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The argument from computer science

When I was a senior in college, I wasted a summer playing Tetris, a highly addictive video game where variously shaped pieces fall from above and which you try to pack as closely together as you can; the game is over when the pile of pieces reaches the top of the screen. Little did I know that this was my introduction to NP-completeness, the most important problem in theoretical computer science. Turns out that, far from an idle pursuit, mastering Tetris-really mastering it-is one of the most useful things you could ever do. If you can solve Tetris, you can solve thousands of the hardest and most important problems in science, technology, and management-all in one fell swoop. That’s because at heart they are all the same problem. This is one of the most astonishing facts in all of science.

Figuring out how proteins fold into their characteristic shapes; reconstructing the evolutionary history of a set of species from their DNA; proving theorems in propositional logic; detecting arbitrage opportunities in markets with transaction costs; inferring a three-dimensional shape from two-dimensional views; compressing data on a disk; forming a stable coalition in politics; modeling turbulence in sheared flows; finding the safest portfolio of investments with a given return, the shortest route to visit a set of cities, the best layout of components on a microchip, the best placement of sensors in an ecosystem, or the lowest energy state of a spin glass; scheduling flights, classes, and factory jobs; optimizing resource allocation, urban traffic flow, social welfare, and (most important) your Tetris score: these are all NP-complete problems, meaning that if you can efficiently solve one of them you can efficiently solve all problems in the class NP, including each other. Who would have guessed that all these problems, superficially so different, are really the same? But if they are, it makes sense that one algorithm could learn to solve all of them (or, more precisely, all efficiently solvable instances).

P and NP are the two most important classes of problems in computer science. (The names are not very mnemonic, unfortunately.) A problem is in P if we can solve it efficiently, and it’s in NP if we can efficiently check its solution. The famous P = NP question is whether every efficiently checkable problem is also efficiently solvable. Because of NP-completeness, all it takes to answer it is to prove that one NP-complete problem is efficiently solvable (or not). NP is not the hardest class of problems in computer science, but it’s arguably the hardest “realistic” class: if you can’t even check a problem’s solution before the universe ends, what’s the point of trying to solve it? Humans are good at solving NP problems approximately, and conversely, problems that we find interesting (like Tetris) often have an “NP-ness” about them. One definition of artificial intelligence is that it consists of finding heuristic solutions to NP-complete problems. Often, we do this by reducing them to satisfiability, the canonical NP-complete problem: Can a given logical formula ever be true, or is it self-contradictory? If we invent a learner that can learn to solve satisfiability, it has a good claim to being the Master Algorithm.

NP-completeness aside, the sheer existence of computers is itself a powerful sign that there is a Master Algorithm. If you could travel back in time to the early twentieth century and tell people that a soon-to-be-invented machine would solve problems in every realm of human endeavor-the same machine for every problem-no one would believe you. They would say that each machine can only do one thing: sewing machines don’t type, and typewriters don’t sew. Then in 1936 Alan Turing imagined a curious contraption with a tape and a head that read and wrote symbols on it, now known as a Turing machine. Every conceivable problem that can be solved by logical deduction can be solved by a Turing machine. Furthermore, a so-called universal Turing machine can simulate any other by reading its specification from the tape-in other words, it can be programmed to do anything.

The Master Algorithm is for induction, the process of learning, what the Turing machine is for deduction. It can learn to simulate any other algorithm by reading examples of its input-output behavior. Just as there are many models of computation equivalent to a Turing machine, there are probably many different equivalent formulations of a universal learner. The point, however, is to find the first such formulation, just as Turing found the first formulation of the general-purpose computer.

Machine learners versus knowledge engineers

Of course, the Master Algorithm has at least as many skeptics as it has proponents. Doubt is in order when something looks like a silver bullet. The most determined resistance comes from machine learning’s perennial foe: knowledge engineering. According to its proponents, knowledge can’t be learned automatically; it must be programmed into the computer by human experts. Sure, learners can extract some things from data, but nothing you’d confuse with real knowledge. To knowledge engineers, big data is not the new oil; it’s the new snake oil.

In the early days of AI, machine learning seemed like the obvious path to computers with humanlike intelligence; Turing and others thought it was the only plausible path. But then the knowledge engineers struck back, and by 1970 machine learning was firmly on the back burner. For a moment in the 1980s, it seemed like knowledge engineering was about to take over the world, with companies and countries making massive investments in it. But disappointment soon set in, and machine learning began its inexorable rise, at first quietly, and then riding a roaring wave of data.

Despite machine learning’s successes, the knowledge engineers remain unconvinced. They believe that its limitations will soon become apparent, and the pendulum will swing back. Marvin Minsky, an MIT professor and AI pioneer, is a prominent member of this camp. Minsky is not just skeptical of machine learning as an alternative to knowledge engineering, he’s skeptical of any unifying ideas in AI. Minsky’s theory of intelligence, as expressed in his book The Society of Mind, could be unkindly characterized as “the mind is just one damn thing after another.” The Society of Mind is a laundry list of hundreds of separate ideas, each with its own vignette. The problem with this approach to AI is that it doesn’t work; it’s stamp collecting by computer. Without machine learning, the number of ideas needed to build an intelligent agent is infinite. If a robot had all the same capabilities as a human except learning, the human would soon leave it in the dust.

Minsky was an ardent supporter of the Cyc project, the most notorious failure in the history of AI. The goal of Cyc was to solve AI by entering into a computer all the necessary knowledge. When the project began in the 1980s, its leader, Doug Lenat, confidently predicted success within a decade. Thirty years later, Cyc continues to grow without end in sight, and commonsense reasoning still eludes it. Ironically, Lenat has belatedly embraced populating Cyc by mining the web, not because Cyc can read, but because there’s no other way.

Even if by some miracle we managed to finish coding up all the necessary pieces, our troubles would be just beginning. Over the years, a number of research groups have attempted to build complete intelligent agents by putting together algorithms for vision, speech recognition, language understanding, reasoning, planning, navigation, manipulation, and so on. Without a unifying framework, these attempts soon hit an insurmountable wall of complexity: too many moving parts, too many interactions, too many bugs for poor human software engineers to cope with. Knowledge engineers believe AI is just an engineering problem, but we have not yet reached the point where engineering can take us the rest of the way. In 1962, when Kennedy gave his famous moon-shot speech, going to the moon was an engineering problem. In 1662, it wasn’t, and that’s closer to where AI is today.