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The look on his face, she noted with pleasure and excitement, was one of complete and utter lust.

He was hooked.

She didn't bother to discuss the details of the so-called job. Instead, she asked him where he lived, the words tumbling out of her mouth quickly. When he told her he lived in the next town, she informed him he could have the job at ten dollars a day. Having done this, she quickly stood up and lifted her skirt over her hips as if she were trying to straighten it. She held it high as she glanced down at herself deliberately, then reluctantly allowed the skirt to drop into place.

The boy was on his feet, his eyes extremely odd looking. He was breathing rather fast, she noted.

"Rick," she said decidedly, "will you do me a very great favor, please?" She glanced at him almost primly. It was good to glance at a boy in this fashion when you had something important to ask him, she had long ago discovered.

"Sure," he replied. "Anything you want."

She half dropped her eyelids and turned sideways so that he might take note of her full tits. Edna knew she was sexy looking. She had never doubted her ability to attract a boy. The only thing that ever concerned her was that she might someday choose the wrong type of boy, mistakenly, and that he would react horribly – that is, turn and run from her, yelling at the top of his lungs perhaps. Such a scene would be hideous.

"Rick," she said softly, "did you say anything I want?"

"Yes, Miss White. I'll do anything for you. After all, you've just hired me to work for you all summer." "Anything, Rick?" she asked again, eyeing him lustfully now and not caring that he saw the look in her eyes, the expression on her face.

His cheeks reddened slightly, but he did not flinch at her gaze. "Yes, Miss White… I'll do anything to you… I mean for you."

Edna slowly removed her blouse and tossed it over a chair. She unhooked her bra and with what she knew was a tantalizing slowness, pulled it free of her body. Her pretty, round tits tumbled into the boy's view even as she heard him gasp. "Rick," she said, her eyelids almost closed now, "will you please fuck me?"

He stood quietly in the middle of the room as she went close to him and dropped to her knees before him. Her hand shaking slightly, she reached for the tab on his zipper, found it and carefully pulled it down. She could not help noticing that he was already very hard – his cock was pushing outward against his pants, making a very obvious bulge at his crotch.

"Are you going to suck it?" he asked, his voice sounding strained and tight.

"If you wish me to, Rick. I'll suck it awhile and then you can get on top of me and shaft me." Oh, how she loved to speak in this manner to a young boy. Quite unlike the manner she had to use when speaking to young boys in school. "Would you like to shaft me, Rick?" she asked, taking great pleasure in murmuring the words seductively.

"Sure," he replied, obviously gulping as he spoke, though she was not looking up at his face now and could not see what he was doing. Her eyes were riveted on the protrusion just above his crotch. "Sure," he repeated. "I'd like to do… it to you… you sure are some woman, ma'am. You shook me all up there for a few moments."

Shakingly, Edna snaked her hand inside the boy's pants and wrapped her slim fingers about his fat cock. She almost drew her fingers back in shock because of the intense heat of the tool. As she wrapped her fingers about his throbbing prick, she took note of the fact that it was much hotter than any cock she had held before. She wondered about this a little, but not for long. An intense longing had come over her, and she knew she would fulfill it.

His cock out of his pants now, held firmly in her small hand, she parted her red lips and thrust her mouth over the head. The moment he felt his cock being sucked, he apparently became frantic, and grabbing her head, he began to fuck it off into her mouth.

She pulled away and as she did so, the jerking prick struck her repeatedly on the cheeks, the nose, the chin. Oh, it was all too wonderful, she felt, too wonderful to be true. But it was true and the more she held her lips back from his wildly thrusting cock, the more he tried to ram it down her throat. Edna was so excited and hot that she was already having miniature orgasms, one following on the heels of another in devastating fashion. Grabbing his trousers at the waistband – he was not wearing a belt – she yanked down hard on them, while at the same time he crashed down on top of her, his cock flailing wildly in the general direction of her lips. Somehow, she managed to pull his pants down to his knees, while a moment later removing her skirt and pantyhose with one hand, and then spreading her legs far apart and forcing him to pump his prick lower down, towards her cunt. His cock was so hard that when it stabbed fiercely at her cunt region, it actually caused pain there. She had to grasp it firmly and steer the wildly agitating cock into her juicy pussy lips. He shot it into her all the way to the hilt. The boy had a long, slim cock, and she had no difficulty in wrapping her cunt lips about it tightly and clasping it in a perfect frenzy of rapture. He battered her body as only young boys can do, with a lightning speed and a penetration that was complete with every sharp stroke. Edna had another series of quick, little orgasms that left her gasping for air, while pumping her cunt up and down on the boy's swollen, dripping cock. She drained him of every drop. The length of time he required to cease squirting into her cunt was almost unbelievable. This boy was no masturbator, she told herself. She knew about young boys, knew which ones were heavy masturbators, which ones were not. This kid had, up to now, pretty much kept his hands off his genitals, she knew. For the obvious reason, this pleased her. It was nice to think you were getting perhaps sixteen years of boy cock juice.

Even though his hot offering had ceased now, he continued to fuck her, his cock shooting in and pulling out of her at a terrific rate of speed. Oddly enough, it was now that she had her greatest orgasm, the spasm being so great that had she not had his hot, young body on top of hers, she would have doubled up and perhaps screamed with ecstasy. As it was, she simply screamed and then lay limply beneath his steamy young body.

"My God," she murmured in abandon. "Is he going to fuck me forever?"

His naked young body continued to pump away at her clutching cunt and in a very short space of time he was once again pouring his scalding goo into her. Again she had an enormously satisfying orgasm, and again she screamed while she was achieving it, not loudly, but more of a whimpering scream. The boy appeared to pay no attention to this. He seemed to pay no attention to anything other than the business at hand – his obviously frantic desire to keep on with his fucking movements, to once again bring the love juice to the tip of his cock and explode within her cunt depths.

Although Edna was already gratified, she was hoping he could once again manage to bring it off. She knew it was often difficult for a male to blow three times in a row, but young boys were different from older men. Young boys seemed to have an unlimited amount of sexual energy. There had been one boy who had fucked her seven times without "uncunting" – a word she had later devised to describe his activity when thinking about it in retrospect.

Now she pressed her hands, palms downward, on his bare ass, the better to hold him in place on top of her slippery, perspiration-dampened flesh. She wrapped her legs around his, hooking her toes underneath his calves for a firmer grip. Finding his mouth with her lips, she began to kiss the boy passionately as he fucked her with that kind of wild, reckless fury that only young boys seem to possess. God, how wonderful it was to have a youngster on top of her nude body, pumping a swollen cock into her cunny. This was what she had wanted so very much and how fortunate she was that this boy had happened by to ask for a job. Why had he come here to her place? Had he known she was a woman living alone? Had he, perhaps, heard stories about her from other young boys? Although she doubted this, it was, of course, a possibility.