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"You like that, don't you?" he asked, paying no attention to her earlier remark concerning his remaining silent while sucking.

"Yes, yes, very much so. Please do it again, Danny," she begged.

He repeated the tongue movement, this time doing it on her other leg, starting just above her knee and running his tongue slowly up her thigh and plunging it deeply into her cunt as he had before.

"Oh, my goodness," she exclaimed, beginning to believe that this kid was a great deal more experienced at sex than she had originally thought. "Where did you ever learn to do that so well, son?"

"I never did any of this stuff before, but it sure makes you feel good, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does." She took his cock between her lips again and lightly sucked it, but she removed her lips quickly when she felt him stiffening. She didn't want him blowing off in her yet. This she knew might cause him to cease his delightful sucking at her cunt.

"You sure you don't mind if I pee in you?" he asked, startling her.

She held his cock away from her lips. "Pee in me? What are you talking about, son?"

"Well, you know. I don't really mean pee. It's like pissing – only different."

She sighed with relief. "Oh, yes. I understand." He had, of course, meant "go off" in her, not "pee" in her. He sure as hell had his terms mixed up.

"Will you please suck me?" he asked. "I like it when you do."

"Yes. But wouldn't you like to turn around and… do it to me the regular way for a while?" She didn't really care, for she was the type of woman who could easily achieve an orgasm in more than one way.

He didn't answer her but she felt him twist his body suddenly and before she could adjust to him, he was between her large legs, pumping his stiff cock against her flesh. She put it in quickly and he thrust it deeply into her. She settled back to enjoy his lovemaking but he stopped moving in her and began to press his face deeply into her large, soft tits.

"Keep on with your cock motion, son," she told him. "That's what makes me feel good, you know."

He moved in and out of her once or twice and stopped again. "Hey," he said, "you're awful hot and wet in there, aren't you?"

She laughed softly. "Yes, son, I am indeed. Your cock did that. It is very hard and nice. Don't you like to have it in my hole?"

"Sure I do. It feels good. Only, I think I'm going to pee in you."

She patted him on the back. "You mean go off in me, don't you?"

He nodded and kissed her mouth suddenly. She kissed him back and the moment she did so, he began to pour his stream of liquid fire into her cunt. This brought her to the brink rapidly and she had a fierce but beautiful orgasm, one that left her breathing hard and moaning softly while she patted his back over and over again. He continued to fuck her relentlessly, probably not knowing what he was doing, but liking the feeling of topping a female more than anything else he had ever known. This was her speculation. But she was an expert on young boys and knew their feelings intimately.

"I never went off in a girl before," he told her, his cock still in her but not spurting now.

She loved having him call her a girl. "Haven't you really, son? Then you must come to my store often, you know. I'm sure… you can eat many candy bars every day, can't you?" She was speaking in a mysterious manner, she knew, but he might understand what she meant.

"You sure have a nice store," he said, surprising her.


"I mean, your store is nice and hot and wet and everything."

Anna laughed loudly, her body shaking as she did so. "Oh, so that's what you're calling it, are you? My store. Well, I'll be damned. I never thought of it as being a store, but perhaps it is. Tell me. Will you be visiting my store often, Danny?"

"I'm going to get into your nice store every chance I get from now on," he told her and having said the words, he promptly released another great quantity of boy milk into her cunt.

"Good," she exclaimed, going along with his line of talk. "My store needs lots of customers. That is, it needs to be entered often."

"Know what I like about your store?" he laughed.

"What?" she asked, pleased at the turn of events.

"I can get into it without having any money."

She patted his butt playfully. "You little devil. Are you telling me you came to my real store – the one at the front, I mean – without having any money?"

"Yes. That's what I did, all right."

Anna laughed until the tears rolled down her cheeks. Then she wrapped her arms and legs about his slender body. "Buy something," she urged, controlling her urge to laugh. "You're still in my store, and my store doesn't require money, son."

He grinned and immediately began to fuck her again.

"That's what Anna needs, son," she breathed. "A nice, slim customer."

Chapter EIGHT

In this chapter we will be examining a boy-loving woman who was somewhat different from the others we have described. The boy she was interested in was her own son, Johnny, age twelve. Delia Barber's husband was dead. This is often the case with the type of woman who develops a need for young boys. She went without male sex for several years, attempting the occasional self-masturbation for relief, but finally she could stand it no longer. One night she went to her son's room, crawled in bed with him, hugged and kissed him intensely until she felt his cock grow hard. She told him to get on top of her. He did so with surprising quickness. He made no moves until she put his cock into her pussy hole and told him to do it to her. He responded by doing exactly what she wanted. From that night on Delia slept with her son at every opportunity.

Now, he had been away to summer camp for two weeks and when he returned home she found her passions getting quite out of hand. A good-looking woman in her middle thirties, with an excellent figure, Delia had no difficulty in getting her son interested in fucking with her immediately instead of waiting until evening. He performed with great enthusiasm, did his job quickly and efficiently, gratifying her totally. She kissed him afterwards and then they both got out of bed, showered together and went to the kitchen for a light dinner.

The second night he was home, Delia felt the wild passions overcoming her again. It was nine o'clock at night, too early for her to go to bed. Johnny was watching television and seemingly unmindful of her present condition. No matter. She would heat him up soon enough, she told herself, as she went about the house making certain the various doors were closed and locked.

She came back to where Johnny was sitting engrossed in watching a horror movie.

"Dear," she said, "mother is in need."

He glanced at her. "Can't you wait until this show is over?"

She placed her hands on her wide hips and looked at him intently. "Dear, mother is in need."

Obediently, he got to his feet, shut off the T.V. and followed her into the bedroom. She watched him as he drew off his pants and shirt, socks and shoes. When he was completely naked she stared at his body, her pulse racing wildly.

"Well… " he said. "Take your clothes off, mother."

She undressed, taking her time about it and never once removing her gaze from his nudity. "You're getting to be a good-looking fellow, Johnny," she said. "Ever think about going out with a girl?"

"I was out with a girl at camp. That is, across the lake there was this girl's camp and another guy and I… well, we took a walk in the woods."

"You took a walk in the woods with two girls, you and this other fellow?"

"Yes, mother."

She lilted her lovely, bare tits and let them fall again, this being a calculated move on her part to inspire him to great things in a hurry.

"Did you do it to the girl?" she asked casually. "Yes, mother."

Delia was afraid her annoyance would show, but after a few moments decided it hadn't. "And did you like doing it to this girl?"