, matching the pace of hers. She could feel the ooze of his sweat as it trickled from his pores down over her flesh. She liked the feel of it. She sighed and moved a little and for some reason this caused him to ejaculate again, but in much smaller quantity.

"Jesus Christ!" he cried. "You sure make me damn hot, lady." Again his come dribbled into her love pot. Then very quickly he pulled out of her cunt and jumped out of the bed. "Where's the can?" he asked.

She sat up, reached for the chain on the bed-lamp and gave it a pull. Light flooded the room and she glanced quickly at the window to make certain the shade was drawn. It was. She pointed at the bathroom door without speaking, but the boy just stood there, momentarily, before moving toward it.

"You got a hell of a great-looking body, lady. And you fuck real good, too."

He left the room and was gone for quite a time. When he came back he stood at the foot of the bed and looked at her body. "How come?" he asked, frowning.

"How come what, Joe?" she asked in return.

"How come a great-looking broad like you has to pick up guys my age?"

She smiled and sat up and stretched her arms high, partly because she felt like stretching and partly because she knew it was an erotic thing to do. "I don't have to pick up young guys like yourself, believe me, Joe. I could have all the men I want coming here. I'm not boasting. It's true. It just happens that I like guys your age… boys, if you don't mind my calling you that. Boys turn me on, some boys, that is. Some don't. Some are… well, the mama's boy type… I can't stand them."

He nodded. "I know what you mean. A girl flings her ass at 'em and they get scared and run for home. Know something?"

"What?" she asked, stretching her arms high again above her head.

"I ain't that way and never was. I screwed a girl when I was only eleven years old."

Jeri just looked at him.

"You don't believe that, do you, lady?"

She shrugged. "Why shouldn't I believe it? Of course I believe it. After all, I've just seen what you can do with your cock."

He came around to the side of the bed and stood there, his prick hanging limply. "I just washed it," he said with obvious reference to his cock.

"Oh… and why did you wash it, Joe?" Her pulse was racing a little now.

"Because I'd like you to French me. Will you, huh?"

She eyed him curiously. "Yes, of course I'll French you, Joe. However, I want a drink first. Do you mind?" Without waiting for his answer she got off the bed and walked into the living room where she poured herself a drink of straight whiskey. She tossed it down and felt the burn of it all the way to her stomach.

"Hey," he said from behind her. "How about me getting some of the juice? I like it, too."

She turned about and looked at him doubtfully. "All right," she agreed. "Not too much, though. Whiskey fouls up some boys, you know." She really didn't mean this, but it was something to say.

"Don't worry, lady. I'm good for all night stuff. My cock will keep working for a hell of a long time – just as long as you can handle it."

"What does that mean, Joe?" she asked, fingering her naked tits to draw his attention to them.

He poured himself a drink. "You got some Coke or anything?" "Behind you. No ice, though."

He got the Coke and mixed it in his glass. "Don't care about ice, anyway. Stuff's supposed to burn you, ain't it?"

"Not necessarily."

He down his mixture slowly, now and then glancing at the two shapely tits so close to him, Jeri's lower body being partially hidden by the bar as he stood on the other side of the counter. Making a face, he looked at the drink and then sipped it again. "Kind of good stuff," he said, as if attempting to make her believe he was used to drinking. She doubted this very much. "This stuff makes me real horny sometimes," he mumbled.

"Good," she said, laughing softly. "I like my boys to be real horny."

He smacked his lips, reached over and cupped his hand on one of her tits. "You sure are some hot bitch, ain't you, lady?"

Jeri didn't mind him calling her that. She just smiled at him. "Right. I sure am one hot bitch, Joe. I like to fuck, the more the better." Somehow, she felt when she spoke that way it didn't come out sounding nearly as vulgar as some people might think. She realized she might be kidding herself in this respect, but what did that matter. There had to be some areas where a woman could kid herself.

"You're a hot bitch, lady, and I'm a hot guy. Know something? My cock's aching to get into you again. Why, I can fuck you right there on the floor. Would you like to get fucked again, lady?" His eyes burned into hers and she saw they were filled with eager lust.

"Why don't you sit on that stool, Joe?" she told him, her voice trembling from excitement. She indicated the stool as if he were incapable of knowing one from a chair. Well, after all, he was only a boy, wasn't he? Hold it, her mind whispered to her. Don't be condescending toward him – he'll sense it and his fucking performance won't be as good as it can be.

He climbed on the stool, his legs spread widely apart, his prick standing straight up now. She came around the bar, stood before him, her hands feeling her tits with decided passion.

"I believe I'll French your… " she started to say, but stopped and started over. "Think I'll take you orally, Joe. I'm sure you'd like that, wouldn't you?" She watched his eyes as they became even more lust-filled.

"Yeah," he answered hoarsely. "Sure would, lady. French my cock. Look at it. It's almost dancing." He pointed to his ramrod erection.

Jeri found a hassock, pulled it in front of the stool, and sank down on it, positioning herself between his legs. Immediately he pressed his knees together, touching each of her sides just below her arms. She pulled back slightly because this limited her in bending her head to take him in. Finally, when even the new position didn't work out to her satisfaction, she asked him to pull back his knees. He complied and sat there, leaning his arms back on the bar, his facial expression one of extreme lust, his legs widely spread once again.

Jeri took his cock gingerly in her hand and rubbed it gently. The boy moaned softly and tried to grasp her neck to pull her face down quickly to his crotch, but she was having none of this at the moment. Resisting him successfully, she cautioned him about use of force, smiling as she did so, to ease any resentment he might have. Then as she continued to jack his cock, she ran her tongue down his chest to his navel, went into it, made little circling motions, then went lower to the base of his prick and took it in her mouth sideways, and playfully, much in the manner one bits into a hamburger. He moaned and jerked his body about, so she removed her mouth and laughing lightly, looked up at him.

"You want surprises, don't you, Joe?" she asked, knowing this might sound confusing to him.

However, it did not appear to confuse him at all. "Yeah, I like lots of surprises. That little bite thing was a good one, but it kind of… scared me for a second."

She laughed lightly again. "I promise not to bite it off all at once."

"Hey, don't talk that way, lady. Jesus, that scares a guy."

Again Jeri laughed. "Don't be scared, Joe. I'm only teasing you. I love it too much to ever bite it off." She could not resist teasing him once more. "At least," she added, "I think I do."

Much to her astonishment, he jumped from the stool after knocking her hand away from his cock and moved across the room from her, his drink in his hand. He lifted the glass to his lips and finished off the drink and set the glass down on a nearby table. "I guess I'd better be going," he said suddenly. "I don't want my cock bitten off. Hell, no. And I can tell by the look on your face. That's what you just might do, lady."