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"Oh, but that's nonsense, Joe," she protested, alarmed now that she had gone too far with her teasing. "Please come back. Tell you what. You can… go down on me… if you want to… I'll sit on the stool and spread my legs and you can kneel on the hassock. What do you think of that, Joe?"

He worked his mouth about considerably. "Get up on the stool, lady," he said after a moment's silence. "Let's see what happens."

Happily and with some relief, she climbed onto the stool and sat there watching him intently as he crossed the room and came back to her. She saw him kneel on the hassock, push his hair out of his eyes, look at her cunt, then at her tits, heard him sigh, swear softly, and then felt his lips kissing her belly. Jeri closed her eyes as her emotions began to grow. His mouth moved about on her belly, his tongue running over her flesh as he brought his lips higher until she felt them tugging, sucking on her right tit. Another moment of breathless passion and then he moved to her left tit. Her eyes again tightly closed as she felt the sensations running up and down her spine, her nerve ends tingling, her cunt lubricating.

"Lower, Joe. Kiss me lower down, please." She was surprised at the begging quality of her tone.

His lips and tongue worked their way downward until she felt his tongue darting into her pubic hair. Sighing deeply, he plunged his tongue into her.

"Oh… my God… " she moaned, rising off the stool in her agitation.

He pulled away from her, took two steps and then stopped. "I don't want this," he said. "I'm not… ready for it."

Jeri understood, but it was maddening to have him treat her this way. Still, if a person didn't want to do a certain thing in the area of sex, well, then the person didn't have to, and that was that. It never paid to attempt to induce someone to try something or to keep on doing something he began once he had shown distaste for it. She knew this well from past experience.

"You find my cunt repelling?" she heard herself ask him.

"Hell, no," he said quickly. "It's just that damned whiskey I drank. It made my stomach queasy. I'm not… used to whiskey, lady, and that's the truth."

She sighed, feeling vastly relieved. "Oh, I understand you now. I'm sorry."

"I think I'd better get dressed and cut out," he said darkly.

She stiffened. "Do you have to, Joe?" she asked.

"Don't worry. If it's okay with you, I'll be back tomorrow night. Say about nine o'clock. Is that all right with you?"

Although she was greatly disappointed, she nodded. "All right, Joe. Get dressed and go. Come tomorrow night. And for Pete's sake, don't drink anything then. Okay?"

"Okay," he said shortly.

Jeri did not move from the stool. She simply sat there and waited for him to dress hurriedly. He did not speak to her again but left by way of the rear door. Sighing, she stepped down from the stool, went to the rear of the house and locked the door. Sighing again, she returned to the bar, had a quick- drink, turned out all the lights and went to her bedroom. She fell onto the bed, nude, and was quickly embraced by a hard sleep.

Shortly before nine the following evening she was almost to the point of biting her nails, she was so excited at the probability of seeing the boy again. This time, she told herself, she would fuck him half to death, or French him, or anything he wanted. Maybe she had better be careful about offering to suck him – let him ask for it. Yes. That would be better. She well remembered his fear when she had lightly and playfully lip-bitten his cock the night before.

She laughed nervously. "What a nutty deal that was," she said aloud. "He really was scared."

She began to pace the large living room, walking from one end to the other. She had purposely worn only a brief halter and hot pants, nothing more below, about, or underneath. She knew she looked appealing. But there was a problem – Joe had not yet arrived and it was now fifteen minutes after nine. She drew in her breath when she realized it was so late.

"Where the hell did the time go?" she asked herself. She was about to say something else aloud when she heard a tapping sound at the rear of the house. She forced herself to walk, not run, to the back door. Calling out, she quickly confirmed that it was indeed Joe, and then she opened the door wide. He entered quickly and she was surprised to see he wasn't wearing his faded jeans and shirt. He definitely looked different wearing a light suit, striped shirt and a wide tie.

"Well, Joe," she said, "you look ten years older. What's happened?"

He grinned and slipped his arm about her waist. Instantly she smelled the beer, or whatever, on his breath. "Hi, baby," he said intimately. "Ready to fuck?"

She smiled at him, amazed at the difference in his looks. "Are you the same guy or are you someone else?" she asked playfully.

"I figured if I was going to spend an evening with a lady I should dress a little better, so I borrowed my brother's clothes. How do I look? Kind of dumb, huh?"

"You look fine. But of course I prefer you with no clothing on, you know."

He grinned. "I thought about that on the way here. Crazy deal, ain't it? Guy gets all dressed up to show his girl… er… his woman… how good he looks… and all he does is take off his clothes."

"Well at least you let me see you dressed up. I like that. I mean I still like it, but I do want you to take off your clothes. It would be a shame to fuck in those clothes of your brother's."

He grinned again. "Yeah, I get your point. No use in letting my brother get in on your cunt." "How old is your brother?" she asked, wishing he would start removing his clothes. After all, she was practically naked, and she wanted him to be likewise.

"Nineteen. He's kind of square, though." "You're not square, are you, Joe?" "Naw. I've been around too many hip guys."

"Take off your clothes, Joe, and let's get to fucking. I've been waiting for you for a damn long time."


Soon they were in her bedroom, both naked. He was standing over the bed, watching her hanging his suit and shirt on hangers, to prevent them from becoming wrinkled. He was grinning at her as if he appreciated being "fussed" over and when she hung up his clothing, he came to her and kissed her titties repeatedly. She stood still in the middle of the room, enjoying his passionate caresses, wishing he would go between her legs and lap at her cunt. Perhaps he still would. She would see. First she knew she must fuck him beautifully, then later he might show his appreciation for her by going down on her. She very much wanted him to go down on her. The night before he had refused her cunt. Her ego needed his sucking tonight – her cunt juices were flowing heavily in eagerness of his hot, young tongue.

He pushed her toward the bed. She permitted his movement. They crashed down on top of it and he was instantly between her thighs, pumping his hard cock at her cunt lips, but not entering. She waited, giving him some time to accomplish a penetration, but when she was certain he was not going to be successful in this respect, she seized his cock and aimed it at her hole. He moaned and thrust at her and she felt the rock-hard flesh entering her deeply. She groaned even as he moaned again, and almost instantly she felt him hitting her most sensitive spot.

"Oh… that's… so good," she breathed, and kissed his face wetly.

He responded by sticking his tongue in her mouth and each time he pulled his prick out, he would thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. She found this to be instantly delightful and exhilarating and was not surprised when she had a quick orgasm that left her breathless and nowhere near satisfied. She tried fucking him and this time, by being very careful, she found she could do it. He was not bearing down as heavily as he had the previous night when she had tried this same action, to no avail. Jeri rather liked fucking in this manner. Up-fucking, that's what it was. There was something about it that was extremely worthwhile, while at the same time exhausting.