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Again he surprised her by unbuckling his belt and slipping off his pants. Off came his shorts, his socks and shoes. Finally his shirt. Finally he was naked. She sucked in air again as she saw all of his young flesh, scarcely able to believe a body could be so young and exciting as his was at that very moment.

"How do I look, Mrs. Baker?" he asked shyly.

"You have a nice body, Richard. Aren't you glad now that you decided to take off your clothing?"

His cock was half hard, but as he stood there looking at her nudity as she still sat on the floor, his prick became harder and longer. "Hey," he said, pinking up a bit. "Look at that thing." He laughed strangely.

She bit her lips but stared at his hard-on longingly. Should she try to obtain a fuck from him right now or should she wait a little while? It was a difficult decision. "Richard," she murmured softly, "come here and rub your cock across my titties. Please?"

He came close to her and standing over her, crouched the necessary degree and vigorously rubbed his cock back and forth across her tits. Doris had an orgasm. Just like that! She had sucked him off without any sign of one, but his touching her tits with his cock caused her to spasm violently and beautifully.

"Oh… you wonderful boy, you," she murmured.

"Boy, you sure make me feel crazy," he mumbled.

"But you like to feel crazy in this way, don't you, Richard?"

"Wow! I sure do, Mrs. Baker. Want me to stick it in your mouth again?"

She looked up into his eyes. "I'd prefer you getting on top of me and fucking me, the way a grown-up man would do."

He flushed. "I don't know how," he confessed.

"I'll teach you." Doris was trembling with excitement.

"You'll teach me to… do it to you?" Evidently, he found it difficult to say the four-letter word to a grown woman.

"I'll teach you how to fuck a woman," she said bluntly, knowing this type of talk should set him up in fine style.

"Wow," he cried. "I sure like to hear you say stuff like that."

"Stuff like what, Richard?" she asked, wanting to induce him to speak more bluntly to her.

"Stuff like what you just said."

"All right. Tell me what I just said."

He flushed again. "I – I can't… talk that way to a lady."

"You mean you can say the words to another boy but not to me?"

"I – I guess so."

"You mean words like 'fuck'?"

Again he flushed. "Yeah, that's what I mean."

She knew she had him on the verge. "Have you ever thought about what it would be like to fuck a girl, Richard?"

He hung his head, averting her eyes.

"Tell me. Have you, Richard?" she persisted.

"Yeah," he mumbled, the word coming very softly.

"Now that you are… looking at… my naked body… wouldn't you like to fuck me, Richard?"

He turned away.

"Richard," she said. "Turn around and face me." He turned around, reluctantly, it appeared. "Wouldn't you like to fuck me, Richard?" He nodded.

She drew in her breath, happy with his answering nod. "Then, why don't you get on top of me, Richard?"

"I – I guess I'm scared.'

She bit her lips and reached out at the same time to clasp his leg. He hopped closer to her using the other leg, and then she rubbed her face against his thighs. "Why don't you sit down on the floor with me, Richard. I don't like you standing up."

He had his cock in one hand and was jacking it slowly. "This feels kind of good," he mumbled, as if to himself.

"Let me do that, dear. A boy should never play with himself." She knew this was pretty much nonsense, but felt it was a good thing to say to him. "If a boy plays with himself too much, he is never able to… make love to a woman." She wasn't certain of the truth of this statement, but it seemed to sound good.

"I don't play with myself," he grumbled, frowning at her strangely. "That's something I never have done and you shouldn't accuse me of it."

Doris drew back and took a deep breath. "Why, Richard, you shouldn't talk that way. I didn't accuse you of anything, not really."

He seemed not to hear her. "Boy, I sure liked the way it felt when you put your lips around it and sucked. That coming stuff is really fun."

She repeated her earlier request. "Why don't you get on top of me, Richard? Would you like to fuck me?"

He nodded.

She sighed almost impatiently. "Then get on top of me, boy."

"Why don't we get in the bedroom, or something?" he asked.

"You mean the bed? All right." Doris got to her feet hurriedly and taking him by the hand led the naked boy to her bed. She jacked his cock a few times, taking special note of the extreme rigidity of it now. Then she lay down on the bed without relinquishing her hold on his cock. He crawled on top of her but didn't get on her immediately. Holding himself up by leaning on his hands, he looked down at her tits, then inquiringly into her eyes. She understood what he meant by this. "You may suck my tits, Richard," she told him.

He moaned and buried his face between the twin globes, his tongue licking her flesh, his teeth lightly biting her. Doris had a small orgasm from this and when it happened, she held his head with her hands, a look of wild passion on her strained, pretty face.

"My goodness, Richard, but you do make me hot, dear."

He fastened his lips over a nipple and sucked on it like a baby might. Even this made her spasm and Doris became more and more agitated, almost to the point where she was ready to force him to get on top of her and take her. She would have tried it if she had had the faintest notion it would work, for she wanted his stiff cock thrust into her cunt so badly, she was nearly beside herself.

He went from one tit to the other, really working his mouth and tongue over her hot flesh. For all the world, he was like a starved infant seeking nourishment. Doris could understand this easily enough. She had similar feelings about needing the juice from his cock.

"Get on top of me now, dear," she heard herself say again.

He released her tit from his mouth and drew back momentarily. For a few seconds she thought he was going to leave but he agreeably surprised her by throwing himself on top of her and pumping his cock wildly at her body, much in the manner that all young boys are apt to do until they are experienced at sex. His cock struck her in all sorts of places and she almost became frantic before managing to grasp the thing and pulling him down firmly on top of her starved body, made the insertion. Immediately his cock sank into her as far as it would go, but then much to her dismay, when he pulled back to stroke, he yanked it all the way out of her. Again she replaced his tool in the proper position. Once again his prick shot into her wildly but came out the moment he pulled back, even though she had wrapped her arms about his back and was holding him in place with all her strength.

"Damn," Doris said softly.

"Stick it in, stick it in," the boy cried in a near frenzy. "Please… stick it in your cunt!"

Doris grasped his cock firmly and steered it into her slit as the boy pumped furiously. She had mixed feelings about his actions. On the one hand it was maddening to have him put it in and then immediately yank it out accidentally, but on the other hand, it was terribly exciting to realize he was doing this because of his almost animal approach to the situation. Doris found his high degree of excitement and agitation to be extremely contagious and little by little she was becoming more frenzied herself. This animal type of plunging at her with a hard cock, only to have it slip out, was almost the very essence of fucking with a young boy. It was difficult to lose one's temper or self-control when contact was broken because of uncontrollable passion. It was because a young boy was so hellishly hot that he did these very things. Doris loved this aspect of it, of course, but she also had mixed feelings.