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After a few minutes she got off the bed and peered out into the kitchen. His clothing was gone. She thought he had tossed his clothing over a kitchen chair, and now there was nothing to show that he had been there. She turned about and saw only her own clothing in the bedroom.

"Now why would he run off like that?" she asked herself aloud. A moment later she said, "I must have made him mad, or something, but how? I didn't say anything to offend him, did I?" She thought about this for several minutes, slipping on a robe as she did so, and then dismissed it from her mind. Mrs. Chase was not the sort of person who would dwell at length upon such matters. It really wasn't that important to her.

Half an hour later, while having a cup of strong coffee in the kitchen, she looked up from the table – to see Jimmy at the door. Jimmy was only thirteen, and not as large a boy as Dick. His black hair and gray eyes with the lustful look in them constantly, more than made up for his lack of physique. And his cock was by no means a small one. The boy came into the kitchen quickly and smiled at her.

"Hello, Jimmy," Mrs. Chase said, pretending to pick something up from the floor. This was for the purpose of allowing her robe to come open at the front. It was more sexy to a boy when a robe appeared to come open accidentally than to do it deliberately. Mrs. Chase was well versed on the sexual appetites of young boys.

Jimmy stood in front of her. "Where's Dick?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I don't know. I thought maybe you could tell me."

"He said he'd be here and all three of us… "

Mrs. Chase smiled. "Oh, he actually said that, did he? The rascal!"

The boy screwed up his young face. "Is it all right if I do it to you right away, Mrs. Chase?"

She beamed at him. "Why, Jimmy, I never knew you to be so outspoken about it before. Usually, you don't say much."

"I want to go fishing before it gets too dark."

"I see," she said, smiling. "You want to fuck first and then go fishing." He half giggled. "Sort of, like." "Come here," she said.

He came close to her and she reached out and felt between his legs. "Why, you're not even hard, Jimmy."

"Yes, I know," the boy said softly. "Couldn't you suck it up, please?" His eyes, she was well aware, were staring hard at her exposed tits.

"Take it out, Jimmy. Maybe I can lip it into shape so we can use it."

The lust that sprang into his eyes was immediately visible. It thrilled her to see it there. Apparently, it thrilled him to have it there, for he moaned softly and removing his cock, let it hang limply.

"Jimmy, you usually get hard quickly. Why not today?" Mrs. Chase was quite curious about this.

"Aw, Dick and I slept together last night and we jacked each other off all night long."

She didn't like to hear this sort of thing. Pressing her lips together, she fixed him with a severe stare. "You boys mustn't do that. I've told you both you must save your juices for me. Either that or I won't favor either one of you anymore."

Jimmy hung his head a little. "Don't tell Dick I told you. He made me promise not to say anything, but it slipped out."

Mrs. Chase knew now why Dick's performance on the bed had not been up to his usual hot standards. "I won't say a word." She pursed her lips. "Come and get on the bed with me, dear."

They were on the bed now and Jimmy had removed his clothing. His body was so much smaller than Dick's that she liked to look at it. It made her feel positively a cradle robber to play with such a young boy, and yet this was her entire fascination with such an act. A grown woman playing with a young boy's cock was frowned upon by many people. Why this should be so, a person like Mrs. Chase could never understand. She didn't do the young boys any harm. In fact, she felt she did them considerable good. What worried her, however, was the fact that the boys had jacked each off all night long. Mrs. Chase felt this was a terrible thing for young boys to do. It would have been far better that they both should have put their cocks into her juicy cunt. A cunt was the only correct place for a cock.

"Get on top of me, Jimmy," she told the younger boy. "Just like you always do, dear." she often used the term of endearment with him, but seldom did so with his older brother. Dick did not like being called "dear."

The boy climbed aboard rapidly and she felt his cock. It was rock-hard now. She breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this meant he would do a satisfactory job on her, or at least a better one than his brother had done. "You put it in," he told her.

She had no need for being told. Already she was stroking his slender cock and finally, after a few moments of fondling it, she made the insertion. He thrust hard at her and, with satisfaction, she felt the stiff piece shoot into her, rubbing the side of her cunt gratifyingly.

"Fuck me, boy," she said softly, stroking his soft hair. "Fuck your lady good now." "Keep talking like that," he grunted. "Makes me real hot."

"All right, dear. Fuck my cunt. Make me hot, too. I like your young cock. I'd rather fuck you than do anything else."

He pumped hard in her, his stiff prick rubbing her in all the right places

"That's the way to fuck me, dear. Keep that hard thing stabbing in and out of my cunt. My, you have a nice one. Give it all to me, please. I must have every inch of it. Oh… that's good," she added when he went deep into her throbbing pussy. "Now then, fuck me, boy, fuck my twat, and do it quickly."

"Oh, boy," he grunted. "I didn't think I was gonna be this hot, not after all that jacking off stuff last night with Dick."

Mrs. Chase grated her teeth unintentionally. "Mustn't play with your brother like that anymore, Jimmy dear. Remember, your prick belongs to me. Isn't that true?"

"Yes," he grunted.

"Save your cock for me. After all, who else lets you crawl on top the way I do?" "Nobody does," he answered thickly.

"I'm your girl, sort of. You remember that, Jimmy, and don't let Dick fool you into jacking him off anymore. All right?" She pinched his butt as she asked the question.

"All right," he grunted, moving in her more quickly now.

"That's good," she told him. "Now fuck your girl very good, dear. Spray her insides with your goo when you're ready to explode."

"I like hearing you talk that way," he told her hoarsely, not letting up for one second on his furious pumping into her cunt.

She pinched his butt again. "That's a good boy, keep pumping the cock into me, dear. I love to get your cock pumped into me." Saying this, she stiffened and drew up one leg as she felt the wild sensation of her orgasm. "Oh… " she moaned. "Faster, Jimmy… that's, a good boy. I love what you're doing to me!"

He pumped her furiously and she closed her eyes, the better to enjoy his efforts. She heard him cry out a few moments later but she did not open her eyes. She felt the bed sagging somewhat and it seemed that he was suddenly heavier, but still she did not open her eyes. It was not until she reached to pinch his butt again that she discovered he had his pants on.

His pants on?

She opened her eyes to see Dick on top of his brother, cornholing him evidently even as Jimmy was fucking her. A feeling of extreme pleasure spread through Mrs. Chase's body, and she knew this was what she had been waiting for all along.

She dearly loved having both boys in bed with her, even if one of them was withholding his cock from her body. At least he was there with her and Jimmy, and this was a very hot thing to experience.

"Give it to him, Dick," she breathed, patting the older boy on the ass. Immediately she thought of something and began pulling down the older boy's pants as best she could without interrupting what he was doing to Jimmy. She noticed that Jimmy did not seem to mind what Dick was doing to him and for a moment she had a suspicion that this might have been what they had done the previous night, rather than merely jacking off as Jimmy had explained. Mrs. Chase was not at all certain that she liked this – she didn't want her boy all worn out by the time he came to her for favors. Both boys had always been very virile for their ages, very potent and gratifying. If they got into the habit of satisfying each other at home, they would end up by having less need for her.