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"Yes, sort of."

Delia sucked in air and let it out quickly. She knew a feeling of great relief. So his experiment with sex had not been an unqualified success. Good. Just how she wanted it to be, if it had to be at all. "Did you get on top of her, Johnny, or what?"

"Sure. I mean, yes, mother. I got on top of her."

"What kind of a girl was she?" Delia asked, her curiosity aroused.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Just a girl She let me do it to her without much fuss, if that's what you mean."

Delia bit her lips. "Did you go off quickly, or did you take your time, or what? Tell me about it."

He shrugged again. "I went off pretty quick, I guess. I don't know. She wanted me to do it to her again, so I did."

Delia frowned. "You did it to this girl twice in a row? How very nice of you. Imagine. Twice in a row, and in the woods, mind you."

"Are you mad at me, mother?"

Delia drew herself up, her nicely shaped tits bouncing about prettily. "Certainly not. I'm not afraid of a mere girl."

Her son looked at her appraisingly. "Who said anything about you being afraid of her?" he asked, puzzled slightly if his look was any indication.

"Oh… well… I didn't mean to say it just that way, dear. Come to bed with me now. I want you to satisfy me."

"You got hot pants, really got 'em, haven't you, mother?"

She smiled craftily. "You mean the old kind of hot pants or the new kind?"

He grinned crookedly. "The old, naturally. I've already seen you in the new kind so I wouldn't be asking about them." "Dear me," she said. "Whatever are we talking about?"

"Talking about going to bed, mother, and doing it." Johnny seemed to have matured a great deal in the two short weeks he had been away at camp, she thought. Just how many girls had he taken in those woods, she wondered. "Are we going to bed, mother?" he asked, fingering his soft cock.

"Not much use, is there? Your prick is as soft as a marshmallow."

"I can't help it," he told her. "Usually it gets hard when I see your tits and cunt and stuff. Makes me wonder why."

"I'm wondering, too, Johnny. Have you been masturbating today?"

He frowned. "No. You know I haven't. I never do that anymore. There's no need to."

She smiled. "Correct. There's no need for you ever to do such a thing. Not when you have a nice, safe cunt to put it in."

"Safe cunt? What's a safe cunt, mother?"

"The only safe cunt you'll ever know, dear. Mine. Mine is safe because it won't contribute to making a baby. I won't allow it to do so. Other cunts… well, you keep on sticking your cock into them and first thing you'll know, some father will be dragging you off to… jail, or something." She wondered if this was believable to him. She certainly hoped so. Delia did not want her son laying girls. Girls were competition. And very dangerous competition. Damn girls, anyway. Why couldn't they behave themselves and leave her son alone?

He was fingering his cock but still it was giving no signs of increasing in size. Delia went to him, brushed his hand away and began to jack him gently. She kept this up for several minutes but still his prick did not become sufficiently hard.

"Whatever is the matter with it, Johnny?" she asked, annoyance creeping into her tone.

"I don't know. It never did this before except for that time I took some of your diet pills by mistake."

"You haven't taken an aspirin today, have you?" she asked quickly. "I mean one out of the bottle on the kitchen shelf?"

He nodded. "I took two right after lunch."

She was totally exasperated now. "Damn," she cried. "I broke the bottle I was keeping the diet pills in and put the pills in the old aspirin bottle. You took diet pills again… now we won't be able to do anything, maybe till tomorrow."

"I'm sorry. I thought they were aspirin tablets."

Delia thought swiftly and lay down on the bed as seductively as she could. "Well, you can be a good boy and… service mother with your lips and tongue, dear."

He shook his head. "I feel kind of queasy, mother."

"You're refusing me?" she asked, lifting her head and glaring at him.

"No, not that. It's just that I feel queasy."

"Well, get out of here then, damn it," she almost screamed at him. "And the next time you want an aspirin come to me and ask for it."

He left the room quietly and an hour later she found him in the chair before the T.V. set, sound asleep and still minus his clothing. She switched off the set and ran her fingers lovingly over his cock. He did not awaken, so she dropped to the floor beside him and began to lightly kiss his legs. Still he did not awaken, so she glanced at him sharply and swore softly.

"Why I could almost believe you took one of my sleeping pills to offset the diet pills," she muttered aloud. To test this theory she pinched his leg quite hard. He responded only by making an incoherent sound in his throat. "I knew it," she said to herself. "That nutty kid did take one of my sleeping pills. I could almost… " She had been about to say "hit him" when she ceased speaking. She certainly didn't want to strike her son. That would be silly. Sons could be exasperating at times and this was one of the times. Delia sighed and started to get to her feet with the idea of placing a pillow behind his head and a sheet over him. But then she stopped and sat back down. "Why don't I suck his cock, see if it'll get hard while he's sleeping. At least it's better than nothing." She was delighted with this idea and as she fingered his cock lightly, she felt an intense need somewhere deep within her being. Delia had never been much of a supporter of oral sex but now she was thinking about it as being a most fascinating affair. Perhaps this was because Johnny was sleeping and probably wouldn't know if she took his prick in her mouth and sucked on it. "What if he wakes up while I'm doing it?" she asked herself aloud but softly. Inwardly, she shrugged the question away and bent her head over her sleeping son's cock.

Her heart was beating very fast as she took the limp prick between her lips and lightly massaged it.

He stirred and moaned but didn't awaken.

She pulled his legs apart slightly and he stirred and moaned again. Delia was so hot now she was ready to suck him even if he woke up. Throwing caution to the winds, she lipped his cock, getting the thing into her mouth as far as was possible, considering its condition. Much to her pleasant surprise, the thing began to grow in her mouth and she glanced up at his eyes quickly to see if he were awake. He wasn't. Sighing deeply – the prick still in her mouth – she began to suck it in earnest, her heart beating faster by the moment. She was obliged to stop for a short while because her breathing had become so hectic she was not getting sufficient air. Delia had seldom been this hot before in her entire life and she knew it must be some kind of psychological hotness – the fact that he was her own son as well as the fact that he was unconscious.

"Why, I'm a regular old bitch," she exclaimed happily. "I love this. Why haven't I ever tried it before?" She meant on her son… the truth was she had done it once or twice to her husband but that had been years ago and both of them had been rather drunk.

Johnny stirred in the chair again and she wondered if she was strong enough to pick him up and carry him to her bed. My, it would be exciting to suck his cock in bed – while he slept through it.

She put her arms under his legs, got to her feet and lifted him. He was very heavy for her but she managed to carry him to the bedroom and place him down on the bed without his awakening. Johnny was really sleeping hard. She examined him carefully, the way his chest rose and fell, knowing there was nothing wrong with him. She had given him a sleeping pill once and he had reacted the same way.

Delia looked at her body's reflected image in a mirror near the bed. She smiled at her reflection, noting the lust in her own eyes. "Boy, am I one hot gal tonight," she murmured. Turning about, she stared at the naked form of her son and was pleased to see that his cock had become harder than it had been less than a minute since she had sucked on it. Sinking to her knees beside the bed, she lowered her mouth to his crotch and kissed him fondly, everywhere, his cock, his balls, his belly, even his pubic hair.