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"Try not to yank it out of my cunt this time, Richard," she said as soothingly as she could when she inserted his cock once again.

"All right. Damn thing," he muttered darkly. "What's the matter with it? Why won't it stay in you?"

"You are pulling back too far." She patted his butt and then pressed down fiercely on it with both her hands. "I'll try to hold your cock in me this time, but you must try very hard not to become too excited, dear."

"I want to fuck you," he sobbed. "It's driving me nuts."

"Just fuck me easy, boy," she told him. "Don't try so hard."

He thrust his cock deeply into her and then he stopped.

"That's good… so far," she told him. "Now pull it out just partway."

He moved it about an inch.

"No, that's not enough. You must move it back a little more, dear. You have to have room enough to stroke me."

Instead of pulling it back, he thrust it back in. The "stroke" was so short it was almost no stroke at all, but Doris was so unbelievably hot she received a startling sensation from it.

"Oh, my God," she moaned. "When you do it right I'm going to fly right through the ceiling."

"Huh?" he said stupidly.

"Never mind. Get on with your movements, dear. Remember, push it all the way into me, but don't pull it all the way out." Good grief, why did he have to be so incredibly innocent? Still, that was one of the things she liked. Again, her feelings were mixed. Let him do it any way he can, she told herself. It'll be better that way in the long run.

He had pulled his cock out of her again, so once more she seized it and steered it into her cunt while he thrust hard and entered her deeply, wonderfully. Doris nearly had an orgasm, probably from the sheer exasperation of it all, for exasperation of a certain kind, if not too much, can sometimes serve to enhance the sexual act. She knew this to be true. It had happened to her more than once.

"I like this," he grunted as he moved in her a little but not nearly enough. "Hope it doesn't come out again."

Doris lifted her legs, as she should have done in the first place, and brought them together behind his, locking her ankles and feet securely while at the same time holding his buttocks down with her hands. "There," she muttered, "that ought to keep his cock in me."

"Huh?" he asked, thinking she was speaking to him.

"Get on with it, dear," she said swiftly. "Fuck me – fuck me good now. Make me come good and you come good, too, dear. I want lots of come from that hot pecker of yours. Lots and lots of come."

He began to move in her properly, more than likely from sheer chance than any studied thinking on his part. The kid seemed to be coming apart at the seams – but to Doris this was also maddeningly wonderful. He was alternately grunting and moaning and jerking his body and then lay still for a moment. What he was doing made little sense most of the time, but this, too, she told herself, was fascinating and exciting. If he was experienced, he would be just another male on top of her. It was his lack of experience that drove her to distraction, though she was quick to admit the distraction had a singular beauty of its own.

"I got my hot pecker up a girl's cunt," the boy grunted, as he labored over her.

"That's right, dear. You've got your hard, red-hot pecker up a girl's cunt. Now… what do you feel like doing? Do you feel like squirting off your stuff in my cunt, dear? Come now, tell me. Do you?"

"Sure do," he grunted and moved in her better than he had at any time up to this point.

"Oh… God," she murmured, knowing full well that any good sustained movement on his part would send her off into the blissful world of heavenly orgasm. "Oh… God," she repeated. "Now I think I'm the one who's going crazy."

He rammed his cock into her and pulled it out only halfway this time and immediately she increased the pressure on his legs with her Own, holding him in a viselike grip that threatened to break a bone or two. She had to have her big orgasm and soon or she knew she would start yelling her head off, the way she had done once before when gratification was maddeningly slow in coming.

"Fuck you, fuck you… I'm gonna fuck you," the boy muttered thickly, and now she began to almost believe he might, for his stroking was far more satisfactory than it had been before.

"Yes, Richard," she murmured encouragingly. "You are going to fuck me, dear. In fact, you are fucking me, dear. You have your pecker up my hot cunt and I love the feel of it. Why don't you fuck me just a little bit harder, dear? I like it better when I'm fucked hard."

"Talk dirty stuff to me," he begged. "I like to hear you say stuff like that."

Doris knew that some adult men liked this sort of thing, but she found it odd that such a young boy would be asking for incentive. However, she was glad to oblige him. She was so much in need that she would have done anything humanly possible to get him to fuck her well.

"Fuck my dirty old cunt, dear," she said, scarcely knowing what to say to him. "Just fuck it like you want to. Blow off your nuts up my dirty old cunt, dear. I want you to blow off your nuts in my dirty old cunt."

"You ain't got no dirty old cunt. You got a nice clean cunt."

Doris felt her scalp tightening. Good grief, had she offended this silly kid? She hoped not. "No, of course I haven't, dear, but I thought you wanted me to speak… that way to you."

He paid no attention to her remark, but began to groan and moan like a person in extreme pain. She lessened her leg pressure, thinking she might be hurting him and thus spoiling her own pleasure, but she immediately discovered this to be a terrible mistake.

His cock was out of her cunt again and he was pumping it furiously at her belly, her legs, her hips, anywhere it happened to touch her.

"Jesus," Doris said. "What have I done to deserve this treatment?"

The boy got his body turned about somehow and now his hard cock was striking her tits, slapping at them, poking at them, pounding away at them. Doris sighed and lay very still, no longer interested in trying to hold his cock in her cunt. Let him fuck off on her outer body, if he wanted to. She was tired of trying to keep that pesky cock inside of her. She thought about sucking the thing, but he was thrashing about so wildly now that she gave up on this idea, immediately.

"Oh… oh… oh… " the boy cried, spittle running down his chin.

"Go off on my titties, Richard," Doris cried desperately. "At least give me that thrill."

He did so almost immediately. He not only went off on her titties, but in her face. His hot come struck her eyes, her hair, her cheeks. It ran down to her neck, dripping down over her titties to mingle with the other come he had already deposited there. She was amazed at the amount of squirting the boy had. He seemed possessed of an enormous amount of cock juice and all of it was streaming out of his prick, flying off in every direction, up in the air, off the side of the bed, on her belly, once again on her face, and when it struck her there for the second time, Doris could be still no longer. With a loud cry, just as she had done in the bathroom, she threw herself on him, and parting her lips frantically, took in his raging cock and swallowed his torrent of spunk as quickly as he could release the exciting fluid.

Doris Baker continued to suck Richard's cock from time to time as the months passed by, but at no time could she get him to fuck her in the regular manner. That is, she could not teach him to stroke properly. He persisted in drawing out too far most of the time with the ensuing chaotic result. There were times when she thought she was going to really lose her mind over the actions of this youngster, but then he would perform in such a wild and passionate manner toward her, she would settle down and accept what she could obtain from him. A half a loaf is better than none at all – this became her philosophy – and while it was admittedly a depressing sort of thing, she managed to live with it.

After all, what she wanted was a young boy to indulge in sex with her, and if she couldn't train him to perform in the usual manner, she could at least learn to be more and more proficient in the taking of him in the oral way.