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Rick spoke up. "I'm sorry about that, Miss White. I really am. I know now that I should have asked you before telling him about you and bringing him here, but you see, Bud and me… well, we're friends and we usually share a lot of stuff together."

"Oh," she said, relieved to hear this. "Then both of you live in the next town?"

"Yes." Both boys looked up at her oddly.

"Then you can come here… at night… not too late at night, however… as often as you want to… to get fucked and sucked, boys," she told them, smiling again.

"Thanks, Miss White. Do you want us to clear out now?"

She sighed. "I suppose you had better go pretty soon, boys. It's growing quite late, I believe."

The boys got off the bed and walked to the living room where they got dressed. When they started for the front door she called to them and they stopped and looked at her.

She had her robe on now and she walked sensuously toward them, the robe hanging open. "Remember to come back, boys. Miss White needs you." She rather liked speaking of herself in the third person.

"We'll be back tomorrow night the same time," Rick said.

"Fine," she said, and they were gone.

True to their word, they were on her front porch the following evening at almost the precise time they had arrived the previous day. Silently she let them inside the house and closed and locked the door. She had the air conditioning turned on and it was quite comfortable in the house. She gestured to the sofa and without speaking, the two boys went to it and sat on the edge, both fastening their lustful gazes on her exposed, lovely body.

"How are you, boys?" she asked by way of openings. "Fine," they said together as if they had rehearsed it.

She pulled her robe together, just to see their reaction. They were plainly disappointed. Laughing lightly, she removed the robe and stood, feet apart and with arms held high above her shapely head, in front of the sofa, only a hard or so away from them.

"Which of you would like to suck my cunt first?" she asked softly. "My cunt is begging to be sucked by a boy."

Both boys seemed to swallow hard but neither of them spoke.

Edna lifted her brows slightly. "Come now, don't tell me my cunt is not something to be loved."

Rick cleared his throat. "Oh, no, Miss White, we don't mean anything like that, do we, Bud?" He glanced at the other boy.

Edna forced herself to smile at them. "Mean anything like what?" she asked, puzzled.

Rick ran his fingers over his mouth nervously. "I'll suck your cunt, Miss White, if you want me to."

She frowned slightly. "If I want you to? Didn't I ask one of you to do so just a moment ago? I thought I did."

"We – er – thought we'd like to just watch tonight, Miss White," Rick told her, and the other boy nodded eagerly in silence.

Edna began to feel slightly absurd standing there in front of the kids without clothing. "What do you mean – watch? Watch what? How can you both watch?"

Rick's face reddened and he again glanced at Bud who nodded to him. "We thought we'd like to watch you fuck something else," he said, his eyes filled with wild lust, his voice shaky.

Edna felt her heart skip a beat. "Did you bring a third boy with you?" What else could they mean by what they had said?

Rick shook his head and so did Bud, but neither boy said anything.

Edna waited, looking from one boy to the other. "Come now," she said. "What is this plan of yours? Who am I supposed to fuck?"

Rick got to his feet. "I'll bring him in if you don't mind, Miss White." He started for the door.

She bit her lips. "By all means. Get him. Bring him in the house. I'd like to see this friend you want to watch fucking me." She started to reach for her robe.

"Don't put on your robe, Miss White. He'd rather have you all naked and nice. I know he would."

Again Edna bit her lips. "Very well. Bring in your horny friend."

Rick was out the door in a flash and when he returned, Edna nearly fainted. He had a police dog on a leash. The dog looked at her oddly and licked his chops, sniffing at her. Rick removed the leash and the big dog came close to the startled schoolteacher and sniffed at her cunt.

Edna White, her heart threatening to stop beating, dropped to her hands and knees quietly, quickly. The big dog climbed on top of her from the rear, his forepaws grasping her firmly about the waist, his long, red, angry-looking prong shafting her all the way to the hilt. Edna groaned, closed her eyes, and never once was conscious of the terrific excitement that came over the boys as they moved closer to watch the big dog fuck her with all the fury of a Kansas tornado.

Later, she knew that she had done the correct thing in permitting the boys to watch the dog take her. After all, it was her purpose in life to please young boys, wasn't it?

Chapter TWO

When Danny Boros decided to head for home by cutting through a vacant lot and several backyards in his new neighborhood, he had no idea of the excitement that lay ahead of him. It was not until he impulsively gave his football a high toss into the air and then sought to catch it before it hit the ground that things began to happen. First of all, he didn't quite make contact with the falling ball. It bounced away from him crookedly, as footballs are apt to do, and came to rest near a house that was fairly well concealed by high bushes and shrubbery. Danny parted the bushes and sought to retrieve his ball. When he stood up he found himself inadvertently staring through a window into a lady's bedroom.

The lady, thirteen-year-old Danny saw with intense and instant excitement, was almost entirely naked. She wore a bra and nothing else. The bra looked to be far too small for her titties. The titties, Danny noted, his heart thumping wildly within him, were very large, very round and stood straight out from her chest. Danny rubbed himself almost unconsciously between the legs as the thing began to happen to him. He continued to rub himself until he was so hard he thought his cock was going to burst. The lady, he saw as he continued to stare at her beauty, was dark of hair, quite old, probably about thirty-five or so, maybe older, and extremely pretty. She was so pretty that for a brief moment he actually forgot the exhilarating sexual experience he was having and thought only of her beauty in a childlike way. This did not stay with him for long because his quivering cock was threatening to explode in his pants. He rubbed himself once more and with delight felt a quick shot of warm goo shooting down his legs. "Oh… boy," he breathed. "Oh… "

The lady heard him for she turned and stared directly into his eyes. The window was up a few inches and when she came quickly to it, standing to one side so as not to expose her lower body too much to his view, she spoke. "All right, boy. So you're a window peeper, are you? You know what they do to window peepers, don't you?"

Danny could not speak. Wide-eyed, he could only moisten his dry lips and shake his head fearfully.

"There's a door just a few feet from where you are standing, boy. Go to it. I want you to come inside. I'm going to have a talk with you. I don't care for window peepers. Do you understand? Go to the door and I'll open it for you. You are to come inside and talk to me. If you try to run away I'll have you arrested."

Danny could only nod his head as he looked about wildly for the door. He saw it then and dropping his football, walked to it just as it came open. A female arm shot out, a hand grasped him in a surprisingly strong grip and pulled him into the room. The door was hastily shut and bolted, he noted.

He also noted the lady had put on a pair of panties but nothing more. The panties were very dinky looking and scarcely covered anything except what Danny thought of as "the place." He gulped and reddened as he looked at her lovely body so close to him. He had never in his life been this close to an almost naked lady. He had seen pictures of them, of course. Who hadn't? And there had been one time he had accidentally seen his mother naked… but that was something different, Danny thought.