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Grace Abernathy's conception of an excellent male companion was somewhat different from that of most women of thirty. She had taken an immediate liking to young Tommy the moment she had first seen him on the street. When she finally induced him to enter her apartment, he had told her of his family life – his parents were both alcoholics, they never paid much attention to the boy and most of the time he didn't have enough to eat. She also discovered he seldom complained about his circumstances.

Now, she was waiting for him to show up at her apartment and er nervous glances Hi the clock on the wall indicated she was somewhat fearful he might not come at all. There had been a few times in the past that he had not arrived when expected, but always he had had a good excuse. She didn't doubt him especially, but then, on the other hand, she didn't trust him totally, either. Grace Abernathy had not really trusted anyone in years.

"Damn," she muttered as she paced the floor. "Where the hell is that kid?"

She went to her bedroom and surveyed herself in a mirror. Frowning, she changed her clothing from pants and blouse to a dress, very short and very revealing. Again she inspected herself, nodding with satisfaction.

"I've got to stop wearing those goddamned pantsuits," she muttered. "They're about as sexy looking as burlap bags." She looked at her tits with pleasure, noting the way they stood out in the more feminine attire. She also examined her blond, long hair, noting the way it fell gracefully to her shoulders, nodding approval at her reflection. "Good thing the kid didn't arrive on time," she muttered. "He would have seen me looking less than my sexiest best." Grace knew she was sexy looking and wasn't at all modest about saying so at times, especially to herself. She loved looking this way. She wanted to be thought of as a sex object by males, young males, young teenagers.

"Where the hell is that kid?" she cried aloud, just as she had done earlier. "I've got a bad case of the hots. Can't stand waiting much longer for him." She knew she would wait for him, however. Young Tommy was much too good in bed to be put down for any reason. She would wait all night for' him, if necessary, but the prospect of doing that made her shiver.

She returned to the living room just in time to hear the faint tapping sound on the door. She went to it, opened it and breathed a sigh of relief before saying, "Tommy, damn you. Where have you been? I've been waiting over an hour for you."

Tommy stepped into the room, closed and locked the door himself. He was a black- haired kid of average build. At that moment he was frowning. "Got hung up," he explained. "This guy was giving me a bad time. Not real bad, just a little. Stupid sonofabitch!"

Grace suspected that Tommy was mixed up in something illegal in a very minor way, but she never talked about it directly. She wasn't interested in the other things he did

– she was only interested in his sexual performances. "Okay," she said. "Want a drink first?"

"First?" he asked, grinning. "Do you mean there's going to be something else between us?"

"Oh, come on. Don't kid with me, baby." He just stood there and grinned.

Grace did not believe in wasting time. "Tommy," she said softly. "Let me see your cock. I'm very hot tonight."

A sudden look of lust came over his young face. Instantly he unzipped his fly and took out his cock. It was not very hard at the moment but it would soon be rigid. "There," he said, looking down at his prick, "now you're looking better." It was as if he thought his cock had ears and could understand his act of talking to it.

"You have a pretty cock," Grace told him swiftly, as she had done many times before. "Do you mind if I suck it?"

He grinned again. "So Gracie girl is in a sucking mood tonight, is she? Crazy!"

"Not just a sucking mood, Tommy. In an all-round sex mood. Anything goes tonight as far as I'm concerned."

He quickly stripped off his pants and tossed them aside. He never wore underwear, though she had tried on several occasions to induce him to at least wear briefs, without success. Now, however, because she was so hot, she was happy that he did not wear them, for she could instantly see his cock, the dark pubic hair, the puffy balls, the sleek belly. Grace loved to look at him when he was exposed in this manner. She thought he had the nicest build for a male that anyone could have. He was, of course, young and that in itself was a very great deal, but besides his youth, he had other qualities.

His skin was a sort of natural tan in color, although she knew he never made a point of attempting to become a sun worshipper. Tommy was not the type of kid to be bothered with such things. His body was slender, but not skinny or scrawny. His belly

– and this was what impressed her greatly for some reason she could never quite understand – was flat, very flat. There were muscles in his belly that showed when he laughed suddenly and she particularly loved trying to make him laugh while he was naked.

"Take your shirt off, Tommy," she said. "You know how I like to see your bare chest."

"Yeah," he replied slyly. "I know about that. You're real weird about this body thing, aren't you?"

"I see nothing weird about it at all," she returned. "I like to look at your naked body. What's so awful about that?"

He grinned and removed his shirt. "Like to see my chest muscles, don't you, baby?"

She smiled. "I like your belly muscles better."

"You like my cock the best, though, don't you?"

"Best muscle you've got," she cried passionately.

"I'd be in a hell of a shape without it."

"So would I," she answered softly.

"Take your clothes off, Gracie. I've already seen how great you look. Clothes are no longer necessary for us."

"You didn't really say I looked nice, Tommy." She wanted very much to hear this from him. It was very important.

"I said you looked great. Okay? You look real nice and pretty. Now take off your clothes and suck my cock."

"Oh, Tommy, I love to hear you talk hot like that."

He strutted about the room as she quickly undressed, his cock sticking out and up in a rather ridiculous fashion. But it was not ridiculous to Grace. She could scarcely take her eyes off that rigid tool. She was becoming hotter and hotter by the moment and she nearly had an orgasm from looking at him and undressing at the same time. She placed her clothing down carefully and stood up straight, giving him the most lustful look she could manage, which was considerable. He continued to strut about the room playfully, and she was obliged to run after him and grasp him from behind.

"Hey, help," he cried playfully. "I'm being attacked from the rear." He wriggled his butt about and she pressed her nudity against his and wriggled with him, getting a great feeling of pleasure from this somewhat silly behavior.

"Turn around, Tommy," she begged him after a few long moments of this. "Please?"

"Sorry, ma'am, I'm just too shy to reveal my parts to a strange female." He laughed and she giggled.

"Come on, Tommy, stop teasing me. I'm awful hot, baby. Fuck me. Do something. Don't just play with me, honey."

He turned about suddenly and kissed her mouth passionately, drew back and looked at her. "How's that for a starter, or would you prefer I kiss your asshole, darling?"

"Stop it," she cried, choking with laughter. "You keep on being silly and I'll lose all desire to… fuck."

He held her at arm's length. "Who're you kiddin', baby? You ain't never gonna lose desire for sex. You got enough desire for ten females."

She dropped to her knees. "I want to suck your cock and no more silly talk," she murmured, plunging her face into his tummy lovingly.

"You're too high up, baby. You got to get lower down than that."

She placed her lips about his swollen cock and sucked on it, causing him to immediately put a stop to his frivolities and begin mouthfucking her. She shook her head violently without removing her lips. This meant she wanted to suck it on her own for a time, that she didn't want him to mouthfuck her just yet. He stopped his frantic hip motion, but the look in his eyes was the equal to any look of lust she had ever known, had she been able to see it.