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"All right, boy," the dark-haired lady demanded fiercely. "What do you mean by staring into my window when I am getting dressed? Come now. Speak up." She still held his arm in her strong grip and she gave him a shake as if to punctuate her words.

"I didn't… mean… to look in your window… honest. I didn't… I just… I mean, I "

"You're lying, boy. I can see it on your face. Besides… " Here the lady leaned back and looked directly downward at the front of his pants. "Besides," she repeated, "you're having a sex happening. I can see it sticking up. Tell me, boy, just how old are you?"

"Thirteen, ma'am," Danny mumbled, very embarrassed but also terribly excited at her making reference to his hard cock.

"I could have you arrested, you know, sent to jail for being a window peeper. It is against the law for a… boy to watch a lady undress."

"Undress?" he asked innocently. "I thought you said you were getting dressed."

She frowned slightly. "Makes no difference. The point is, you were breaking the law, and I have half a notion to get in touch with your parents and have them put you away in a boys' prison where they teach you not to stare through a lady's window."

Danny was frightened more than ever now. "Please, ma'am, don't tell my folks. Please?"

She bit her pretty lips and he thought he had never seen such a pretty act in his entire life. He knew he had never seen such a pretty lady before. She was positively the greatest. "You're a very bad boy," she said severely. "I should punish you somehow."

Danny was about to agree to anything as long as she did not tell his parents about this. His parents were very strict about such matters as… well, sex stuff. He knew this to be a fact. The word "sex" was not permitted in his household. "All right," he told her. "You punish me, but please don't tell my folks what I did. I'm awful sorry I… "

"Come here, boy," she said, and surprised him terribly by propelling him toward the bed. "Sit down on the bed. I must examine you to see just how evil you are."

Danny didn't have the slightest idea of what she was talking about. "All right," he agreed. He sat down gingerly on the side of the bed, his feet on the floor.

"Sit over farther on the bed," the lady told him severely. "I can't examine your evilness if you just lean against the bed."

Danny moved up farther on the bed after quickly slipping off his shoes.

The dark-haired lady glared at him, her tremendous tits rising and falling as if she were very angry at him. "Why did you remove your shoes, boy?" she asked, her tone still severe and sharp.

Danny flushed. "I don't know, ma'am… except my mother always… "

"I see," she said, interrupting him. "Your mother has taught you to take off your shoes before getting on a bed." The lady wet her lips quickly. "Didn't she also tell you never to get on a bed with your pants on, boy?"

Danny flushed again. "Well… yes… she has told me that, too."

"Very well, then you know what to do, don't you?"

"Huh?" Danny was astonished at this.

"Take your pants off. How do you think I can examine your evil if you don't take off your pants?"

"You're… going… to… examine… my… evil?" he asked, awestruck.

"I most definitely am, boy. You're a window peeper and that is a serious crime. I must know precisely what you had in mind after seeing me… in… the… nude."

Danny didn't really understand any of this but simply lay there on the bed without moving.

"Very well," she cried. "If you won't remove your pants, I will." And saying this she grasped his pants at the top, unhooked them, unzipped them and pushing him over on his back, drew the garment off quickly, expertly. "Now then," she cried, her tone of voice having changed a great deal, Danny thought. "Off with the undershorts. I must examine your evil."

"Ma'am," Danny groaned. "I can't do that."

"Take them off, boy," she thundered. "Or I'll have you and your parents arrested. How do you think your parents will feel about that?"

Danny was embarrassed, but in a strange new way. He was willing to remove his shorts. Becoming bolder by the minute, he now found that he very much wanted to show this mature, adult woman what he had between his legs. He knew, having compared his to other boys his age, that he had a good size cock, the longest one he had seen yet, so it was almost with pride that he quickly stripped off his undershorts and lay back, his long prick standing straight up and quivering wildly as if it had a life of its own.

He heard the lady suck in her breath sharply.

"Am I evil?" he asked hesitantly. "Are you going to put me in prison because looking at you got it hard?"

She came closer to him, leaned over him and looked intently at his hard cock. "It is truly an evil thing. We must get rid of this evil. There is only one way. I shall have to rid you of the evil." She slipped her panties down over her hips and let them fall to the floor. She then unhooked her bra and tossed it aside, nearly causing Danny to explode as he saw her lovely titties bouncing about crazily. The tiny nipples on her tits seemed to be eyeing him hungrily.

"Oh," he moaned. "Oh… " His cock was actually trembling now.

The lady, now naked, ran her fingers over her lush body, and then astonished Danny by crawling on top of the bed, walking on her knees. His lips very dry now, he watched her as she proceeded to carry out whatever it was she was going to do. As she "walked" over the bed, she suddenly straddled his body and looked down at him in a way that he could understand but not believe. He himself had often looked at pictures of naked girls in much the same way, or at least he thought he might have. At any rate, the lady, her great tits standing straight out from her chest, gave him his greatest thrill to date simply by looking at him in a wild, strange manner.

"Now then, boy," she said, her voice having gone very husky. "We shall rid you of the evil thing." Saying this, she seized his quivering cock, inserted the head of it into the recesses of her crotch and carefully, strangely, sat down upon it.

"Oh," Danny cried out. "Oh… that feels so… wonderful." "You mustn't say that," she cautioned him severely, but with a breathless manner at the same time. "We are seeking only to rid you of the evil."

Danny found some courage. "Evil of what, ma'am?"

She cleared her throat as she sank down even farther over his cock, the warmth of her inner body driving him almost breathless from excitement. "Evil of the swollen parts, boy. A boy like you has no right to have a swollen part. It must be gotten rid of quickly."

"Yes, ma'am," Danny breathed. "Of course, ma'am. I want you to rid me of the swollen parts."

"Very well, boy," she said, her voice tight sounding and extremely intense. "Just you stay still, don't try to turn away from me or anything, and Mrs. Bush will take away the evil, the terrible evil of your swollen parts."

"That your name – Mrs. Bush?"

"That is my name, boy. Now please remain silent while I remove this evil swelling that you have."

By now Danny was more than willing to do anything at all that she requested. In fact, he had been willing from the very beginning, he realized. He also realized, or thought he did, that all her talk about removing the evil was just so much strange adult talk. Just a cover-up for the real thing.

In this case the word was FUCK!

"Mrs. Bush," he said hesitantly as the lady moved up and down, her cunt caressing his prick, "what makes you so awful hot in your… insides?"

"That is nature, boy. It is meant to be hot, my – er – inner self. When it is hot it sucks the evil away from you."

"Oh," he groaned. "I think the evil is about to fly out of me… oh… I… "

"You mustn't let it fly too soon, boy," she said sharply. "Or else the evil will… remain with you."

Danny didn't even hear her. He had already exploded his warm, boy fluid into her cunt. He kept on flowing upward into her hole as if it were never going to stop. He was so frantic with ecstasy – that he barely noticed the way she was leaning over him, pumping his cock with her great cunt, using all the great skill that she possessed. He only knew that her hole was sucking something warm and wonderful out of him and that he wanted this beautiful feeling to go on and on and on.