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However, there was no point in thinking about that now. She could take the matter up with them later. She would impress on each of them that she was the only one they could stick their cocks into. They were not to use each other's assholes for that purpose.

Much to her delight, Dick pulled his cock out of his brother and with something akin to a wild roar of a young animal, moved up on the bed and sank his prick into her mouth. She tasted his piece, noting that it was clean.

"Now then," she cried thickly, for her mouth was well filled with cock. "The two of you – fuck me, together. Give me the best you've got to offer."

Even as she spoke, she had her second orgasm and certainly the best one she had had this day. It lasted a long time and was thoroughly gratifying. It lasted so long, in fact, that both boys had emptied their cocks into her body and had both stopped pumping before she knew a complete and of sensation.

"Ah… wonderful," Mrs. Chase cried softly. "We must do this more often, boys."

Suffice it to add here that they did follow up and do it often. Neither boy was ever to marry and leave the farm of their parents. Why would a young man want to marry another girl when he already had the best piece of ass in the country without the bother of having to support the lady in question? This was what the Brown brothers had and they knew a good thing when they found it.

Chapter FIVE

Very often a woman who is in need of a male, but who has been divorced for a few years, is hesitant about committing herself to another. She has had such a miserable time of it during her first marriage that she either consciously or subconsciously keeps away from adult men. Because she wants a cock badly, she begins to look about for a very young one, one that could not possibly want to become involved in marriage. Such a woman was Mrs. Doris Baker. She had been divorced three years and during that time had not engaged in fucking. Quite understandably, she was growing frantic. She tried all methods to get acquainted with young boys, but none of them appeared to be even vaguely interested in her. She supposed it was because of her age – she was thirty-two and she knew this made her almost ancient to a young boy. It was not until Mrs. Winkleman moved in next door to Doris along with her young son that Doris began to have ideas about the boy.

Doris watched as the family brought in their belongings. It seemed to require all day for the dark-haired woman and her equally dark-haired boy to direct the movers with the furniture and boxes.

The very next morning, a plan began to take shape in the back of her mind. Doris left her house through the rear door and walked over to the new neighbor's house. She knocked on the door and Mrs. Winkleman came and opened it.

"Hello," Doris said cheerfully, smiling at the woman. "So you're my new neighbor." She then told the woman her name and the woman smiled warmly.

She also invited Doris in for coffee.

While they were chatting agreeably, almost as if they were old friends, the boy came into the kitchen. Doris caught her breath. She judged him to be about twelve, possibly thirteen. He wore only swimming trunks and his skin was nicely tanned. To Doris he was immediately the most masculine-looking, more desirable-looking male she had seen. His mother introduced them and the boy said something or other about going swimming and then was gone from the room.

Doris waited for several long seconds before she trusted her own voice. "You have a very nice-looking son, Mrs. Winkleman."

"Thank you," the other woman replied. "I don't know what I'd do without him. You see, his father – my husband – died two years ago… and well, I won't bore you with details." "I understand," Doris said quickly. "Richard… was that his name? – Richard is sort of the man in your family, I take it."

Mrs. Winkleman smiled. "Definitely. He's quite a man, too, in some ways. You see, I work every day, even now during the summer, though I'm a schoolteacher, and he's left to his own resources most of the day. By the way, if it isn't imposing on a new neighbor too much, I'd like to ask you to… well, keep an eye on him during the day. That is, if you are home during the day. I… "

Doris raised her hand, her pulse already beating much faster than it should be. "That's quite all right, Mrs. Winkleman. What are neighbors for? I'll be happy to keep an eye on him. As a matter of fact, please tell him he is welcome in my house any time he feels like dropping in. I live alone and would be happy to have him stop in as often as he likes."

She paused and looked at the slightly older woman. "I never had any children. I like kids." Doris thought this last bit should convince the other woman of her desirability as a good neighbor.

Apparently it did. Mrs. Winkleman was all smiles. "That's very kind of you. I want you to know I appreciate your consideration, your kindness. Now, if there are any little jobs Richard can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask him. I promise you he'll do them and do them well."

There definitely is a little job I want him to do for me, Doris thought. Aloud she merely said, "I'm sure Richard and I shall get along famously. He seems like such a nice boy."

The two women talked awhile longer and then Doris excused herself and went home, confident that from this point on she was going to have a young male to train. She would school him carefully and well, she promised herself, and she would do it in such a way that he would never dare tell his mother about the things they would be doing together.

During the next month, Doris had the boy in her house many times, getting better acquainted with him, serving him lunches, soda, candy. She watched the boy carefully, talked to him cautiously until she thought she knew enough about him, his needs and desires. Soon, the kid was telling Doris everything and some of it in a most confidential and intimate manner.

It was not until another month had gone by that Doris, really in need of a hot cock, decided she could stand sexual inactivity no longer. The 'boy was sitting in her kitchen one day, eating his lunch, when she deliberately went to her bedroom, left the door standing ajar and undressed. Her thoughts racing almost wildly, she turned the water on in the shower, made certain there were no towels in the bathroom, and stepped naked under the falling water. She made a great deal of noise purposely and when she thought the time was ripe, she called to Richard.

He came to the door of her bedroom. She could not see him as yet. "What did you say, Mrs. Baker?" he asked, sounding as if he had food in his mouth.

"I'm taking a shower, but I forgot to bring a towel in the bathroom. It's there on my dresser. Will you please get it and bring it to me, Richard?"

"Oh… " he said. "Oh… sure… on the dresser, did you say?"

"Yes." For the life of her she could not have uttered more than that one word at that particular moment, she was so excited. She waited for him to get the towel and to bring it to her, but it seemed to be requiring a long period of time for him to accomplish this simple task. It was not until she turned herself about that she saw him standing in the second doorway leading to her bedroom, his mouth open and hanging slack, the towel clutched in his hands, his eyes bulging and staring at her nudity.

Doris caught her breath at the look of extreme lust on his face. She knew it was lust. It could be nothing else. Glancing down at the front of his pants quickly, she noted with excitement that there was a definite protrusion there. The kid had a hard-on, possibly one of his very first.

She took a deep breath. "Come here, Richard," she said. "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."

The boy came slowly toward her, his dazed glaze seemingly fixed on her tits, which she knew only too well, were extremely shapely and provocative looking. He said nothing at all but simply stood a yard or so away from her and let his eyes travel up and down her body. She knew he was staring at her cunt region, so she deliberately parted her legs in a sexy manner, allowing one knee to slightly bend.