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The boy simply moaned.

"Is something wrong, Richard?" she asked, hoping he would not break and run.

He did not reply. He stiffly offered the towel to her but she could not reach it.

"Come closer to me, Richard. I won't bite." She deliberately bent over so her tits would bounce about invitingly.

He took a step closer, then stopped and stood still as if cemented to the spot. His arm dropped and the towel struck the floor, but he didn't seem to notice this.

"You're… awful… pretty… Mrs. Baker," he stammered softly.

Taking her courage in hand, she stepped out from under the shower, turned the water of! quickly and put her arm over his shoulder, her shapely tits now very close to his pinkish face. "Thank you, Richard. Would you do me a favor and dry my back and tummy? I'm not a very good dryer."

"What did you say?" he mumbled, frozen to the floor.

"Why, Richard," she said, glancing down at him. "You're shaking. Is something wrong, my dear?"

"No – nothing's – wrong."

She put her arm about him again. "You mustn't be afraid of me, Richard. I'm your very good friend."

"I know," he mumbled.

She took the towel from his grasp and then handed it back to him. "Here, dear. Dry my back and tummy for me. Won't you, please?" She turned and bent over so that her buttocks were pointed straight at the protrusion at the front of his trousers.

He moaned strangely and took the towel and rubbed her back momentarily, but stopped and moaned again. "Oh, Mrs. Baker," he whispered. "Oh… my… gosh… "

"Will you dry my… tits, too, Richard? They are very wet, you see." She waited with held breath while he ran the towel around in front of her body and gingerly touched her tits with it. "Hold my tit with one hand, Richard, and dry it with the other," she told him, her heart hammering wildly.

He very gingerly touched her left tit with his fingers as if he were going to hold it… but he withdrew his fingers quickly and moaned again.

She knew she had better push him over "the edge" quickly, or he might break and run. Seizing his hand she pressed it down hard on her tits while at the same time she pressed her butt up against the rigid cock in his pants.

He cried out and seized her hips with his hands and began a quick, furtive fucking movement against her butt.

Doris thought she was going to faint from the sheer excitement of it. However, he stopped his movement, and moved away from her quickly.

"Don't you tell my mother I did that," he cried roughly. "She'd half kill me if she knew I even thought about such… stuff."

Doris smiled seductively at the pink-faced boy. "Don't worry, Richard. Even if you do to me what I know you want to do, I'll never tell. Your mother will never know that you want to… fuck me so very much."

His face became agonized as he moaned again, very loudly. "I think I'm going crazy," he cried.

"No, you aren't, Richard," she said quickly. "You're acting just the way you're supposed to."

"I'm going crazy, I just know it," he said. "I never felt so crazy before in my whole life."

She took a step toward him and when he did not move away, she stepped still closer to him. "Give me your hand, Richard," she told him firmly. "Come now. Give it to me, right now."

He held out his hand fearfully and she saw how it was trembling. "I'm losing my mind," he mumbled. "I must be."

She took his hand in hers and moved even closer and placed his hand over her tits. Then she put her arms about him quickly and kissed his mouth, plunging her tongue into his in a wild abandoned manner. If this didn't do it, she had a few more tricks. The boy resisted her, tried to turn his face away, but she grasped his chin and held it as she tongued his lips. He was groaning like someone going berserk now and she knew it wouldn't be long. Reaching down between their bodies she grasped his erection through the cloth of his trousers and caressed it, rubbing it gently. He groaned and shot his loins forward like a maddened male dog. She pushed her belly against his and began to make strong circular motions with it.

She received an agreeable surprise then for she discovered he had managed to knock her hand away and had unzipped his fly. He had his hard cock in his hand now and was holding it as he attempted a fucking movement at her dripping crotch.

Doris sucked in air and dropped to the floor of the bathroom, pulling the boy down on top of her. He was still moaning and groaning and the more he did it, the more agitated she became. Now it was her turn to brush his hand away from his cock. Seizing his hard prick, she jacked it once or twice and aimed it at her juicy cunt hole. The boy almost screamed as he began a disorganized, wild and hectic attempt at fucking.

He missed her cunt entirely.

His male cream shot out of his cock and struck her bare tummy, shot upward and struck at her titties, her face, even her hair. Frantically, she sought to get it into her, but could not. With an agonizing groan she threw herself about until she could fasten her lips about the wildly spouting cock. The boy continued to groan and moan as his come entered her mouth and passed down her throat, coating her insides. When she felt the stream letting up in intensity, she quickly began a furious sucking movement with her lips.

Instantly the boy began to blow hard again. Doris sucked harder than ever.

The boy continued to groan and moan. It was as if this was the only way he could express himself.

There was another way he was expressing himself, however, and far better, according to Doris. The squirting of his cock juice. She thought he would never cease spouting milk down her throat. God, she wanted him to keep going forever! She needed it so much! She wanted him to blow all he had and more into her. It was wonderful having this young boy's cock in her mouth. This was a terrific first step. Next time she would teach him to fuck her, as well. And next time might very well be a few minutes from now. Young boys were notorious for their ability to go off over and over again.

Finally, he stopped flowing in her mouth, but she kept on sucking his hard cock in the hopes that he would start it all over again. He pushed her head away from him and sat up on the floor. She moved away from him slightly, to get his reaction at just having had his cock sucked.

He said nothing, did not even look at her.

When her hard breathing permitted, she spoke to him. "Did you like it, Richard?" He nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry. I won't tell your mother on you. Believe me, I won't." "She'll kill me if she finds out."

"She won't find out. You have my word." Doris thought to herself that she agreed with him, but she went on cleverly. "If your mother ever found out what you just did to me… she might have to send you away… to a place for boys, you know… but don't worry, you are my friend now. I'll never tell on you… as long as you are my friend. Are you my friend, Richard? Are you my friend forever and ever?" This ought to get him nicely trapped, she felt.

"Yes," he said quickly. "I'll do it to you… whenever you make me… do it to you… if you don't tell on me."

Doris decided not to challenge the statement. It wasn't the right time to be attempting that sort of thing. Besides, it wasn't necessary now. She had him hooked. She could, if necessary, practically force him to have sexual relations with her from now on because of his fear of his mother.

"We'll have a fine time, you and I, Richard," she told him quietly, running her hands up and down his leg under his pantleg. "Er – why don't you take off your clothes and… take a shower… you need one now, you know."

"I better go home and do that."

"No," she said sharply. "Do it here. Right here and now."

He surprised her by grinning impishly at her. "You just want to see a boy all naked and everything, don't you?"

She sucked in air. "Yes, I do, Richard. But after what we have just done to each other it doesn't really matter anymore if I see you naked, or if you see me naked again. After all," she breathed deeply and sought to expand her titty measurements as she did so, "… after all, you are looking at my nakedness, aren't you?"