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He blew his nuts into her cunt immediately, and kept on blowing off in her for a very long time while she simply lay there and sighed and occasionally patted his bare ass. Her tender touches made him blow all the more.

"You're a very bad boy, Sammy," she said, but not nearly as severely as her words might indicate. "You fucked off in me before I was ready for you. Now, you must climb off and come back tomorrow, and tomorrow you must do a better job. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." Sammy pulled his cock out when the flowing was definitely over and done with, dressed himself hurriedly, almost without realizing what he was doing, and left the house after promising he would be back the following day.

Sammy did not return the next day for a very good reason. He became ill during the night and the next morning his aunt called in a doctor to examine him.

Sammy had developed whooping cough, and it was three weeks before he was able to leave the house again.

The very first place he headed for was Mrs. Gray's home. When he arrived there, she was standing on the porch, seemingly looking at the traffic that was passing the house. Sammy ran to the steps and halted. "I've been real sick," he said, the words tumbling out. "I had whooping cough."

Mrs. Gray sniffed and frowned severely. "Go home, kid. I'm mad at you."

Sammy ran up the steps partway. "Please, Mrs. Gray, don't be mad. It's true. I've really been sick. Had the doctor and everything. He wouldn't let me… come here to see you."

She fixed him with a fierce gaze. "You mean to tell me you asked some doctor if you could come here?"

He shook his head quickly. "No, of course not. I wouldn't ever tell anyone… about you, Mrs. Gray."

She looked at him suspiciously. "How do I know you aren't just lying to me?"

"I'm not lying, honest I'm not. I had whooping cough, but I'm all right now." "Hmm… come inside," she said abruptly, delighting him, for this of course was what he wanted to do. She brushed her dark hair out of her eyes and looked at him oddly as he raced up the remainder of the steps and entered the house as she held the door open. Inside, she closed the door, as she had before, and turned around. "Are you gonna fuck me good today, kid, or is it gonna be one of those squirt-and-run deals?"

Sammy felt his cock become instantly hard. "Oh, I like to hear you talk, Mrs. Gray. When I was sick I could hardly think of anything but how you talk and how you look." This was true. He had thought about her constantly.

"Take your prick out," she demanded, ignoring what he had just said.

Hastily, he unzipped his trousers and pulled forth his cock, pointing it at her while he held back the desire to giggle. When she looked down at it, he was pleased to see her wet her lips nervously. He was even more pleased when she sank to her knees and started to suck it.

"Oh, Mrs. Gray, that feels so… good," he cried hotly.

She stopped it immediately and scrambled to her feet. Sammy watched her with fascination and excitement while she hurriedly removed her clothing, standing finally stark naked in front of him. Boy, what big tits she had! What a lot of hair there was around her cunt. Sammy wondered what it would be like to kneel down and kiss her cunt. He nearly jumped when he heard her words. She must have been reading his mind.

"Sure you can, kid. Just kneel down and kiss my cunt."

Sammy dropped to his knees in front of her and kissed her large, shapely thighs. Her skin was smooth and soft, and he wanted very much to do everything he could think of to her. She helped this wish along by pressing her hands against the rear of his head until his face was buried between those wonderfully warm thighs. She had spread her legs slightly and Sammy could feel beads of moisture trickling from her pussy, touching his lower lip.

Impulsively, recklessly, he stuck his tongue into her cunt, but withdrew it quickly.

"Leave it in there, kid," she barked, jerking her head angrily. "What'd you pull it out for?"

"I don't know," he almost sobbed. The truth was, he was so excited at being so near her cunt, that his brain seemed to stop functioning for a moment.

"Stick your goddamned tongue in me, kid, or I'll hit you," she barked angrily.

He grabbed her by her hips and licked her cunt eagerly, passionately. Vaguely, he heard the woman breathing hard and moaning every now and then, but he paid little attention to it – he was far too excited by what he was doing to her cunt. Her hairy place has such a sweet, wild taste to it that it was like nothing else he had ever known before.

"Honey-dip me, kid," she cried mysteriously. "Honey-dip this old gal." She seemed to choke for a moment. Then she said, "That's it, kid. Work your tongue fast in my cunt. Lick it! Suck it! Do everything to it. Jesus! I like that, kid! Keep it up!"

Again she was pressing on the back of his head so hard that he thought she was going to break his neck. When he shook his head hard trying to persuade her through his action to remove her hands, she must have understood, for she let up a bit on the pressure. She drew him across the room and sank down on a chair, spreading her legs wide and bringing one foot up and placing it on his shoulder. Almost immediately she brought the other leg up and put it over his other shoulder. Now he was locked between her thighs, her cunt staring him directly in the face. He could plainly see her juicy slit. The sight of it caused him to spout a little from his cock. He felt her hand grasping him there, felt her pinching his cock and at times, jacking it. He went off – but not all the way – his spunk striking the floor. For all he knew, his goo might have struck her body, because her legs were so high up, she might have been directly in line with his spray. At that moment, Sammy didn't care where he went off or what it hit. His main concern was in enjoying the sucking of her wet, generous twat.

"Make me come, kid, make me come," she urged, giving his cock a few more jackings.

Sammy went into her cunt with his lips and his tongue as though he had been going down on adult women for years. What he lacked in technique, he made up in intensity. He found that by darting his tongue in and out of her only a short distance while alternately moving it quickly from side to side, he was able to drive this woman almost out of her mind with passion. Her shouts and groans, her pats on the back, her pinching of his flesh, the squeezing pressure of her legs about his neck, were all ample indication of her arousal. It was all extremely exciting and thrilling to young Sammy, and having all the energy in the world at his disposal, despite having been quite ill, he went after her now like a passion-ridden animal. He bit her and licked her; tongued her, lipped her. He made little snorting noises and the woman began to jerk and thrash about wildly as he worked her cunt rapidly.

"Oh, Jesus, kid! Oh, Jesus, kid," she kept saying over and over. Her body continued to jerk violently, her legs stiffened about his head so strongly that he was momentarily frightened, but even so, he was far more passionate than frightened. He let forth a strange sound from his throat as he pushed his face into her cunt so fiercely, so deeply, that the woman finally began to scream for him to stop it.

Sammy stopped it, but reluctantly. He stood up after knocking her legs from his shoulders. He felt strong now, powerful. More powerful than she. After all, he had been willing to go on with the act, but this grown woman had been unable to keep up with him.

A note of arrogance crept into his tone and manner and he found he enjoyed this tremendously. He sneered slightly, at the panting woman.

"I was too much for you, eh?" Sammy said, proud of himself. "That's the trouble. You couldn't take it. You just couldn't take what I had to give you."