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They never got it right not any of them not ever never on Earth by definition nor hardly ever on Mars itself the way it was back in the beginning the way it was before we changed it
The way the sky went red at dawn the way it felt to wake under the sun light in the self rock under boot .38 g even in our dreams and in our hopes for our children
The way the way always came clear even in the worst of the gimcrack chaos Ariadne’s thread appearing or not in the peripheral moment lost lost then found and walking on a sidewalk through the shattered land
The way so much of it had to be inferred through the suits we walked in cut off from the touch of the world we watched like pilgrims in love from afar alight with fire in the body itself felt as a world the mind apulse in a living wire of thought tungsten in darkness the person as planet the surface of Mars the inside of our souls aware each to each and all to all
The way we knew the way had changed and never again would remain the same long enough for us to understand it The way the place was just there the way you were just thinking stone there
The way everything we thought we knew in the sky fell away and left us standing in the visible world patterned by wind to a horizon you could almost touch a little prince on a little world looking for
The way the stars shone at noon on the flanks of the big volcanoes poking through the sky itself out into space we walked in space and on the sand at once and knew we knew we were not at home the way
We always knew we were not at home we are visitors on this planet the Dalai Lama said on Earth we are here a century at most and during that time we must try to do something good something useful
The way the Buddha did with our lives the way on Mars we always knew this always saw it in the bare face of the land under us the spur and gully shapes of our lives all bare of ornamentation red rock red dust the bare mineral here of now and we the animals standing in it


We were brothers in those days you and I Mom off to work ten hours a day No child care no friends no family
So off we went on our merry way To a nearby park walled by city streets Where Jamaican nannies watched us play
One eye on their charges all stunned by the heat Kids here and there mom following daughter Me following you so cautious and neat
Hands gripped as you rose on the teeter-totter Intent as you stepped on the bouncy bridge Then tossed your head back burbling laughter
When you reached solid ground and stood on the edge Looking back at the span you had crossed without falling Plop on the grass to eat our first lunch
You tease as we eat your laughter upwelling Pretend to refuse your apple juice Knock it aside and laugh at its spilling
And laugh again at the flight of a bluejay Off to used bookstores’ dim musty aisles Retrieving the books you have pulled out and used
To toss on the ground and collect people’s smiles Until I stop you and you throw a fit And so into the backpack off hiking for miles
Your forehead snug on the back of my neck Home then to microwave Mom’s frozen milk So that when you wake ravenous for it
I’ll have tested the temperature with a lick And can lay you out in my elbow’s nook And watch you suck to the last squick squick
And then you nap again I write my book And for an hour I am on Mars Or sitting at my desk lost in thought as I look
Down at the perpetual parade of cars Your cry wakes us both from this dream And we’re back at it the movement of the stars
No more regular than our routine Untellable tedium not just the diapers The spooning of food the screams
But also the weekly pass of the street sweeper The hours together playing with blocks I set them up you knock them down nothing neater
And all the time you learning to talk Glossolalia peppered with names Simple statements firm orders Let go walk
Telling me to do things a game That made you laugh also knowing When things were in different ways the same
Blue truck blue sky your face glowing With delight as your language grew Till description became a kind of telling
Power I spit out the sun I sky the blue Sitting in that living room together Each in his own world surprised by new
Things spaced out lost to each other Used to each other like Siamese twins Confined to the house by steamy weather
Me watching volleyball on ESPN Listening to Beethoven reading the Post You moving your trucks around babbling when
You felt like it absorbed focused lost In your own space so fully that watching you I forgot my many selves collapsed to one and was most
Happy the past is gone David I asked beloved of God do you remember Bethesda The way my mother would have
Asked me Do you remember Zion And David looked at me curiously and said No Dad not really I know how the house looked but all
That comes from pictures in Mom’s albums you know Yes my first memory is not of Zion but California the Christmas I was three a brown
Trike put together by my dad next to the tree but My dad tells me he bought the trike assembled How can we say what did or did not
Happen David watching you I tremble You know the world are sophisticated You say you do not remember
That time and now you know so much of hate Of anguish of death Will you ever again be so elated
By the sight of swans swimming under the wharf Shrieking with laughter as they dove for tossed bread I hope we are these moments deeper than self