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"You… you… were… wonderful, Sammy," she stammered.

"Damn right I was," he cried. "Now what I need is to find a real woman, a real broad, one who can take as much as she thinks she can dish out. Ain't no such woman around here. Me, I'll have to go find such a broad." Sammy suddenly felt much older, more mature, very, very adult.

"Please, kid, don't be mad at me," she begged him.

"Don't call me that," he snapped. "You're the real kid. You folded up. Not me. I ain't no kid!"

"That's right, Sammy," she whimpered. "You were more than enough for me – but – where are you going?"

He had started to put on his trousers. Now, he stopped and looked at her. "What?" he snapped.

"I asked you where you were going, Sammy dear," she said, her tone of voice much different from what it had previously been.

He stated triumphantly, "I am going to the can to take a piss. When I come back get ready for the biggest fuck you've ever known. I've decided to stay here and do you a favor."

"Very well, Sammy. I'll wait right here for you."

He looked at her with a combination of contempt and love. "Right," he said shortly. "You wait right there, woman. I'm coming back to throw a fuck into you."

He did come back. He "threw a fuck" into her, which was what she had wanted all along, of course.

Chapter SEVEN

Anna Switzer, the subject of our next case history, had lived in the same small town all her life. She had married at nineteen, had been widowed before she was thirty. At age thirty-five she was still a sexy-looking woman, but practically all the men of the town had given up on her. None of them could induce her to go to bed. They were not aware of the fact that Anna's appetite for sex had changed. She now had a craving for boys, very young boys. Anna ran a candy shop and as the owner she quite naturally came to know a large number of youngsters, some of them not quite as young as one might think.

Anna particularly liked to have a young boy in her store just prior to closing time. By being extremely clever, at times, she would induce a boy to accompany her into her quarters at the rear of the store, whereupon she would reveal one of her tits to him, or do some other such startling thing in order to get him aroused sexually. She usually succeeded in getting what she wanted from the boy, for she was extremely careful to invite only those boys who had the look of lust about them, young though they might be. Anna was a decided expert at spotting such boys – she was an experienced expert in this matter.

The people of the town never suspected that they had such a female in their midst, a woman ready to make illicit love to a youngster at the earliest opportunity. The boys of the town knew all about her, and there was more than one young married man who sometimes looked back wistfully to the sex sessions he had experienced in the back room of Anna's store. Most of them had obtained their knowledge of what the sex act is all about from Anna Switzer. Anna knew how to arouse a boy and keep him aroused. It was a source of infinite satisfaction to take a young kid to the rear of the store after closing hours, lock the front door, and "play" with him until he was wildly excited and ready to perform any act she desired.

Anna had many desires. All of them sexual in nature and involving young boys.

It was on a Thursday near closing time that she spotted a boy of about thirteen standing near the front candy showcase, looking at the various candy bars wistfully. Anna knew the look – she had seen it a thousand times at least. She glanced about quickly to ascertain if an adult were with him. She satisfied herself that he was alone. Walking over to him, she bent over the counter purposefully in order to expose her large, round tits as they pushed up from her low-cut dress.

"Hello, young man," she said, smiling nicely at him. "Haven't seen you in my store before. Are you new in town?"

The blond boy glanced up at her, his blue eyes startled for the moment. "Huh?" he asked, apparently not hearing what she had said. "I mean, I beg your pardon," he added quickly.

Anna smiled more broadly. She liked polite boys. They were the most fun. Polite boys were harder to fuck than the rude ones and this, oddly enough, made them all the more desirable. "I asked you if you were new in town. Did you just move here perhaps?"

The boy grinned. "Oh, yes. I moved here with my grandmother. She bought a house," he added, as if this explained why he now lived in town.

"What's your name, son?" Anna was looking the kid over very carefully. She was certain he was capable of having the lust look even though it was not particularly apparent at the moment.

"Dan… Dan Knight. The guys call me Danny."

"I suppose you don't know many guys in town yet if you just moved here," Anna said shrewdly.

"Don't know anybody. We just moved here yesterday afternoon." "Hmm," Anna said reflectively. "How very nice." The boy looked puzzled. "I beg your pardon?"

"Since you're new in town, the candy bars are on the house," she said.

His eyes brightened and he looked at her gratefully. "Honest?"

She smiled. "Yes. Pick out a couple of them. Any kind you like."

The boy quickly pointed to two of the largest bars, which made Anna smile with delight. A somewhat selfish boy was quite often the best type for seducing. When he became aroused, he demanded to be gratified, which, of course, was the very thing she intended doing.

Anna got the candy bars out of the case but instead of handing them to him immediately, she went to the front door and quietly locked it, her body shielding the lock from his inquiring eyes. She came back to the boy and crooked her finger. "Come," she said. The one word had an authoritative ring to it, but it was not said in a manner that would frighten the boy.

He followed her into the rear of the store and into her apartment, where she also closed the door. She always kept the shades drawn, so this was no problem for her now. Turning about and still clutching the candy bars she gestured to him to approach her.

"All new boys in town get free candy bars, but in order to get them they have to play a little game first," she told him lustfully.

The blond boy looked at her curiously. "What kind of game?"

"First of all my name is Anna. Whenever you want to address me, call me by name." She paused and studied him. Definitely the lust look was coming into his eyes, but not quite fast enough. She would have to help it along a bit. "Now then," she said, "will you please do me a favor before I tell you anything more?"

"Sure," he said eagerly. "Sure I will. Anything you want."

"I want you to remove my shoes for me, son. I'm going to sit on the sofa here and you… well, you just remove my shoes… my feet hurt a little," she added in case he was wondering about this.

"Okay," he said, looking puzzled.

Anna sat down on the sofa in such a manner that her short dress crept high on her thighs. Purposely, she rarely wore pantyhose. She wanted young boys to glimpse her bare thigh flesh above her ordinary length stockings. Leg flesh made young boys hot in a hurry, she knew. Now, as the new boy dropped to his knees in front of her, she made certain that he saw plenty of leg flesh.

The boy, Danny, had a great deal of trouble in removing her shoes for the simple reason that she pressed her feet firmly to the carpet. This was to afford him a longer period of time to be on his knees in front of her, which quite naturally allowed him more quick furtive glances at her legs. She saw his face becoming redder and redder. This was always the way with a potentially hot, young boy, and it pleased her immensely.

"Can't you get them off, son?" Anna asked, knowing full well that he couldn't.

"I could if you'd just lift your legs a little," he returned. Obviously he had meant to say "lift your feet," but those shapely thighs close to his eyes, bare and inviting, had affected his thinking.

"Oh, you mean like this?" Anna asked with pretended innocence. She lifted her legs high, spreading them wide so he could easily see her cunt. (Anna never wore panties – panties were non-sexual, according to her.)