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She sucked him for only a minute and then removing her lips, she fell back on the carpet, her legs spread wide. "Now, Tommy baby, get on and feed me the old prick."

He grinned in an almost wicked manner and dropped to his knees in between her legs, his cock standing straight and stiff. "Want the old cock up your cunt, eh, baby?"

She half closed her eyes. "Yes, Tommy. Stick it into me and give me a nice spray job. My cunt is thirsty for your milk, baby."

He lay down on her quickly and made the insertion. This was one young boy who didn't need to be guided by the female – he knew what he was doing and she was fully aware that he did. Tommy was such a comfort, she often thought. Whenever Grace needed cock he was always there with his prick dripping, ready to plunge the wild-looking tool into her expertly. Grace didn't know what she would have done without the boy. He was really quite necessary, though of course, it wouldn't pay to call his attention to that too much. He might become difficult. If there was anything, or anyone, that Grace despised dealing with – in any field, including sex – it was the person who was difficult to deal with. Difficult people, all sorts of them, were a pain in the ass to Grace, and there had been times when she had been just that outspoken with them, particularly during periods of stress. Nice thing about Tommy – he was easy to deal with and Grace intended to keep him that way.

"Fuck me, Tommy, baby," she whispered in his ear as he plunged his cock in and out of her expertly. "Make me blow all over."

"Consider it done," he grunted.

"Put your hands under my ass, Tommy," she begged him. "I like you to hold my ass when you fuck me."

Obediently and dutifully, he placed his hands under the cheeks of her ass and grasped her firmly, hurting her slightly.

Grace didn't mind being hurt a little. In fact, she liked a bit of pain when she got fucked. Somehow it made the whole deal seem more excitingly wild, and Grace loved sex to have a certain amount of wildness about it. Any other kind of sex was too tame for her blood. She didn't want to be badly hurt, however, and was cautious in this regard. She stuck religiously to young boys, the younger, the better. The youngest boy she had ever fucked had been a ten-year-old with a surprising virility that she had never forgotten – nor had she ever seen him again.

"Move your ass a little, baby," Tommy told her, his breathing coming faster all the time. "Help me blow my wad."

Just hearing him talk this way set Grace up in fine style. Almost immediately after hearing the words and obeying them by moving her hips and butt about slightly, she felt the onrush of a tremendous orgasm. Her body stiffened of its own accord as she felt her legs actually shaking. Her mouth became almost unbearably dry, there was a delightful giddiness in her head, and then the damn burst.

"Oh… " she cried out. "Oh… my… God… kid! Give it to me, baby!"

But Tommy was not ready to erupt. He continued laboring over her heatedly and then another orgasm swelled from within her to a tremendous bursting, only to be followed by still a third eruption which tore through her being with delightful ferocity. She lay panting under his wildly-pumping cock.

"Fuck me," she cried weakly, her breathing almost impossible to control now.

Tommy moved quickly in her now and each time his cock rubbed the walls of her cunt as well as the little nub, she would cry out in delight. Her passionate crying outbursts pleased him. She lost count of the number of spasms she experienced and finally she had her greatest orgasm ever, just as he obliged by emptying his prick juices into her cunt with great force and heat. He continued to fuck her even after he had ceased to go off in her. It wasn't long before she experienced another spasm and began to pinch his backsides with all her finger strength. He cried out as she did this but she paid no attention, for he was also pinching her ass fiercely now, and the two of them kept on with their pinching as if at that moment it was the most important thing in the world, next to fucking.

Finally, they both went limp and simply lay there on the floor, he only half on top of her and she with one leg thrown over his naked ass. They both required a long time to recover normal breathing. Then he moved away from her and struggled to his feet to look down at her.

"Hey, you were pretty hot this time, Gracie. How come so much passion?" He looked much older than his young years, at the moment.

She closed her eyes and then slowly opened them. "I just felt that way, Tommy. You know how I am sometimes."

"You sure were the hottest ever this time – ever since I've been fucking you, baby."

"You were pretty hot yourself," she said, sitting up and rubbing her tits.

"We have a lot of fun, don't we, Gracie?"

"It's always fun to fuck someone you like, Tommy."

He grinned. "Yeah. You got a point there, all right."

She smiled and gestured toward his limp cock. "Your point has shrunk a bit, hasn't it?"

He glanced down at himself. "After the way you just drained me, what do you expect?"

She walked to the bar and poured two straight whiskeys and brought one glass back to him. "Here," she said. "Drink this stuff. It'll refill your tank. I'm going to need to do a blow-job maybe later on."

"What else do you ever think about?" he wanted to know impishly.

"Nothing. Just sucking and fucking. The hell with anything else."

They sipped their drinks, both of them shuddering slightly as the whiskey burned its way to their stomachs. "Strong stuff," he muttered. "Enough to rot your tongue out."

"That's good whiskey," she told him sharply. "Don't knock it. It's free." "So is my cock," he shot back.

She relaxed and smiled at him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to sound nasty. It's just that I'm so confounded sexy tonight."

He put his glass down and went to the sofa and lay flat on his back. Crooking his finger at her he said, "All right. I know what you want. Come and get it. I can see the lust in your eyes, Grade."

She sighed and went to him and dropped to her knees. Bending her head, she kissed his wonderful tummy as she had done previously and then took his limp cock between her wet lips. She sucked on it, her passion returning rapidly. Apparently his emotions also rose, for his prick became quickly larger and longer. Finally, it reached full size and she stopped sucking long enough to look into his eyes. "Go off in me, baby," she said thickly. "Fuck my mouth like you never fucked anything in your life. I need it so very badly tonight."

"Sure," he said, the usual grin disappearing from his young face.

As she bent to go down on him in earnest, he grabbed her and threw her to the floor with himself on top of her, his young cock pumping wildly in and out of her already aching mouth. Grace closed her eyes and lay back, pretending in her mind that her mouth was her cunt and that she was being fucked. She loved to play this little game but it was seldom she could induce him to do this particular thing to her. Usually she had to fuck him first, although it was true he had shown signs of wanting to mouthfuck her earlier. She had not permitted him to do it then because she was well aware from past experience that she would be risking his ability to drain his cock for several days. Tommy was a most peculiar boy in some ways, and this was one of his peculiarities.

This evening appeared to be one of those prolific evenings.

As he continued to fuck her in the mouth for minute after minute, she knew for certain that this, indeed, was one of his good nights, that he would go off in her hot body many more times before losing his desires.

Ah, she was a lucky woman.

She had a young cock to please her.

How very nice and how very, very wonderful!

Chapter TEN

As we have noted throughout, there are many types of older women who are greatly excited by making love to young boys, and while each case history, each woman, was different, each also possessed certain similar attributes. All of the women we have studied were passionate, some of them excessively so. Some were unmarried, some widowed, some divorced. All were extraordinary. They were not run-of-the-mill females. The average woman has no compulsion to fuck with young boys. This requires a special need and drive – a sexual demand for youthful cock. The subjects of our case histories were unique – they were all in their thirties, very sexually aware, and very determined to fulfill their passionate needs in their own peculiar manner.