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Doris Baker became an expert fellatrice of young boys and was always searching for youthful cock to pacify her strong desires.

Chapter SIX

Sammy Darin was a lonely, red-headed kid who had lived with his maiden aunt since the death of his parents in a car accident when he was nine years old. He was now thirteen, and it seemed that the older he got, the more lonely he became. His aunt, whose name was Martha McTilden, was not quite the right type of person to raise a young boy, for she was narrow minded, severe, sometimes cruel, and almost always stingy. Besides these rather monstrous qualities, she was undoubtedly a person incapable of giving or receiving love. All of this added up to a dreary existence for young Sammy, who was by nature not quite the loner that circumstances made him be. People paid little attention to Sammy because scarcely anyone liked his aunt, and this dislike of her took its toll on Sammy's social life.

It was not until a pretty lady called to him from her front porch one day that Sammy had any real meaning to his life at all.

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at the black-haired lady who had spoken to him. "Pardon me, did you call me?" he asked.

"Yes, young man. Would you come here a moment, please?"

Sammy walked hesitantly to the porch and stopped. "Yes, ma'am," he said, looking up at her and thinking he had never before seen such a pretty lady.

"Would you like to make some money, young man?" Her eyes bore into his strangely.

Sammy smiled. "Yes, ma'am. What do you want me to do?"

"I'd like you to carry a box upstairs. I live alone and there's no one about to help me. The box is just a bit too heavy for a woman to carry alone."

"Okay," Sammy said quickly. "But you don't have to pay me much for doing that sort of thing. A quarter will be enough."

The woman seemed genuinely surprised. "Well, my goodness," she said, smiling down at him beautifully. "You seem to be a most unusual young man."

"I'm not a young man," Sammy replied honestly. "I'm just a thirteen-year-old kid."

This appeared to delight the woman even more. "My goodness, you are unusual. Will you please come inside the house?"

"Sure," Sammy replied, and stepped onto the porch and walked past her into the house. The moment he passed close to her, he caught the scent of her perfume and it made his senses reel. There was something wildly exciting about smelling her perfume that he did not understand.

She placed her hand gently on his shoulder and the touch of it sent strange feelings shooting up and down his spine. "The box is over there," she told him softly, pointing to a rather small box near the foot of the steps. "Just take it up the stairs. I'll follow you and show you where I want it placed."

Sammy picked up the box – it was really quite light and he thought she could easily have carried it herself. He went up the stairs with it, the woman following closely on his heels. There was a hallway at the top of the stairs and she told him to turn in the first doorway.

"Just put the box down anywhere," she said carelessly, oddly.

Sammy did so, his back turned to her. He was about to straighten up when he felt the strangest thing happening to him. Something was lightly touching his ass, fingers were caressing his balls through the cloth of his trousers and when he did straighten up, the woman put her arms about him, turning him about and kissing his mouth wetly. Sammy wasn't sure how he should feel – he just knew how he did feel – he felt wonderful. Wonderful, and very hard between the legs.

When the woman kissed his mouth again and slipped her hand between their bodies and felt of him, Sammy became aware of a sudden wetness in his pants.

"Oh, my boy," the woman moaned hoarsely. "Now you know what I want to pay you for."

"What did you say, ma'am?" he asked, stalling for time to think. He was quite confused by her actions and the state of his underpants.

"Have you ever had a girl in bed, kid?" she asked bluntly, rubbing his arms with one hand, feeling at his crotch with the other.

"Huh" he asked, not knowing what else to say, his face growing warm.

"I asked you if you ever had a girl down on her back, kid."

He shook his head. "No, ma'am. I'm not old enough for… girls."

She grasped his chin with her free hand, even as she fondled his cock through his pants, and holding it firmly, she kissed his mouth wetly again. "How do you like that, kid? Does it make you hot to have a woman kiss you that way?"

"Makes me feel funny," he admitted, his pulse racing wildly.

"You want to take out your dingus and let me see it, kid?"

Sammy stared at the woman. She had seemed like such a "nice," pretty woman when he had first glimpsed her on the porch. She was still pretty, but she was acting kind of crazy, or something. He almost wished she would… let go of his cock… it was making him feel crazy. Crazy – but wonderful.

"You want to take it out, kid?" she asked again, "and let Mrs. Gray see it?" "Take what out?" Sammy knew what she meant, but he was still stalling for time so he could think more clearly. What a strange woman she was.

"Your dingus, kid. Your fuck-stick. Let me see it."

Sammy felt his face reddening more. "My – what?" he asked, wanting to hear her speak the words again.

"I asked you if you wanted to take your fuckstick out of your pants, kid." She was holding him fiercely, one hand pinching the flesh of his arm, the other still hanging onto his rigidity, and firmly massaging it.

"Why do you want me to… take it out, ma'am?"

"Why not? Don't you want to show off what you got, kid?"

How could a woman change so much, so quickly? he thought to himself. She hadn't seemed this way on the porch. "I guess not, I better go… home now, ma'am," he stammered. "You don't owe me anything… for carrying the box upstairs. Just forget it."

"Oh, yes I do, kid. I owe you a hot piece of ass for it. So you take your thing out and we'll get on the bed and have a fuck session."

She's crazy, Sammy thought. This woman is nutty – crazy. "I never heard anyone talk… like you do, ma'am," he mumbled.

"You think I'm crazy, don't you, kid, just because I want you to take your dingus out and let me see it, let me play with it? Well, I'm not crazy. Not at all. I'm just a very hot woman who needs to have a young prick stuck up her cunt."

Sammy swallowed hard. He seemed unable to say anything back to her after that blunt language. After all, how do you talk to a woman who practically drags you in off the street, grabs your cock and asks you to take it out so she can play with it? "I guess I better go home now," he mumbled again, trying to pull away from her, but not trying as hard as he could have. The truth was, he wanted to show her his "dingus" but was too embarrassed to do so. It would take more pleading from her to induce him to take such a radical step. He had never shown his cock to a girl, let alone an old woman. "Shit!" he muttered. "Holy shit!"

"What's the matter, kid? You going off in your pants?"

"Something's happening," he cried. Something was happening. His pants were suddenly even more moist than before.

"Let me unzip you, kid. Okay?" "Okay," he heard himself answer. "Holy shit!" he cried again.

"I know how to take care of a leaking cock, believe me, kid."

"Oh, hell," he exclaimed, hardly knowing what he was saying.

She unzipped his fly and snaked her hand into his pants. When he felt her warm, soft fingers go about his hard prick, he squirted again and made a face. But it was a pleased expression that crossed his face, for Sammy had never experienced such a wonderful feeling. He suddenly felt like spraying his fluid all over everything. God, what was he thinking of? He couldn't spray his stuff all over. The woman would think he was crazy.

He was wrong. Apparently, she didn't think anything of the kind, for she had dropped to her knees and was kissing his wet cock passionately. This made Sammy squirt again and he quickly apologized to her for having gone off on her lips. She only shook her head, licked her lips, and applied a powerful, wonderful suction to his cock. In less than ten seconds his prick had exploded in her mouth, had drained itself of all fluid and then frantically he had yanked it from her wet lips, stuffed it back in his pants and then hysterically ran down the stairs and out into the street.