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Mrs. Chase was an extraordinary female, with large shapely tits. She was seemingly always in need of the caresses of boys – the younger the better. At the moment, she was standing near the rear door of her farmhouse, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand, attempting to see if either Dick or Jimmy would be crossing the field between the two farms. Sometimes the boys came across the field, sometimes they walked down the road, but always they came, one or the other, and very often both together.

Although it was late in the afternoon and their work should have been completed for the day, neither boy was in view. Mrs. Chase stood there motionless, her hand continuing to shield her eyes from the burning sun. Finally, she sighed and returned inside the house and busied herself with egg counting. When she had finished this task, she stepped outside just in time to see Dick, the sixteen-year-old, turning off the road and coming toward her.

He stopped. "Hi, Mrs. Chase. I had some extra work to do. Pa didn't feel too good today."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Anything serious?"

The boy grinned. "He was fucking ma last night and sprained his back."

Mrs. Chase smiled. She was accustomed to this kind of frank talk. The farmers in this part of the country all talked in this free and easy manner – at least to one another. "Sorry to hear that. Glad it's not you that has the sore back." She winked at the boy.

Dick, a brown-haired, brown-eyed boy of medium build, grinned again. "Wasn't me. Ma won't let me fuck her. I tried it once."

Mrs. Chase laughed at his obvious attempt at humor, knowing it was not an entirely untrue statement. Knowing the Brown boys and the way they used their cocks, she wouldn't have placed an attempt at incest beyond the capabilities of either of them, especially Dick. "Why don't you come inside and let me see how you are today, Dick," she said, making her voice lower in pitch for the purpose of getting a rise out of him.

He grinned and stepped up on the rear porch. "You mean you want to play with my cock, don't you?"

She laughed and held open the door. "I'll do better than just play with it. I'll work on it."

"Want to suck it, Mrs. Chase?" His brown eyes were intense now.

She pursed her lips and put her arm about his waist. What a delightful boy he was. "Would you like me to suck it, Dick?"

"Sure. You know how I like getting sucked off, especially by you."

She nodded and together they entered the house. "Yes, I know how you like it. I ought to, by now." She laughed at her last statement.

He turned his body slightly now that they were inside the house, and playfully buried his face in her full tits. She liked having him do this, for it gave her a strong feeling of being badly needed. Mrs. Chase loved the feeling of being needed by young boys. Young boys, such as the Brown brothers, were definitely the sexiest things in overalls. Overalls or any other type of clothing.

"I like your big tits, Mrs. Chase," he said, his words muffled because his face was buried in her warm flesh. "Sometimes I dream of sucking them till they fall off. I really love to lick those cherry nipples of yours."

"Oh, my goodness, not that, Dick! I'd feel terrible if my tits fell off."

"It's a pretty dumb dream, but it keeps coming back all the time."

She kissed him. His lips were warm and wet, just the way she liked a boy's lips to be. While she kissed him, her hand stole between his legs and felt his hard-on. It was nice to be able to feel a young boy's hard cock. It was even nicer when the young boy inserted his prick into you. Unzipping his fly while they continued kissing each other, she pulled out his cock and began to play with him gently.

He pulled his mouth away from hers. "You really got the hots today, eh, Mrs. Chase?"

"You know me, Dick. Always got the hots. I'm ready for fucking twenty-four hours a day."

"Do I ever make your cunt sore?"

She grinned and put her free arm about him, squeezing gently. "Yes, lots of times, but I don't really mind. I like it, honestly. After you go home and my cunt feels sore, I just remember how it got that way. Then I get hot all over again. I like that – being hot, passionate."

"I know you do. Are you going to take your clothes off, Mrs. Chase?"

"Sure. Let's go and get on my bed. You remove your clothing, too."

Soon they were on the bed, naked, as she once again played with his stiff cock. "Would you like to have it sucked or fucked?" she asked softly.

"Makes no difference. We'd better hurry, though. Jimmy's coming over, he told me."

Mrs. Chase smiled happily. "Why don't we wait till he gets here and all three of us can have fun together?"

"I'd kind of like you all to myself, first," he said seriously. "I really got hot rocks."

"Get on top of me, Dick," she said quietly, spreading her large, powerful-looking thighs. "I'll take your cock before Jimmy arrives."

He climbed on top of her, beginning fucking movements even before putting it into her cunt.

"Wait a minute," she told him and reached between their bodies to grasp his cock. "If you don't, you'll go off on the sheet."

He stopped his frantic movement until she inserted his cock for him. Then he began pumping his prick into her cunt as only a young boy can do. Mrs. Chase, pleased at the terrific hardness of his tool, lay back and enjoyed his pumpings, keeping both of her hands on his bare ass, pressing down on his buttocks when she felt him spurting inside of her. As was usually the case with her, she instantly had an orgasm, and it continued even after he had ceased to move within her steaming cunt. She kept moving about passionately, his cock still buried within her. She was rather disappointed with his performance.

"How come you went off so quickly?" she asked him. "That's not like you, Dick."

"I don't know. I guess I was thinking too much about getting done in a hurry because Jimmy's coming over."

She patted his butt. "Well, it's all right. I had a small one from that fuck."

"I couldn't help going off so soon," he stated again. "Guess maybe I was just too hot this time. I'm sorry."

"Get up," she said. "We'll wait till Jimmy gets here and then… well, we'll see how we want to do things. All right with you?"

"Yes." He moved off her and she looked at his now limp cock, feeling deeper disappointment in his performance of the past few minutes. It was the first time the boy had "failed" her, to the best of her recollection. Mrs. Chase was not an unreasonable woman, but in matters concerning sex she was determined in obtaining a satisfactory orgasm each and every time she fucked. She wanted gratification all the time, not just some of the time. This was not pure selfishness on her part. At least, not to her way of thinking. She was simply being a practical woman. Sex and fucking was meant to be gratifying to both partners. It definitely was not meant to be a frustrating force.

"I'm going to get a drink of water."

She nodded as Dick left the bedroom. When he had gone, she placed her hand over her cunt and allowed one of her fingers to slip in a short distance. She felt a shiver pass through her and she knew she was terribly hot. Hot and upset, though she was determined not to show her feelings. It was never conducive to good fucking to allow the other party to know you were upset over his performance. That sort of thing can kill sex altogether for the people involved. Keep quiet about it and hope… that next time the partner returns to his usual effectiveness. That was the way to do it. Mrs. Chase was an expert in these matters – these fucking matters.

Dick did not immediately return to the bedroom, so she continued to wait for him, her hand over her cunt, her finger darting in and out pleasurably.